As great as the Souls franchise is, it isn't perfect. What the one thing that you want from the games that they haven't incorporated yet?
As great as the Souls franchise is, it isn't perfect...
a level select
t. me seething over at >
Easy mode, obviously.
more actual dating sim elements
talk to waifus
woo waifus
marry waifus
make children with waifus
There is a level select and it's called teleporting, you dunce. Unless you mean changing the fundamental design to that of a Nioh type thing in which case I would say the franchise isn't for you.
if you beat the game and buy the dlc you have to play half the game again in new game plus to get to the dlc
Good combat
Well this is the case with most games, and From already accounts for that. Its why the entrance to DLC is always near the beginning of the game.
DS3 is the longest you have to go reach the entrance, Gael, and if you bumrush it you can probably get there in around 20-30 minutes from the start of NG+.
the changes I would make to "soulslike" action game combat:
>remove all i-frames
>remove lock-on
>remove backstab animations
replace with extra damage and poise damage coefficient for back attacks
>make perfect blocks give consistent block recoil to the attacker, as long as the guard was not broken.
>return of med-rolling,
>moveset not tied to weapons, each weapon has a pool of slashing/stabbing/striking attacks, 1-handed/2-handed and overhand/underhand toggle stances to choose from.
>more than just one light and one heavy attack combo available to you, make full use of keyboard+mouse
>rolling distance and recovery animation speed would be tied to dexterity
[so that low-encumbrance dex builds could take advantage of some extra positioning options (no i-frames).]
>off-hand weapons do not contribute to equipment load
>off-hand weapon switching animation is based on weapon class (expect to draw a dagger or chime nearly instantly, and an ultragreatsword over 1.5 seconds)
>heavy armor is much more powerful defensively
>higher equipment load contributes to higher stamina usage coefficient
with these changes I would hope to remove rolling as being the unequivocal defensive strategy, and instead make way for positioning and blocking. rolling instead has a niche for situations such as getting out of the way of a strength weapon's overhead slam attacks (there is no lock on/tracking).
with my perfectblock-recoil system, i hope to implement a less risky/punishing version of parry-riposte; i dislike the parry-riposte mechanic because it is long and slow and sequence breaking as it takes the control out of both players for a few seconds.
to balance this, blocking activation must have some delay, and I would make attacks cancelable for a feinting system.
>remove lock-on
Of the type of my head:
>enemies that can also roll, side step, and dodge that aren't invader or "player enemy" types.
Most enemies just feel like pursuers/aggressor types. Imagine you're fighting two mother fuckers with one pushing you and the other timing looking for an opportunity.
fix the fucking netcode
elden ring netcode is horrible. most of the time you can barely play online.
>help some fag fight malenia
>get her to 10%
>connection error ocurred
all souls game had shitty netcode, but the only one that actually always worked for me was DaS2 for whatever reason
lock on is a crutch for a bad control scheme on shitty designed gamepads. just because analog stick controlled cameras are shit compared to mouse doesnt mean casualizing game mechanics for the sake of gamepad accessibility should be tolerated.
giving auto aim/lock on greatly eliminates the depth of having to aim your attacks.
no lock on worked for monster hunter for a long time.
Actual not retarded quests progression with npcs thay do more than just spourt out exposition and then move to some random location or fuckimg die because you killed some boss in *wrong* order
a new town hub like Majula
Tired of these "weird" dead places like roundtable or all the firelink shrines
A less retarded co-op system
Protip: Spending time wanting instead of enjoying what you have is a terrible way to spend your time. Gonna play some Sekiro.
hard disagree on iframes. They are a CORE part of the Souls gameplay, in every single game. Remove iframes and that changes everything. I think they should be tighter than they are and we can probably increase the speed of rolls, but iframes should stay.
Remove lock on I partially agree with, at least for gigantic enemies. A spread camera that increases in field the more enemies are aggro'd might sound nice but probably won't work for rooms that are tight, or enemies that are very mobile or the camera will be flipping all over the place.
Dex being tied to rolling might work depending how its done
I agree with mostly everything else. Although it sounds like you're looking for another game altogether.
It feels like enemies naturally do this when in mobs
If you mean stop the detached hubs like Hunters Dream and Roundtable I absolutely agree. The fully populated Firelink Shrine was peak comfy for how it was smack in the middle of the world.
Thank you for saging dumbfuck, no clue what your problem is.
original firelink shrine was comfy but it had like 4-5 npcs tops. we need more.
also get rid of teleport until lategame.
Agreed, I know they know this at From too, so I'm not sure why they insist on granting Warping from the start. For Elden Ring and BB I sort of get it, but not Dark Souls 3.
Actual endgame balancing in ER, for one.
>subhuman uses M+KB for an action game
>make full use of keyboard+mouse
Upgrade the dialogue system.
