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Other urls found in this thread:

>Why yes, All 2042 of them are very happy with the game

Of course they are, the devs are the only ones left playing.

>have 10 people
>only 1 bothers complaining directly
>this is a good thing

>all 20~42*

If they are happy why call customer support?

>this will save the franchise

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I too call into customer support to say everything is great and working fine.

Man, I was actually hyped for this game.

Lol. lmao

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The first trailer made it seem as if it would be good, what a shame

steam users dipped below 1k the other day, total count might actually be near 2042

No it didn’t. It looked like shit from the start.

i hate the operator thing, where there are like 10 set characters and everyone is running around as the same characters it's so stupid and cringe. just let us customise a soldier like bf4..

I haven't played this game nor do I have any idea of what's really wrong with it, but I'll take any reason to hate it because I hate modern DICE and I hope they get shut down for performing poorly.

The next game should be called Battlefield : 2 Million so they can have more players left playing the game.

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>If you hate 2042, you are...le basedboy

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How the fuck? Are you 13 and this was your first video game?

Is the game woke too?

>French, by the way

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>our Indian call center says players love the game

Tom Henderson said Steam makes up 20% of the userbase so it's gotta be around 5k max at this point.

Lmao fucking prop party has more players than this game now

all 12 of them

give it time, eventually Yea Forums will be pro-2042, same way they're pro fallout3 and anti fonv now.

probably lol. the phrase
>a sucker is born every minute
exists for a reason

Result of toxic incel gamers reviewbombing because of

sorry Yea Forums, but BF2042 is the pinnacle of the battlefield franchise, quip shouting heroes and gender politics is what modern gamers want. this is how video games will be taken seriously as an artform.


You didn't play the beta? It was obvious the game was going to be a massive disaster on launch.

But French don't use non-gendered pronouns like " they/them", the equivalent is "he/she" but plural.

When's it going free-to-play?

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kek based

BFV is significantly better now than it was at launch, so there is hope for 2042, but I think they are way more inclined to just cut their losses and move onto something else. They are legally obligated to put out a year's worth of shit, but who knows if they can dial it back hard enough.

Battlebit Remastered unironically will blow 2042 out of the water if they can ever keep the servers from catching fire to actually start up the playtests

>dead in a week
>pinnacle of the franchise

mass replying should be disabled in Yea Forums

This is EA we're talking about. They let Anthem die rather than spend the money to make it good.

>Specialist known as Emma "Sundance" Rosier is non-binary
Besides /pol/, no one actually cares.

They were smug as fuck about their "early April" patch (that hasn't come out yet) that "fixes 400 bugs" but doesn't fix what people care about the most, performance, mouse input, specialists, maps, jet ramming etc.

If someone is invested enough to go through customer support, they are likely going to be quite invested. People who think it's shit just stop playing.

BFV wasn't fucked on a fundamental level
World War 3 user
That still fucking pisses me off. Anthem was an overhaul to the loot system and UX away from being legitimately good. Go take a look at a list of the top played games and you're pretty much looking at a list of "failures" that redeemed themselves. Sea of Thieves, Fallout 76, No Man's Sky, FFXIV, CSGO, Rainbow Six Siege etc.

Nobody is legitimately anti FO:NV. Its niche sacred cow status has just made it an obvious shitposting target for the overwhelming masses of casuals children and contrarians

Was cancelled due to being so bad. It was better than launch but it's still an awful game. Amazing that boomer retards praise it as the "best gunplay of any Battlefield game", and yet was single handedly the worst of any Battlefield game and any game in general really.

It's a good nuBattlefield game. BF4>5>Hardline>1>3 you're just seething over the gay woke political shit that no one cares about

>when the mass replier doesn't reply to your post

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Do you think this trash heap could be salvaged? Or is it too late?

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>you're just seething over the gay woke political shit
I don't give a flying fuck about it.
BFV is objectively a bad game.

