What did you think of Elden Ring. You liked it; hated it?

What did you think of Elden Ring. You liked it; hated it?

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it was pretty good but seeing all the cut content infuriates me. it could have been so much more. the patches/DLC better fix this, they've already shown they're willing to implement previously cut content with the nepheli quest.

I never liked the idea of elden ring and when it began gaining traction I realized what piece of anti-white garbage propaganda it truly was going to be.

It's disappointing. No innovation whatsoever.

I'm guessing the helmet is part of the face mesh so no chance of face reveal?

Nepheli's quest was just missing triggers.
What's cut is cut.
Almost every souls game has poorly implemented cut content.

Hated it.
t. never played it


I got bored with it the more I played. The open world was a downgrade compared to the linked areas of previous games like DS1.

Too fucking long, my OCD makes me do every bit of side content leading to burn out

You played too much of it.

Fun but forgettable, compared to other From games.
Not a single area really wow'd me, it all felt too similar to Dark Souls.

I wish they went the route of Bloodborne and Sekiro, did something distinct.

Not really. I stopped around 30 hours and got bored.

its just a dog

Kek. thanks for this, now I can post it anytime anybody mentions malekith as so sexy.

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Redpill me on this

>here's too much content
>you played too much of it
>it's your fault

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Probably won't play it, I'm still mad about the dark souls servers

The lower one is sexy tho, wdym?

I like it but I hate the 2-3 hours that go with starting up a new playthrough.
>grab every seed and tear
>bleed the dragon for the free level 35 character
>pick up the soreseal
>get the two halves of the dectus medallion
>kill the crystallian for the smithing stone bell
>grab the second smithing stone bell
>unlock mohg's palace for the bird farm
There's just way too much you can do before being forced to kill a boss. So much so that is makes most of limgrave/caelid/liurnia feel pointless to do.

i implore you to seek help

I liked the more open world approach. I'm not really a souls game fan though since I'm not good at them. Tried Elden Ring cause bored, was pleasantly surprised and like it more than DS2 and DS3, but still seething at some of the bosses difficulty.

he has the proportions of a sausage dog

he reminds me much more of a sun bear even tho it's a dog

I feel the same way as I did playing through DS3, very pretty game and fun bosses, but not too much on offer besides a few playthroughs, a real one-and-done kinda game, especially with the open world tedium making fresh runs a slog.
I like the game, but it just felt like they focused on the wrong stuff, we got open world but I think what the game needed the most was improved combat. We got the ability to jump and crouch, but that shit is hardly used, the gameplay is basically DS3 plus jump attacks, nothing more.

Any of you chads played Nioh 2 by the way? I'm thinking of buying it but no idea how it plays compared to the basic souls gameplay, never played the first one either

I haven't played the game yet but according to those who have, the following is true.
>character creator makes you select body type A/B
>you play as a virgin
>the tree sentinels are 100% aryans who wear variants of the same golden armor, they want to kill you on sight
>every time they kill you they say "such an inferior being, will do good soap"
>The final boss is a tranny who is revealed to be the actual hero who is trying to protect the world from the actual villain which is a conservative white woman who insist on calling you with female or male pronouns despite no one else doing this.
>The helpful NPCs are all black who have white maidens by their side
>One of the gestures in the game is a strange mix between praise the sun and twerking
>All of the dungeons have female bosses, you often will beat a creature and then a stronger female boss will appear.
>There's a mention of gamergate (it's very subtle)
>One of the NPCs references Rosa Parks
>When you get the option to change your appearance (yes even gender) an NPC will tell you "I'm glad you are proud of who you really are"
>there's a BLM mural inside a cave that is all way to end of the world, the description says "a painting dedícated to those brave warriors outiside of the Elden Ring" once you find this you can get an armor called "Armor of St. King" (reference to Rodney King, victim of Police brutality)
>The merchants will often mention of how there's always "evil beings" stealing the lighting of more deserving people (probably a reference to how niggers believe that Edison stole a niggers invention when he made the lightbulb despite this not being true)
>There's a Chadwick Bozeman reference, in a scroll who tells the story of a warrior that was "as fierce as a panther"
There's lots of other shit fromsoft crammed in here just to tell us that they are pro white genocide and hate their audience.

>he rather finds fat animals sexy
Obecity is a disease, dobson.

What about Jar Bairn then?

>>character creator makes you select body type A/B
West only and because reviewers would deduct a point over it saying Male/Female. It's not worth the fight.

Less post makey, more meds takey

I liked it, was good. Could cut the empty overworld map down by half and still been a good game.

>it was pretty good but seeing all the cut content infuriates me.
yeah me too brother. i don't think i've ever really been annoyed playing a game but trawling through elden ring trying to figure out stuff and getting to the end of the game and THEN they patch in extra npc questlines and map markers.... that made me livid.
it's obvious that this game is unfinished and they had to cut a lot of corners with it to ship it (even after spending 6 years on it...). is it fun to play? i guess so. is it aesthetically brilliant? absolutely. is it an amazing game and the best thing they've put out? not even close.
the biggest issue i have with elden ring is that it's so big but at the same time, it's so empty. there is not a lot of meaningful content in the game. if you take out the focused parts of the game like the legacy dungeons and i guess ranni's quest, there's not a lot there. the rest of the game is just padding.
the one thing that stuck with me while i was finishing the game was that i wish i was playing sekiro 2 or an actual dark souls 4.
>Not a single area really wow'd me, it all felt too similar to Dark Souls.
i really liked going from margitt to stormveil and unlocking godrick's rune. that whole experience is the peak of the game.

Holy fucking mental illness.

This is said every single souls game, like every single one.
You still have fags seething about the last minute changes to III.

