Give me some uber edgy games to play

Give me some uber edgy games to play.

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Salut a tous c'est Karim Debbache pour un nouveau épisode de Crossed

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Fear & Hunger

Mogeko Castle

Lona RPG

House of Velez

Manhunt and Hatred are two Edgekinos that're actually fun to play.

the last of us 2

What about manhunt 2? Is that any good?

Crossed is so over the top it's more like humor than edge, kind of like Postal.

Crossed isn't even all that edgy outside of the cast killing the children.
Everything else was typical "post-apoalyptic survival" stuff. Was slightly disappointed after reading it because people were calling it the edgiest thing ever.

Crossed 100 was actually serious and well thoughtout until it became retarded again

>that one crossed shouting horsecock
Lel the writer was always having a giggle whenever he wrote this series.

>that one dude who gets a faceful of hairy crossed pussy

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If you like Crossed watch this:

Crossed was wild as hell

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It's ok but personally I prefer the first one.

this part is pretty fucked up tho

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it's okay, seems like they spent all the gore and practical effects in the beginning, the rest of the movie was boring and it felt way to short for what it was trying to depict, needed way more kills

The Punisher game was edgy kino.

men like him deserved it
and his wife did too for marrying a bitch boy

Ennis really is living the dream.
>getting paid to shitpost as hard as possible

what? Read part 2 and Psychopath. Now THAT is edgy shit. That one infant little girl eating it's own fetus as she birth is primo murrican edgy.

Now that being said, the quality of the whole varies on the writer. Garth Ennis and Alan Moore had some really fantastic runs.

I thought it wasn't out yet?

Does Bloodborne count?

this doesn't look entertaining, just sad and depressing? what's the appeal ?

what's it called?


shadow the hedgehog
no more heroes

you answered your own question

Is there any compilation on sale of all the issues in one comic book?

why would I want to be sad and depressed
I'm already sad and depressed

It's out to pirate:

It's available in 2160p or 1080p: the copies with slightly larger file sizes have audio-visual features you won't appreciate if you don't already know what they are and do.

More retarded than "fucked up". Woman and her family are being brutally raped and murdered and all she can do is call her husband a cocksucker.

>lady missing part of her skull
>still has time to bitch at her husband, who is too preoccupied with his ass being raped than being disemboweled

Ever read a Tragedy?

what did he even do, It's been a long time since i read it.

the same reason you want to be scared while watching a horrific liveleak breaking and entering video and seeing a happy family get massacred. Why else? Well maybe to a less extreme event you could say a horror movie but regardless you get the idea

they are framed in two entirely different ways which is refreshing
1 is a guy trapped into making a snuff film from the POV of the director
the second is schizocore mkultra delusions from the POV of an activated victim trying to escape the law
theres more cohesive theme in 1 but it gets rather same
theres more variety in 2 but if you arent into schizocore fiction it will fall flat

lmao i getcha, it's a pretty fucked up comic, but it's something you won't really see on tv or even video games, it's really that edgy, the writing and art is also pretty nice, so i'd say give it a shot
you don't really see the things depicted in this comic on tv or games, closest thing in terms of gore you have as vydia is probably tlou2

I don't watch liveleak family massacres because I'm not a psycho

she broke her ankle and he was too cowardly to mercy-kill her. and also he thought that standing in a ring of salt would save them from the crossed.
I got a little bit disappointed by it though, but that may have been exaggerated expectations on my part for being the Salt & Sanctuary developer's early works and me imagining it more of a Metroid? It's not a bad game really, pretty basic action platforming.

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he thought salt would keep them out and kill them, so instead of him taking his daugther and running and leave his wife to sacrifice herself, he decides to draw a salt circle around his family and wait
which of course, it doesn't work and gets them all killed and raped, his little daughter dismembered in front of them, it's probably the goriest part in the first volume

you'd have to be mentally ill to go out of your way to watch shit like that. fiction like crossed is different and harmless, but why would you want to watch a real family get massacred?

Don't ignore the part where I mentioned a horror movie. Don't you dare

horror movies aren't real, nobody on screen is actually dying

And no one is actually dying in a comic book.

well you sort of made it sound like you'd settle for a horror movie if no family massacres were on hand so I don't know what that really bought you

what's part 2 name? there's like 15 crossed comics

>More retarded than "fucked up". Woman and her family are being brutally raped and murdered and all she can do is call her husband a cocksucker.

This is a franchise where zombies can infect you by spitting in your face, and yet they can rape and torture you for hours without infecting you.

>what did he even do, It's been a long time since i read it.

He mistakenly believed salt was zombie kryptonite and made a ring of it around himself, his injured wife, and their child, rather than euthanising her and fleeing with the kid.

can this work as a tv show??

Not surprised if Amazon Prime adapts it.

This. I don't know why so many people here are proud to be psychos

I was just throwing out examples that evoke...I dunno some sort of fucking emotion that would translate to fear. Some people like that rush. Look I think you guys are looking too much into the first example maybe it was bad so I apologize.