All 5 of them

nah it's rotten to the core, like CP2077

Huh I wonder how that feels like, I'm still playing BF4

>playing the same game for 8 years

Battlefield Portal replaced as the primary mode
BF2042 maps condensed in some way
Yeah I think they could redeem it in the same way that Anthem could've been redeemed, but they didn't want to invest. They've already said they're moving on.
Cyberpunk 2077 was redeemed with the Full Game Rebalance mod and Immersive Roleplay which added faction reputation, custom missions and multiplayer kek

I mean, that's true by definition. Now that this garbage fire has already alienated everybody with taste and/or a brain, the cretins who still play it probably do enjoy it...

I honestly don't really give a shit about modern fps games, I played enough hours for my lifetime with cs 1.6. Having said all that, what i want to know is what is the main different between this series battlefield and cod?

>no one cares about
You've said this twice now ITT. Who are you trying to convince here?

>BF2042 bad
Wow, almost as if we saw the warning signs with BF4... Hardline was the redemption but the Battlefield community sperged out because "not my Battlefield" and now we are here. Retard niggers deserve it.

>EA deflecting once again
Ah, yes; microtransactions are the method that players liked, surprise mechanics and now this. Hilarious as usual.

Only one of those is mine schizo
No one cares about your polfaggotry. Fuck off.


I desire my own oldfag counterstrike game

I hope you're at least top 100 otherwise you should probably find another hobby.

Battlefield died after 2142, which wasn't as good as Battlefield 2 anyway

>hypocrite retard brings up a topic then complains when people reply to him
take your own advice and fuck off

why did they go backward 100 years?

I play for fun

I'm bringing it up because it's clear to anyone level-headed that BFV is in fact one of the best nuBattlefield games since 2013 and the only reason you could ever hate it that much to say it's the "worst game in the series and one of the worst games ever made in general" is because you're some butthurt cuckservative that's mad about woke politics.

Consider suicide as a viable option for you.

>plays same game for 8 years
>is bad and copes by saying he plans for fun
They should lock you up. Your autism levels are off the chart.

You know, come to think of it all the battlefield games were pretty fucking garbage in their own ways huh

>I'm bringing it up because it's clear to anyone level-headed that BFV is in fact one of the best nuBattlefield games since 2013
Okay fuckstick lets have a conversation about BFV
>random recoil and worst gunplay of any Battlefield game / any game of recent times
>only 2-3 good maps
>full of cheaters
>full of team stacking
>type 2A / shotguns
>poor visibility
>too much verticality
>overpowered planes
>content cancelled
>TTK changed 3 times against the communities will
>game modes removed from "FOMO" trends
>shit all server configurations / bans
>dogshit spectator mode

Do I go on?

Nobody tell him about dota, lol, counterstrike, AOEII, etc.

1942 was perfect in every way

Those games have mods and get updates. BF4 has been abandoned for fucking years bro.

didn't read, stop crying people are sick of you subhumans injecting your marxist drivel into everything you can get your filthy fucking hands on then acting like victims when people call you out

take your own advice and kill yourself, you fucking loser SJW cry boy faggot

Correct. It's literally "choice your cancer" when it comes to Battlefield games. BF3 did it the best. They all have so much potential actually.

You missed the point. If you play the same game for so long there's something wrong with you, likely Autism.

>stop crying people are sick of you subhumans injecting your marxist drivel into everything you can get your filthy fucking hands on then acting like victims when people call you out
Sorry can't hear your whining over the sound of swimming in my pool of money. The game industry is doing better than ever. Seethe harder you cuckold bitch.
t. gamedev

Hey man you could say the same thing about chess, soccer, is fun. What are you? A backlog fag?

No. There hasn't been a good Battlefield since 1942.
>inb4 2cucks claim it was good when it was merely average at best

If CP2077 was patched with mp it would be instantly worse than the release version. MP is cancer and results in no mods or quality content ever being added to a game. See GTAV or RDR2 which are both dogshit games made for cucksumers.

So you're retarded. Got it.

>no argument
I accept your concession

I accept both your concessions.

Ofcourse he won't respond to this. He's baiting.
I don't have those concerns but the cheating problem is always dismissed... The game is literally unplayable. Teamstacking as well, those AOD, KRAG retards killed servers.