Youngfags i have a question: what do you know about Metal Gear in general?

Youngfags i have a question: what do you know about Metal Gear in general?

Its last canon game released on the PS3 that take out 16 years ago and its first was on the MSX in the late 80's or something.

For those of us who were born in the 80's and 90's it was a constant, high tier example of what the medium could do. Some could say we boomers are still in a dream.

But with the games largely delisted and no longer produced physically have you heard of the games rather than just memes? have you played any of them? MGSV was 7 years ago, MGS1 was nearly a quarter of a century at this point and so on.

What does Metal Gear mean to the zoomkinde of today?

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I'm actually curious of this.
I'm way too old to answer though.

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>Its last canon game released on the PS3 that take out 16 years ago

>MGSV was 7 years ago
What the fuck.

>What does Metal Gear mean to the zoomkinde of today?
mgr twitter memes

it's just one of those franchises that never really caught my eye much, alongside RE, FF, Zelda, and other popular series i can't quite recall. don't ask me why, either; it's just one of those things.

>What does Metal Gear mean to the zoomkinde of today?

Nearly 15 for MGS4.

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MGSV is canon too. It’s even better than MGS4: The movie. Fuck off OP

Man, it sucks so much that Metal gear is pretty much dead.

i got hyper autistically into it when I was 16.

1999 zoomer here, love the series. MGS1 is my favorite.

All i know is that Kojima is a genius

Can't wait to say "Boss, it's been 9 years..." wonder if konami or kojiami is going to actually do anything for the 9 year anniversy.

>wonder if konami or kojiami is going to actually do anything for the 9 year anniversy.
Kojima will probably tweet a bunch of stuff and Konami release an NFT or something for marketing.

what the fuck

bro... MGSV IS the 7 year old last canon entry he's talking about.

yay new mgsv themed gachi games.

Remember the massive ass devastation this guy caused and now this board reveres his spin off game and MGS2?

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And tweets user. At least we will have broken English tweets.

Twitter and Youtube memes.

i was unfortunately born in 2002 so by the time i turned old enough to care about the series it was pretty much already over
but that doesn't mean i don't care, i actually have played the original two msx metal gears, 1 is trash but 2 is good, and i've beaten mgs1, 2, and 3, and i love them all
i guess i'll never understand how cool or revolutionary they supposedly were when they were new but i still have a lot of fun with the series regardless and i plan on playing the rest of the games soon
snake being in brawl definitely helped me become interested in his games when i was younger

fuck games, i just want kojimas ipod playlist.

>2 more years for the anniversary

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He actually a superior protag to Snake. People just wanted le manly action hero because at the time it seemed just cool to play as him.
Aside from MGS1 he is not that interesting, and his performance in 2 is inferior to 1 too.

No, it really is not. At all.

I'm sorry are you saying you have played all of that but not 4. Which is the fucking ending and the most kino ending in all of videogames?

Buy a fucking cheap ps3 from a pawn shop or something and experience something that will change you brother.

in true zoomer fashion, i got really into the lore and consumed the entire series via youtube.
i have never played an mgs game but i have watched complete playthroughs of all the mainline titles+po, listened to all the codecs, and read the novelizations. idk, man.
picrel, a big boss i drew

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I'm a boomer and I still don't know what happened in mgs4 despite having watched about 20 hours of clips over time

MGS5 is a filler game that didn't have to exist.

>Its been 7 years since Yea Forums as a whole sat down and loaded up V for the first time
>We passed upon the stair
>We spoke of was and when
>Allthough i wasn't there
>He said i was his friend
>Which came as some surprise
>I spoke into his eyes
>I thought you died alone
>A long, long time ago

Feels strangely melancholy man.

The old colonel guy from 3 fucked everyone over and Big Boss and Eva played the villains to finally fuck him over for the Boss and to maintain the ideal of a soldier being able to choose their own code rather than be brainwashed and chipped drones.

Ironically in some ways similar to armstrong but he took it the opposite way to far to caveman logic.

All my knowledge is from Yea Forums posts, I've never played it.
t. 2000


I'm 24, don't know if that's too old.
I know its a beloved franchise, and Kojima predicted the future or something with MGS2, I also know of the interesting 4th wall breaking gimmicks like Psycho Mantis reading your memory card for other Konami games and you having to plug the controller into port 2 to play, also the thing in one of the later ones where you can set the clock on your PS2 ahead to make a guy die of old age.
Its cool stuff, but I've never bothered playing any of the games because they don't seem like my kind of thing.

Zoomers see mgs the same as you do, they play it on emulators and listen and agree with millenials opinions on MGS on youtube and Yea Forums


Let this blow your fucking mind.
This was written in 2001.

and then 4 years later in rising absolutely nothing changed ?

user the opening segment is all about how Snake broke SoP so all the hyper advanced brain control tech and weaponry fried so people augment their bodies but their minds remain individual and the only difference between Jack and sundowner was ethos.

like we are talking pre credits here how do you miss the setup and premise of the setting and the games enemies?