This would include multiple options with branching paths and allow for an actual rpg experience rather than the larger fighting area style that we saw with Elden Ring: DS4.
If Fromsoft wants to do something different then experimenting with wrpg mechanics can lead them in a different direction. They already tried the open world element but they left out the living world with npc's doing their own thing, save for a few characters with their story arcs. This makes the game feel empty and dead, as it is just another arena for the player.
A fucking real plot. Not a bunch of vague snippets and item descriptions to tell a story. I don't even need it to be complex or deep. Just something that gives you any real idea of what's going on that you don't have to dig for.
DS1 and Sekiro had perfectly legible stories
BB was a little more confusing but the main objective of kill everything was all you needed to be worried about
Simple stuff that should have been fixed by now like needing to talk to an NPC again to get more dialogue out of them, reloading an area to get some item they dropped upon death or even a Quest Log that fills you in on where you are for which NPC. The nonsensically, vague or backtracking involved with these quests are better for smaller or interconnected worlds, not giant ones like ER.
I was kind of hoping elden ring would incorporate more aspects of movement and blocking from games like Bloodborne and Sekiro, it somehow feels like they took a mechanical step back from Sekiro for elden ring for no good reason.
There's no good reason we should still be relying on the souls mechanics and toolkit with a totally different ip after they seem to have learned ways to move past that already.
big dick hard mode that isn't just self imposed like SL1 that gets recognized by the game in a cool way
more happy endings for some characters
being able to refight bosses without savescumming like in sekiro
"reset camera" function bound to target hotkey deleted from the fucking game
camera not being putrid trash against dragons and giant bosses in general - midir is the ONLY fight in the entire repertoire of soulsborne games that did a decent job of this
make it harder to accidentally overlevel and unintentionally trivialize parts of the game
make some quests easier to not fuck up by doing stuff out of order without having to look shit up
have the guy who designed BB and sekiro combat in charge of combat and gameplay in every game desu
DS2 NG+ where enemy placement and numbers change instead of just stats, should be the standard.
Bow (or whatever long range nonmagical option) only runs should be as easy for the general population to do as any of the standard playstyles.
Just put a fucking option to make any armor pieces you own look like any other armor piece you already own.
I'd also like one set in a non-post or ongoing apocalypse setting, it's not just Souls games I'm tired of that Aesthetic in general. Somewhat tied to this how about the Hub area be an actual area that you can walk to and find and walk out of.
A better camera and less input buffering
You know what I'd really like, especially in a game as dual wield focused as elden ring?
A way to get two of a weapon in ng, without getting a friend to drop you a second copy.
>DS2 NG+ where enemy placement and numbers change instead of just stats, should be the standard.
i have no idea why they literally changed nothing for ng+ in elden ring
ds2 and sekiro both made ng+ interesting in different ways, even ds3 added a bunch of higher leveled rings to get in ng+ (that they invalidated in the DLC later on but still) and yet there is literally nothing interesting for ng+ in ER
>As great as the Souls franchise is, it isn't perfect.
>more happy endings for some characters
Oh and absolutely this x10
We get a great deal of turmoil and misery from this franchise and I can probably count on one hand all the NPC's ever who have met a happy end. The bleakness can become tiring at times. You can only watch a world suffer for so long before it loses impact.
>A better camera and less input buffering
Why?? its the only tool ou have that evens out the input delay.
Animation cancelling. Combat in Elden Ring is trash.
i think you should just play a different game
An engine upgrade
This. I also just want to have some kind of persistent co-op for once and it’s especially annoying in Elden Ring since the item require for summoning is so easy to come by. At least in older games you had to think twice if you wanted to use a humanity/effigy/ember for co-op but now there’s virtually no cost. The game just wastes your time sending your phantom back after you clear a boss for basically no reason now. Make the game stupidly hard in co-op if people get butthurt over the simple fact that some people have friends and actually want to go on an adventure together.
To be fair NG1 is about the only time you have to be actually cautious about summoning. By NG2 you should have humanity blowing out your ass. Embers in DS3 are even more common than that. I don't think I've ever really depleted my summoning resources, come to think of it.
I also think this should be the next development for combat, but it would probably require a complete overhaul of the combat. As fast and smooth as the gameplay has gotten, commitment to actions has been a core part of the experience, with some games more than others.
They should do this. They've abandoned the whole "commit to your actions" thing by making it so bosses don't have to, they should just do away with it and give animation cancelling to players too.
Call me a shutter if you want but I think invasions should be an optional thing if you want to play co-op. I like invasions but I can't fucking stand people that'll just run away from fights and shit just to try to get a big enemy or group to aggro you. That and the people that tryhard and get endgame gear to invade starting areas. I just don't see the fun in pvp I'd people just want to waste time or be cunts about it. Really just wasting my time.