In case you're actually just an autist and not psychotic, that first example was fucking insane to bring up, because most people's first reaction when they think of horror is horror movies, not liveleak murders.

So the author, Garth Ennis, is a comic book writer that shoehorns his hatred for 'cape comics' and Christianity in every comic he makes. You know that one kid in middle school that had frosted tips, wore sunglasses, had a flame button up shirt and wore parachute pants with a chain to school and swore out loud? It was impressive and funny to our adolescent minds. Now imagine seeing this guy at a 20th reunion and he's still wearing the same get up but he's fatter and older and still as immature as you remember him. That's Garth Ennis.

no, they would remove everything that makes the comic memorable, the gore, kills, and yes even the disgusting rape
it would just become another walking dead but with smart zombies


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I'm just an autist my bad that was a bit over the top

Didn't he do a Punisher run? I really liked that but I don't think I would like whatever this is

But you have to understand that this only happened because he tried using salt to defeat them.
So even a situation like this is almost like a punchline to a joke.

I'm sad I can never read about Smokey or Crossed with a pure mind again. Such a single time only experience.

She's being turned into a schizo crossed-zombie you retards, what she's spouting is half her thoughts and half needless vulgarity

You're right. So I guess I should keep that in mind if I ever read this garbage

lol you dont have a answer, seethe

Why do kids never get raped in this comic?

first comic
>people dealing how survival is also dehumanizing

every comic afterwards
>horror cinema / gorefags take it over and do whatever retarded thing they can think of
Wish you Were Here was a good desu.

I don't know what dilate means. or seethe really

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maybe the term "misery porn" is what you're looking for? where the characters suffer a great deal and things turn out for the worst against the hopes of the audience. although that term has almost negative connotations, like a work just reveling in misery as opposed tot simply telling a tragic story. which I suppose is accurate in this case

Never read this comic but how do the cross infect people if they Just kill everyone they meet?

they would in this world 100%, but i guess they can't go that far


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Survival Crisis Z and Blood Zero are classics by that dev too.

i would guess it's something to do with US law? something like describing it taking place is fine but actually visually showing it could get you into trouble?

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>oh no you dont like this girl being mutilated and this man getting raped
>you must be a tranny

edgy faggots need someday hit from the real world.

fat boi was a contrarian in the group and wasn't exactly liked. fucks up and gets left behind.
wife gets her ankle broken, he decides to act on a superstition instead of running and this is the result

No. When that happens the font starts changin into red, that was pure human hatred for her dumb ass husband.


Kinda looks like a more intense and graphic Taiwanese version of The Crazies.

>and yet they can rape and torture you for hours without infecting you.
she's turning, that's while she's ranting about some random shit while she's getting raped

>what you guys DON'T like watching people FUCKING DIE? what are you, GAY?!
>perhaps I used a bad example, just kidding


A transwoman's artficial vagina is just a hole cut in their body and lined with transplanted anal tissue, It stinks from the poop bacteria, and has to be regularly dilated with an instrument to prevent it healing up. So it's just a disgusting way of implying someone is un-masculine. Seethe is literally just "u mad"

i will not thank god, i hate women but you will never be a man.

Simon Spurrier's "Wish You Were Here" was also fantastic

Because they're being hidden behind other characters. I give you two guesses as to what guy in the hoody is sticking his dick into and it's probably still partly alive there.

that takes hours, and ennis ain't dumb to know how torture disables some of the higher cognitive functions

It's for guro fags to wank off too, which is why people disown the series near the end for shitting the bed and trying to be deeper than it needed to be.

it's what you say when you are mad enough to reply to a post but not smart enough to say anything

Sometimes they just injure people and get distracted while killing others and when they run away they start turning into one.

>Was slightly disappointed after reading it because people were calling it the edgiest thing ever.
My exact thoughts after watching this movie
Is pretty tame.

They only kill other crossed when isolated and bored, so if you survive getting infected (which takes no time at all) you may survive.
But they are like bluesharks when they frenzy and will kill their own for fun in the chaos.
The actual crisis of the outbreak is never explained, and it actually rather shortlived, since it explodes so fast.
Later come the supercrossed which are able to think ahead and organize, while still being completely depraved.
They are the only crossed that don't devolve into killing eachother after the first year.
The fireman and the twins and the convict for example.

Oh, okay. That makes sense. Well how did it shit the bed? How did it try to be deep?

isn't this the comic where cannibals rape and murder an entire family including an 8 year old girl?

The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai
The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile
Charlie Murder

they don't kill everybody, it's random, they might just infect you or they might rape and kill you, there's tons of people that get infected

It was a bad example I'm owning up to it. Ignore my autism

He wrote the boys too. But he always had a school shooter edginess to him. See also Castlevania where his christianity hating reaches new peaks.

Punisher run was good because Frank was a basically a homeless psycho with an arsenal which is an ironically more frightening concept than whatever that boring Crossed one is.

more like garth anus lmao
the boys was good up until it was dogshit for like 5000 issues and then finally had the decency to wrap up but crossed is pure garbage gurowank

read the thread.