Am pretty sure i have softlocked myself here...

Am pretty sure i have softlocked myself here. I sped like 8 hours levelling in Mor Ardain against those level 60 soldiers, and am massively OP. Am I meant to lose this fight? He keeps on instantly healing but can;t do enough damage to hurt me without Nia healing instantly. I have pressed nothing for twenty minutes but can;t damage him and he can't damage me.

ffs 30 hours down the drain. Can't even suicide by jumping off the ledge

Attached: resized-image-Promo.jpg (3840x2160, 2.04M)

good morning sir

OMG... she is SO attractive...

Attached: Attractive 84.jpg (724x1024, 122.55K)

Alright, listen here. There a mechanic called spike damage the game doesn’t tell you about. Basically, it’s extra damage inflicted because you’re near it, and it’s most likely killing you. There’s spike resist aux cores at the beginning of the area, refine, equip and try again.

No, the problem is I can't die and can't kill it

I can’t help you there then, good luck.

Works on my machine

Attack the cable behind the boss, OP. Otherwise the boss will heal indefinitely.

No, you're supposed to win this fight. Destroy the power lines first you retard.

ffs thsnks user

Rex tells you exactly what to do right before the fight

This was one of my favorite fights, managing team HP with the spike damage while building up specials on the big unit made the battle a cool little puzzle

Attached: pyra.jpg (1280x720, 118.33K)

Try looking behind him, there should be a power cord you can simply unplug to kill him instantly. Not even joking

Now that we’re here, I just got XC1 on Ryujinx and the character models seem to have a wonky lighting flickering effect. Anyone know a fix for it?

yeah, Yuzu

>The smartest Xenoblade 2 fan

Dude what the fuck is that UI


Since we are doing XC2 on Yuzu, can ayone tell me how to get rid of this? It only happens when I scale the game up. In both Vulkan and OpenGL.

Attached: file.png (471x255, 201.96K)

Debased cutscene skipper.

>look everyone I’m stealing from Nintendo
Fucking kill yourself

I skipped the cutscene desu. Don’t even know what it is or why I’m fighting it

This UI can't be real. This is edit right?


Attached: 1398479756879.gif (232x286, 1.48M)

>I have pressed nothing for twenty minutes but can;t damage him and he can't damage me.
Hahahahaha xenoshit literally plays itself.
Cant make this shit up. You will never be a real Nintendo franchise.

nah its real. Someone even made an even more ridiculous edit just to make fun of it. Please post it if any user here has it, its the one with the cum-meter, popup notifications, etc

>speedreader ends up wasting time

>I skipped the thing explaining how to beat the thing and now I'm stumped!
to be fair user I think Xenoblade 2's cutscenes are cringe inducing too, at least the ones my friend who's obsessed with the game keeps sending me, but that was my cue to not buy the game instead of skip through it then complain I didn't know what the fuck to do.

Attached: 1621225829136.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

>wrpg babby hasn’t heard of dps checks
It’s real but you get used to it

>Playing JRPG
>Skipping cutscenes
Play something else if you don't like this genre

>WARNING: Low Semen
every fucking time

Attached: 1482745357035.jpg (250x323, 61.69K)

My Yuzu has the light flickering effect with the background in certain areas when I play XC2. Is there any way to fix it?

fucking zoomers lmao

didnt even try all options before asking for help...their generation in a nutshell

You deserved to be softlocked lmao.


Attached: oo.png (1065x763, 234.82K)

Why are tendies the only ones like this?

It's not just standard Nintendo fan autism, there's a dude who basically lives to shill XC2 on here, and he gets very pissed if you dare to emulate his sacred game.

This thread perfectly encapsulates current generation Nintendo gamers.

>Play Xenosaga
>Xenoblade looks like shit now
Why the fuck did they give up on the hard sci-fi setting? Who the fuck wanted another fantasy RPG... but it was le SECRETLY EARTH IN THE FUTURE twist? There's like 20 of them, and everyone seems to only play one and act like no other JRPG ever did it, and think it's super unique because of it.

Seriously. What a hideous UI.

>played it on my switch 30 fps, say *oh well it's time to try it on pc 60 fps, mods... is gonna be great"
>ryuxins plays at 20 fps and yuzu has a nice flickering effect seizure inducing
So this is the power of the pc?
>b-but your pc must be shit
tell that to my 3090 and last gen rysen, emulators for the switch are great but with xeno2 they shit the bed
you can't make this up, these fucking games asks you to watch all the cinematics almost in your face, so wtf you expected

Piracy is illegalYes

Attached: 1636926634576.png (1024x920, 207.37K)

When the definitive version of current gen Nintendo games is only playable on PC, it’s entirely Nintendos fault.

Are you retarded or something? Didn't you listen to the game? Attack the bloody cables

He figured it out

r/woosh LOL!!!!!!!!!!!


Blame FF13

holy based

>spend 8 hours doing mindless repetition so you can mindlessly skip through the bosses and tough encounters
>also skip through all the cutscenes so you have zero idea of the plot or context to the fights you're cheesing
Genuinely, what is the fucking point

you are retarded lmao

Faggots on here said it was good. It’s not really good. The only character I like are the milk trucks so I skip any cutscenes not directly relating to them. Rex is an insufferable faggot.

Maybe not you in particular, but far too often, this is the kind of people that will go and shitpost the game and complain about it afterwards. I'm getting sick of it.

Attached: 8.jpg (477x477, 89.46K)

It's Kino

Attached: Battle [].webm (632x352, 2.93M)

it's a bug if you go above 1x resolution

>PCtard is retarded
>OP is a retarded faggot
Incredible combination that is always true no matter what

>game having shit cringe characters and shitter, cringer cutscenes isn’t the games fault
Surprised you could type such an awful post with Nintendo’s dick so far down your throat

>implying hard sci-fi jrpgs with mechs are rare too

This is precious coming from a retard with sub 80 IQ.

Name 5


>Coping so hard you're complaining about scenarios you literally imagined

OP do yourself a favor and grab the resolution fix from GBATemp so you're not playing at sub 720p internal resolution like in your screenshot but having the FPS impact of 1440p.

Attached: hikari.jpg (2560x1080, 684.53K)