A pause button.
Towns so it actually becomes an RPG
>Malenia cancels animation frames into waterfowl dance
>I can’t even cancel out of taking a sip
Going back to DMC5 recently highlighted just how underdeveloped the combat in Souls games is relative to what you have to deal with. The system worked perfectly in Dark Souls 1 because enemies and bosses were balanced around committal actions from the player and themselves, now we have absolute anime bullshit in characters like Malenia and Malekith.
Honestly my main gripe is just that the grimdork bullshit is played out and just plain annoying at this point. Its as if thats all he can do, it makes Miyazaki look like a hack.
What I want is for the story and setting to have some positivity for a change. It doesn't have to be mostly positive even, they just need to realize that positive moments, SIGNIFICANT positive moments, are important making the player care about the world and characters. People love the characters now and discuss them but let's be honest, 90% of that shit is pure hesdcanon. I always end up creating vast headcanons to fill in those positive gaps, and it does work but only to an extent. I'm tired of always doing that. They need to put in some real effort, they've got all these wonderful designs and some nice dialogue/voices, but it's always like they don't care enough to follow through.
And yes I'm coping
>find Jarburg
>god damn it’s one area full of friendly happy non-hostile NPCs just going about their lives I love this place
>all the jars die, Diallos dies, and the jar bairn fucks off to become a warrior
You’re absolutely right it’s just tiresome at this point.
Comparing to DMC 5 isn't very fair imo, that game is about the combat and story,
and almost nothing else. Its not an RPG with a bunch of stats and armor and stuff, its pure action with highly tuned classic style levels and sometimes some light platforming/puzzles. They get to spend a lot more resources honing the combat
>next patch
>oh we found some NPCs who were still alive (this was a bug)
>DMC5: fight giant bullshit anime monsters with giant bullshit anime attacks
>player has bullshit anime abilities to compensate
>Elden Ring: fight giant bullshit anime monsters with giant bullshit anime attacks
>jump button
When Hewg randomly loses his memory I seriously just rolled my eyes. Give me a fucking break. Whatever I did the goldmask ending so the tree stopped burning, meaning he and Rodreika lived. Fuck you Miyahacki.
a map
Give me Bloodborne with DMC5 combat
Doing anything original that isn't just a copy of itself. This style of game has already gone stale, in my opinion. How can people have fun repeatedly playing games with the same general mechanics that don't offer anything other than this repetitive style of gameplay? I know I'm an outlier but I'm actually wondering how people play DeS-Elden Ring and not get bored with the repetition. I suppose not everybody has started at DeS like myself but hype is hype and money talks.
True the games need to be happier with maybe some positive quests.
Like you can build your house and hire people to garden for you and grow fruit and vegetables and maybe buy some cloth at the local shop to craft curtains and there should also definitely be a cooking feature with maybe recipes you can find around the world.
Also mount raising, it makes sense in an open world game to purchase mounts and breed them and unlock some rare ones with like wings or something like that.
On a second thought no, you should fuck off.
The bosses are so much slower and have tiny baby attacks compared to DMC5. If you could move around like Dante they'd be ridiculously easy. I do agree that there should be "faster" combat options in general though. Being a slow tank should be allowed but you should be able to be as nimble as in bloodborne at least with a light load. Light characters don't feel light
i wish NG+ added black phantom enemies like say, how dark world tendency was. there's an actual increase in difficulty rather than just making them do more damage and have more health.
Kill yourself
>Maliketh does a 20 hit air combo with tracking projectiles and ends it with a massive AoE and immediately starts attacking again the moment I back off.
>Meanwhile I can't even swing my weapon once without being interrupted.
NG+ feels very half baked here honestly. There's not really a reason to do it other that just because, unlike in DaS1. Its just here as a mandatory obligation.
I guess I should clarify I’m not expecting combat on the same level as DMC5, but if they’re going to keep pushing these fast hyper-aggressive bosses that are both huge and have ridiculous anime attacks and anime windup/hangtime they NEED to have a more developed combat system with more options for the player in terms of animation cancelling, special cancelling, maybe basic air combos, etc etc.
>meet big blackguard boggart
>chill bro living in the middle of a swamp full of hellish creatures who want to kill you
>just wants to hang out and eat boiled prawns with someone
>only quest progression involves him getting murdered and his body getting defiled and cursed by a scat fetishist
it's too much bros
i go out of my way to kill the shit eater in the sewers in every playthrough now
I honestly just want trick weapons back. They were better and more fun with more extensive movesets than any other game in the series and it really fucking blows that they haven't expanded on them in any way. They don't even really need to be morphing weapons anymore, I just want that many moves on a weapon again with animations that actually flow into each other.
sadly they'd just be overshadowed by whichever weapon art is the most broken
Me too. Insta kill him on sight. Crab is highly useful too.