Game gives you game-changing moral decisions

>game gives you game-changing moral decisions
>they actually affect the game story

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Spare Him

Fuck those pests


>no triangle to shit on him
fucking dual choice system sucks

Cats are the niggers of animals


just like in cuphead

I sometimes get intrusive thoughts around fragile animals

Inb4 that webm of the guy flushing his dead cat

Ok but what are the rewards and/or punishments for taking these actions?
Context is key. I mean I hate cats as much as the next guy but if there's no reward to be had or if there's some sort of reputational risk I won't go out of my way to kill a cat.

why do melenated individuals hate cats so much?

>game lets you purchase properties to generate revenue
I remember thinking it was weird that they had this mechanic in Fable 2

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cause they're insecure

>he doesn't know

they're upset that their ancestors worshipped them

Cats are good at what they do and don't ask for much. Something niggers can't understand.

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Take it back user

>game has a roster of characters to choose from
>one is extremely overpowered
which one is it?

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The tables have turned, Niggerman. Now it is I who shall save you.

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I remember when SWTOR actually let you murder one of the Sith Warrior companions and you'd lose him forever (your only/best healer companion)

SSJ4 anyone in Budokai 3
SSJ4 Gogeta/SSJ2 Gohan in Budokai Tenkaichi 3

Before the last patch it was Gecko Pecko. But they nerfed his speed HARD and I haven't played since then so idk

exterminates pests
cleans itself regularly
doesnt commit crime
is a household pet
is a pest
cleans itself rarely
commits crime
used to be a household pet

I get this too, and have acted on it, but only with kittens. I really dont like cats, and kittens cant quite fuck your shit up the way and adult can, so i took advantage of that

I'll take catwife

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>game lets you keep pets

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does Yea Forums allow animal abuse?

>game lets you change seats in a vehicle

Attached: CANT GET HIM.webm (854x480, 2.35M)

If my computer didn't die 3 years ago I could've post shoveldog for you. I'm sure someone has made a nice .webm of it by now


>game lets you murder innocents with total impunity

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t. Niggerman

Niggerman is the only good nigger.


Shoveldog gets posted on almost every board, but if you want to be a nigger and see animal abuse you could go to Yea Forums and /gif/

>game lets you play as a member of law enforcement

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He's still a cat

>H-he's fast!

Kill yourself

>spare him
>he goes on to commit atrocities in the overworld, the game never addresses this directly and never has you fight against him again to stop him
>flush him
>he goes on to commit atrocities in the sewer realm, game chastises you for it constantly and locks you out of the good ending


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>he thinks we're melinated

>get to this choice
>"Flush Him" option grayed out
>press "X" anyway and nothing happens
>my character spares him
>turns out I got the Toxoplasmosis Debuff hours ago and no longer had the option
>accidentally saved over my last file without it
>locked into the bad ending 20hrs in
I don't want to start over, bros...

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This thread really drives it home that this board is nothing but nigger mutt zoomers.

You subhumans were truly created to slave for the kike your entire existences until you gracelessly expire

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>meet a character
>befriend them
>they join your party
>they end up betraying you at a pivotal moment

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You don't like cats, it's just your toxoplasmosis infected brain talking.

>I think I'll play a video game today
>end up watching youtube and twitch instead

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Monky Bizness Chad reporting in

Letting a dog get that fat is animal abuse

get 2 monitors. then you can both play a video game and watch twitch at the same time

I mean, its obviously black menace, the power of flight puts him way ahead of everyone else. There is almost no way the guns can hit him either

you're not actually this retarded, it's just brain damage doing the talking user

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cute things still have agendas.

>have 2 monitors
>my desktop screen and a tv on the wall in front of me
>now I can watch youtube/netflix or whatever and shitpost on Yea Forums for hours at a time
I'm actually doing it right now, in fact

Isn't it obvious? Their genetic memory has them running up trees from giant versions of these things

>game has sneak mechanics

Attached: 1641963461176.webm (1280x720, 2.65M)

Lions and cheetahs rarely harmful becuase they're not niggers like cats

>game has destructible terrain

Attached: WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY.webm (568x320, 2.54M)

>game lets you race against giant monsters

Attached: turtle car.webm (700x700, 2.88M)


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>game has emotes

Attached: 1622171111422.webm (576x1024, 2.53M)

>game lets you play as a member of emergency services

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