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this place was reddit before there was reddit
still can't post in LUE
Fuck me is LUELinks still a thing?
My advice? PIHB.
and that's a good thing desu it's fucking depressing and has been for like 15 years
This is my second account. My first account was a few years older, but I was banned by in an international language board for no reason and there was to other foreign language mod for me to appeal to.
These accounts are old enough to vote.
>post you're not vaccinated
>be given 30 day purgatory
What a website
lmao no cap?
>only lvl 32
lol kneel
If you take 2 numbers from my gamefaqs account number and switch their places you get my drivers license number. Also 2012 for me can't remember why I made an account
>only 16 years old
>Literally say anything on the Switch board that isn't literally worshipping Nintendo as a deity
>30 day purg
I still answer questions for people on the forums and Q&A section, I usually browse daily for about an hour when I help folk out.
ive had my account since 98 but back before they got bought out, they required you to be active. if you werent active for like 30 days or something, they straight up deleted your account but you could make a new one and reclaim your name
>this account can purchase alcohol
>this account is older than /qst/
My original accounts was banned when we were raiding some voting thing against Master Chief.
All I literally did was vote against Chief and just says he doesn't deserve to win and was perma banned.
That was from 2005 or so.
why would you ever make an account
Is gamefaqs closing or something
Pokémon trading for me.
Kneel for what?
The earliest forum I remember being on was Nintendo Nsider forums in 2004 or 2005.
the earliest forum I remember being on was a network54 forum about roms/emulators
I remember accidentally stumbling onto a sonic forum as a kid when I knew nothing about the internet. I just grew up playing the games and watching the anime so I looked up sonic clicking on random websites going from page to page. I found a website dedicated to Sonic smut and I saw some guro that scared me off for a while from looking into anything sonic on the internet.
i never made one.
Haven't used the account in like almost 10 years.
I had an account from 1999, but I got banned in 2003. My current account has 6806 karma.
>Having an account that old and not being at least a ? block
I could just delete this account and not care. Sute is full of faggots
Forgot pic
I was using the site way back when it was on CJayC's personal homepage before it had the Gamefaqs domain but never bothered making an account till 2002. Kind of wish I bothered to make the account the week the boards went live to have a lower user ID but it's nothing but bragging rights anyway.
I had one from 99 with LUE access but it's lost now.
For me, it's Forumplanet
it became a haven for trannies a couple years ago
>bragging rights
That number just means you gotta get a colonoscopy first.
No need to be jealous over how you missed back when the internet was actually fun.
show ebaumsworld account
>older than most of Yea Forums
Yes, 99% of the site is trannies now since anyone sane left and they dont host links anymore. I'm surprised I still remember my password for it considering theres no reason to go there.
Sorry if this thread gets 404d.. Theyve been cracking down hard on non vidya things
the antediluvian tourists...
I think i went from ign to gefaqs wgen ugn decuded to make the forums for suscrubers only which i think didn't last long but i never went back.
Wow, all that time and you're not even an Elite? Might as well just kill yourself, my man.
Remember when "console whores" used to be the predominant way of describing consolefags?
Same here. I can't remember why I recreated my account, probably to edit or take down some stupid shit I wrote when I was a youngfag.
Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time.
You realize not everyone would have made an account immediately right? I browsed it for a long time without making an account, still not entirely sure why I did.
my strongest memory of gamefaqs is that it got me into furry porn. I don't remember which board (it was one of the non-vidya boards, might have been CE) but there used to be generals where they would link imgur albums of furry smut poorly censored with black paintbrush strokes in ms paint. no idea how or why the mods allowed it to be a reoccuring thing
Are you the drawfag?
I had like four accounts.
Kept getting banned because GayFags mods are giant faggots who kept banning me for the most inconsequential shit ever.
My current account is in purgatory cause their social boards don't like questioning of the tranny agenda, and basically anything you can openly talk about here. That being said, the game boards can have quite wholesome communities.
>once got a post/thread deleted for posting the gta 1 lyrics on a gta iv board well before it came out
I recall one mod would post on poll of the day and he'd make threads where people could get him to look at your deleted posts and tell you if you should challenge them. Least, I remember him looking at mine and being all "Challenge it. It's GTA related regardless."
Using Gamefaqs for anything other than the faqs is niggerous.
i never used it even back then. it also stopped showing up in my google results at some point. can't complain.
i forgot my password a long time ago. coolest thing i remember about gamefaqs was board hunting, how like tens of thousands of games were so old that their boards didn't have rules enforced, so people would just hide weird messages and rants in them for others to find.
>got banned one time because I said "N stands for *banned* " and then the mod called me a nigger in the private messages
not gonna lie, slightly based, but still fuck that power-tripping faggot
Do you still have enough living grey matter to remember some interesting messages.
>coolest thing i remember about gamefaqs was board hunting, how like tens of thousands of games were so old that their boards didn't have rules enforced, so people would just hide weird messages and rants in them for others to find.
Forumplanet was like that too. Among all the usual Planet sites there were also inactive ones, as well as admin test boards, and PlanetDeleted, which was a giant graveyard of dead sections.