All this makes me think is that millions of years shaped us into a tribal ape evolved to operate in small multi family units and to parse that level of daily input and noise and social media has destroyed us in less than a decade.

right but then we see an entire room filled with vr-trained brains in a jar so I just assumed we were back at square 1

Ocelot is a double agent. He brainwashed himself into believing he was Liquid Snake after the possession in MGS2 in order to get close to the Patriots and let Snake destroy them with help from Naomi and EVA. Big Boss is somehow still alive and explains the entire plot at the end of the game.

Thats the point though. You can change the system but its not a one and done. There will always be some scumback trying to change it to suit his terms and ethos again. Its constant upkeep to fight for true freedom for the self because theres always somebody that wants to profit from taking it from you.

Did you hear? Those bastards on ps3 did it, they really did it.

18 year old here, it's a stealth shooter with a convoluted and occasionally goofy plot (good for memes!) and some characters have funny voices names, or characteristics (also good for memes!). Haven't played any but so have most zoomers. That's about it.

I've started playing the games with my brother, and we've been having a lot of fun. We're gonna try to complete 3, 4, and then rising together, although I've played rising way back in 2014.

Can't really deny any of that, even if a "shooter" would be the last term I'd personally use to describe them. You do usually shoot a lot of guns, even if doing so is discouraged and quite different from the typical contemporary titles.

19 year old here, I played mgs3 recently and it was one of the greatest game I've ever played, the ending was pure kino.

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21 here, I know about Snake, Raiden, and Otocon primaly due to memes and their inclusion in games like Smash but I've never played an msg game. It just doesnt seem like my kinda game not a stealth guy, and from what little of the story I've looked into it seems nonsensical with the clone traitor business. Revengance looks cool though, Ill probbaly give that a go.

It's an example of "ARTISTIC STEALTH", a kind of "STEALTH ACTION" that pumps the blood of the artist - the player - in fast and intense movements, not unlike the striking of red paint on a canvas.
In a similar way, "ARTISTIC STEALTH" has the player swiftly dash his fingers and hands across the gamepad, manipulating the lights and worlds within his "CONSOLE", through action and evasion, into pure victory.
It's tactile, tactical, strategical, expressive, and heartfelt, therefore an art.
It's a blade of those who would call themselves "GAMERS"
Watashi no blade, "HEART OF STEALTH ACTION"

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Born in 2001, beat MGS1 on PS1 a couple of years ago and it was great, just started MGS2 a few days ago. Problem with me is I have a shit attention span so I usually just play games which I can beat in a couple of sittings.

22 year old here. Grew up playing MGS1-4. Grinded the fuck out of Peace Walker and had a blast playing online. Started getting MGR recently and its okay, nothing special.

Born 97 and played through mgs - mgs 3 half a year ago. Very good games. Mgs looks really good for being a playstation game and still holds up. Didn't like mgs3 as much because I didn't like the whole theme of the game and the survival mechanics felt lame.

If I had to rank them It'd be
Mgs > mgs2 > mgs3

I've gone back and played through all the mainline titles, but I'm forever ashamed that MGSV was my entry point to the series.

21 Here
I love MGS overall but I've admittedly only played 5 and Rising but I love both to bits
I recognize 5 is a weaker entry in terms of story but its still very fun to play
Never owned any when I had my PS2 when I was younger, my parents considered the stories to be too big for me and I didn't know how to read while I was that young

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>we boomers
>reddit spacing
Go back, kid, you're not fooling anyone.

Damn Raiden has some really wide hips for a dude here. Why does he have birthing hips bros?

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>What does Metal Gear mean to the zoomkinde of today?
The first blockbuster video game, that's also the first to use aspects of postmodernism in it and a franchise, at least for the first three entries, that's very relevant for the current political climate. MGS 2 da best.

I played 1 a few years back and best 2 and 3 about a year ago. I got a good deal on a PS1 and bought MGS1 for like 15 bucks on ebay. Played through it. Loved it. Played through 2, got bored like halfway through. Tried it again, and beat both 2 and 3 in like a week.
I played 4 for like 5 or 6 hours and got bored, and beat the one MGS5 thing where you save the kid. Other than I have no idea about pre solid Metal Gear nor any of the handheld games.
I was born in 2001 and I'm a sophomore in college.

V added nothing of value to the canon.

I'm not a zoomer, but I can answer this question for you: they played or at least know about MGS5 because it came out fairly recently, they know what MGSR is because of twitter and youtube memes, they know who Snake is because he's Snake, and they're familiar with the notion that Kojimbo is a brilliant auteur. That's about it for probably 99% of zoomers.

for me, it means that i played and consumed all games religiously except for V and the spin-offs like rising.

i always loved metal gear and it's quirks to me it's the most fun franchise that i can replay back to back without getting bored.

as for normie zoomers? they know about V, some people loved it. but they know about rising for sure but they don't know how revolutionary MGS1 was for its time.