It's grass is greener syndrome.

Like 1% of this is true you deranged fuck. The fact that you typed this out proves how mentally ill you are.

I've played all the soulsbornes and both Nioh's
I think if you're after good combat Nioh 2 is worth picking up, it easily beats anything by From in combat aside from maybe Sekiro Just be mindful that the game has diablo like mechanics, and there's 0 world connectivity at all

Looks like an angry Tigger without that armor.

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I'm conflicted.

One one hand they executed the open world properly and it felt like a natural continuation of what they were already doing in their other titles.
But it also emphasized an issue that's been considered a "feature" of all their games ... having to play it with a wiki open.
Nobody wants to sink in 100+ hours into a playthrough and then miss large chunks of the game, secret areas or gear.
And after you start to play it with the wiki open the entire concept of normal discovery is voided.

This "oh shit I missed something" is forgivable in a regular soulsborne game since you're expected to do a couple of playthroughs but given the scope of ER, you get burnt out by the time you're done and it just doesn't work the same.

Another issue is that a lot of the gear (especially armor, even "regular "sets) is inexplicably available to you in the last third of the game. Why? Considering the varied builds, why not frontload most of the gear and sets and leave the rare stuff for the endgame.

Lot of good points here

I hate how it forces me to explore after meeting a boss that's too strong for me. I just want to continue the fucking dungeon, not leave it and come back later - potentially overleveled.

I for some reason want to believe this is true, probably won't find out since I already don't plan on buying the game.
Even seemingly small things may be worth a fight. This is the overton window being gradually pushed.

Or you could just not go into every new character trying to instantly be strong before you start making progress.

>The terror monster Maliketh, the Black black that can kill gods to death and killed the gloam eyed queen so hard that the whole lands between is scared shitless of him
>It's a wholesome pupper monk
bravo Teriyaki

Liked most of it, got a little silly towards the end but I'm holding back my final judgement until I finish my warrior build. Gonna see how fucked the damage numbers are when I have health and armor.

I think I know what you mean by Diablo mechanics, but fuck it I'll pirate it and give it a try, maybe buy it if its gud. I really do not want to do another run of Elden Ring lmao, not until they patch the game or dlc

>Another issue is that a lot of the gear (especially armor, even "regular "sets) is inexplicably available to you in the last third of the game
Especially egregious is that upgrading normal weapons is so tedious, its agony trying to figure out your build at the start since the really cool shit is always near the end and the upgrade system isn't too permissive with regards to trying out new weapons

>I already don't plan on buying the game.
So you are pirating it?

delicious pasta

I ate so much pasta today.

I only used the wiki to find out what weapons from farming I was missing which just pissed me off more because drop rates are abysmally low. You can for example see several Dismounters after a few minutes fucking around in Limgrave, but not a single weapon from those fat fucks in the sewers.

Nah, I'm still pretty buthurt about the souls servers and was slightly put off from it when I heard the story was a collaboration with George Martin

This is some fucking god-tier schizo posting. I'm totally saving this pasta for later. Thanks.

The final part of the game is easily fixable.

Once you finish Leyndel the second elevator would take you directly to the last zone of the mountaintops, right before you fight the Fire Giant.
That way the momentum of clearing Leyndel is not dissipated but naturally continues onto the Fire Giant fight and Farum Azula.

The regular mountaintops would be merged with the consecrated snowfield as the secret area. Just cut down on distances and make it more dense with content by combining the two and it's good to go.

Haligtree is okay but needed it's own set of unique enemies. I imagine they cut some Miquella-related content and enemies out of that because they plan to save it for the DLC so they just populated it with regular enemies instead.

Also Mohg's area needed a bit more content. As it is it's a gauntlet where you just run through to the mausoleum.

Mohg's palace needed unique enemies instead of a million goofy, alien eyed fucks cartwheeling at you 24/7.

It had the birds.
Didn't you like the birds?
Everyone loves those birds.

>Nobody wants to sink in 100+ hours into a playthrough and then miss large chunks of the game, secret areas or gear.
Honestly, the first time I go into any Souls game, I do so blind and just see what I find and build with that. I barely pay attention to the lore, follow side quests as best I can, and just put together a STR build with whatever I find that goes with it. My first playthroughs are pretty much always there to test the waters and just explore the game. Then if I want to try another build, I'll do so with the wiki to help me track down what I need and never found/can't remember where it was and do a more focused playthrough.

Souls games are about variety and multiple playthroughs so I never worry about having some perfect 100% run the first time. It's just silly to.

It's been reposted here for a while now, ever since the release of Eden Ring, although i think this Elden Ring version of the pasta is just a heavy edit of a pasta from another game, not sure which, probably FFXIV.

>buthurt about the souls servers
You play soul games for the multiplayer?
>slightly put off from it when I heard the story was a collaboration with George Martin
It's not that bad really.

Holy shit lmao

I like how accessible it is. I've been able to summon people to get me through tough parts. I know I've probably missed a bit and I'm having trouble finding where I am supposed to go since killing godrick but overall there is a good sense of progressi9n and I don't feel stuck like I would in DS1 and DS3. I've even managed to get a couple lucky drops so I can be somewhat /fa/ even though I haven't got any boss armors yet. I just wish the coop wasn't so focused and made to be such a short burst so I could play with my friends and explore together

First playthrough until Capital is stellar, past that it's mid/garbage depending on the area. Only really liked FA in the endgame.
All in all worth my money, but not my favourite Souls and I won't be replaying it as much I think.

I'm strangely more comfortable fighting Caelid Crows and Giant Dogs than a Revenant. Hell I got to the point where his fake "posture break" is a moment for me to punish his ass but Revenants still freak me out or piss me off.