This country has the worst players out of any online game

This country has the worst players out of any online game

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OP here, sorry I posted the wrong flag

Attached: turkany.png (1280x768, 5.55K)

why? I'm a nice guy and usually the people I meet from my country are also nice, except teenagers, which are awful despite their nationality

sorry, wrong one again

Attached: Flag_of_Argentina.svg.png (800x500, 28.48K)

depends on the game desu
in MMOs yes I agree, absolute zerg-tier retards
every other game, fr*nch "people" and its not even close

fuck off, monkey

Las consecuencias de España y Chile han sido un desastre para los Hispanoparlantes

Brazilians, Venezuelans, and Russkies gamers are all infinitely worse.

At least Peruvians are quiet

>fuck off, monkey

Attached: fOrRl0vp_400x400.jpg (400x400, 24.15K)

calla mono

Dont worry we got niggers AND venezuelans. Its over

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this HAS to be fucking bait for ASSFAGGOTS players
and I still took it dammit


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Ah yes, every bad player, every shitposter comes from one of these countries. Truly the slaves of europe who like killing each other.

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Huezilian and chinks are far worse
The only annoying thing about them is the XD and :) spam, why do they still use this?

>Bingbing Wingding has joined the game
>Have to hear oriental jibber jabber for the rest of the match
>Either hacking or lagging so bad he might as well be hacking

Attached: Flag-China.jpg (800x534, 14.03K)

This is the one thing Haitians aren't the worst at.


why are americans so jelaous of China?

No shit poor people are ugly
This is Brazilian rich people

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>The only annoying thing about them is the XD and :) spam, why do they still use this?
why not?
why would you get mad at some emote
english has lol, lmao, rofl, tb h, these things
other languages are just using whatever they feel

why are europeans so obsessed with americans?

no one is jealous of China, believe me

mexinegro detectado.

For me it’s the French. 90% of french players i’ve met online have either been very incompetent or rude as fuck. They’ve even become kind of a running joke in some online games because of it.

What did you expect from a bunch of Mexican Arabs?

>mexinegro detectado.

Attached: SERGIO BUSQUETS_2020.jpg (332x498, 112.07K)

You were mestizo niggers so I don't see many things changing

At least on Euw League servers it goes like this:
Spanish are the most toxics by a mile
French are second, but at least Spanish players are fucking decent at the game, Frenchs are 100% a lose.
Germans are usually easily triggered or racist. Pretty good players
Italias are second racist, third on toxic. Good players do.
Everyone else is shit at the game, except portuguese. Wich only go afk if you spam hue

>muh toxic

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Opinion discarded faggot.

>Opinion discarded faggot.

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Russians are much worse except the ones who make the effort to properly communicate. Those ones are generaly quite funny.

The problem is you only hear those that are annoying as fuck. Russians in general are extremely quiet


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who the fuck made this

>seething europoor detected

guess the nationality

callate mono culiao

>Japan in shit tier latvia
>South Korea in high tier
>Switzerland not in God of Olympus tier
At least Austria is in God of Olympus tier.

Yea, NA knows the meta. But they are usually ass at the game

Thanks for pointing out the ones that aren't humongous faggots like you, soichugging commiefornian sissy.

>the only two spanish countries than somewhat have their shit together are bad

Attached: fed up.gif (352x216, 2.15M)

>Call me easily offended and commiefornian
>Gets offended and easily triggered by calling faggots on a videogame for what they are depending on race and language talked on the videogame
user, If this is bait here is your you, but you are no better than commiefornias you obnoxius faggot

No os vamos a devolver el oro, ya nos lo gastamos en putas.

I didn't call you easily offended. I called you a retard, which your inability to read proves. Also you will never pass.

That's not mexico

>Thanks for pointing out the ones that aren't humongous faggots like you, soichugging commiefornian sissy.
Where is the word: retard?
Pd: last you for you, faggot

Yeah, fuck off to your dilating station already, cocksucker.

>500 years of constant degeneracy and decline
>Socialist trannies that have to be under a USA controlled dictator to not shit themselves
I kek on your and your wife's son

Kek, an assblasted chilean made this, keep sneeding troons

>two highest standards of living among all hispanics vs an imbecile making up bullshit
Who should I trust, hm.

>Worse than literal narcos land, commieland or literal hell
Ye user, I prefer 500 years of decline than no time of gold

Koreans need to be up there in terms of how shameless they are in terms of abusing tiers and or broken mechanics for a competitive edge

Let's see on 10 years who is worse off, your vaxxed trannies or regular humans

>>two highest standards of living
>he doesn't know about the new constitution coming out which is about to tear down the economical system that made chile's standards of living improve considerably
It's a matter of time before colombia joins the leftie block sponsored by the Sao Paulo Forum.

Anyone jealous of this?

>speaking english

Attached: 1617544110031-2.png (241x230, 21.57K)

>retard suddenly goes schizo
Ok sure man. Try not to die of hunger until then so you can be disappointed by your own delusions.

Franco actually successfully removed commies and the same republican faggots on tier with the Weimar republic.

Just he got stabbed in the back when he died

>cherry picked video
Go mass shoot a school or something, Amerifat

>say I don't like Xi Jing Ping
>Chinese players start throwing, griefing, and AFKing
>You've received more reports than average, your account is suspended