3x3 Thread

It's that time fellas. Rate and recommend a game based on the person's 3x3.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Having we love katamari proves you don't know shit about vidya game design

>It's an improvement in every way!
Nope, it's an unneeded sequel that takes away from the appeal of getting larger and the fun nature of rolling a huge ball. Cope seethe, you're a faggot

Rondo, Chrono, MGS2.

We're all friendly here m8. I prefer We Love Katamari because of the music. It's a very nice game to chill out and roll to and the ambience of tracks like Houston, Heaven's Rain, and Tsuyogari Katamari make it a real delight to relax while cleaning up things with your katamari.

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based KH2 applicator

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Sorry M8 I have to break it to you. It's final mix, not base KH2. I'd honestly put KH 1 over KH 2 but final mix really saves it.

I would recommend I am Setsuna
I would recommend Kirby and the Forgotten Lands

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1/1 (MGS2)
Play more Kojima games.
3/3 (MGS3, Dino Crisis, NieR Replicant)
Play more Kojima, Mikami and Yoko games.

Attached: Vampirdzhija Vjedogonia - ICO - D4 - Ookami Kakushi - Moonlight Syndrome - SIREN - Drakengard 3 - Zero Time Dilemma - Policenauts.jpg (2448x3264, 3.74M)

You're good, I also prefer final mix. I've spent so ling considering it the right version I don't add FM much

>these additional boss battles save the entire game and make me put it over kh1
the absolute state of kh2tards

How is Policenauts? Is playing Snatcher necessary to play it?

I think people forget how little post-game content there is in KH2 that final mix adds into it. I appreacite KH1's superior story and actual justification for Disney worlds as opposed to KH2's mainly touch and go unnecessary Disney worlds, but KH2 cuts the fat of the platforming and awkward magic for something that's a bit more focused towards the magic, Although I would love for the possibility of spells like Stop or Gravity being added to KH2's system. I really like both games, but I could only choose one for my 3x3.

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Cool art.

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>Kirby and the Forgotten Lands
honestly the first Kirby game I think I might enjoy


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what the hell are those

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3/4 +Rondo, Odyssey, KH2 -MHW
shut up
5/5 +SMG, Portal, Bioshock, Platinum, KH22/2 + P2IS, Bloodborne
>Zero Time Dilemma
I’m interested to hear why you chose that one
3/4 +DR2, TWEWY, BOTW -Doom

Attached: EA4A4452-302A-4A80-9585-E8FFC1AA4558.jpg (920x920, 378.63K)

5/5 (PaRappa 2, USFIV, MHW, Rondo Odyssey)
I'm glad I mostly see praise for PaRappa 2 and Lammy these days. PaRappa 1 has this weird reverence when it's basically a tech demo, while both sequels have more content and better music.
2/4 (+Galaxy +H2 -Sinnoh -Bioshock)
4/4 (Gradius, NG, MM3, Tyson)
Glad that that Carmelita sequence had no effect on me.
As a long-term Kirby fan I legitimately think it might be the best game, and absolutely worth getting 100% in. Bursting with charm and smart level/boss design. Shinya Kumazaki is one of the best directors in the industry and I hope more people recognize how much he's done for Kirby.
2/2 (DMC5, DOOM)
I got through Week 1 of NEO TWEWY before I put it aside for Stranger of Paradise and Forgotten Land but I really liked it and will go back after I finish up FL.
2/2 (MH, JSR)

Attached: 3x3 Vidya.png (921x921, 462.46K)

iffy on putting HLD in here since I never beat it, but it was pretty memorable

Attached: 3x3.png (879x878, 1.62M)

>Zero Escape
Based as fuck.
>Moonlight Syndrome
I would fucking kill for an English translation. Three different people/groups said to be translating it over the years but none completed it yet.

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neat grid

+FNV, Chaos Theory

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I remember your old 4x4 from Rainworld and Pathologic. Why the changes, like taking out Dark Souls and Ace Combat and adding silent hill 4? You change it a lot

I have autism.

Attached: download (2).png (640x640, 383.83K)

fair enough, well you consistently have kino taste


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thanks user

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based Inside enjoyer

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never paid attention before but what to all the symbols mean? + - / ~ etc

+ is played and liked
- is played and disliked
/ is have not played
i think ~ is played and mixed

+ good/great
~ mediocre/mixed
- disliked
/ haven't played

Attached: FPyc5XrVUAEjCrZ.jpg (330x248, 22.12K)

It hurts. It would have been the best swery game

My nigga. 2 is better than 1 though.

Big plus for Daioujou

Did Swery ever outline what his ultimate plan would've had been for D4 had he continued with it?



No, and I don't think he can because either Microsoft or Access owns the IP. Every character from that D4 demo was more memorable than anyone from Deadly Premonition 2 though.

4.5/5 +MGS2, KHFM, Rondo, CT, ~SMO
I never really got into Mario Odyssey for whatever reason. It just didn't really click with me.
6/6 +SMG, New Vegas, KH2, T&T, Portal, Bioshock
Based Godot chad
4/4 +MGS3, PS:T, Bloodborne, NieR
I played a little bit of P2 but haven't got back to it. I mainly want to play it for Nyarlathotep since he's the best Outer God. I also started The Witcher 2 today and I'm enjoying it.
4/4 +TWEWY, DaS1, Pikmin 2, JSR
I need to play MH4U since I love FU and 3U a ton.
3/4 +Okami, FF12, Raidou, -HK
Never thought I'd see someone on this board mention Boktai
7/7 +DeS, BB, Rain World, SH1-3, Ghost Trick
Based Ghost Trick bro
7/7 +HL1, HL2 + EPs, Portal 1 and 2, SS2
Wish I had a VR headset for Alyx but oh well. Best HL game is still EP2 imo.

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if you guys arent going to use box art you should atleast put titles like other anons do for the games. what the heck is the game on the bottom right?

reverse image search, jfc

This. I understand putting the names of the games on the filename but not saying what the games at all pisses me off.

None of those nameless art posters post names on the filename

not him but I think it's etrian odyssey

Imagine getting filtered by fucking Katamari

Attached: 3X3 Games.png (900x900, 1.53M)

is it me or people in these threads actually play videogames

>save image
>open ms paint
>crop out each game you don't recognize and save as new images
>open reverse image search and upload each image one after another
no one is going to do that

all kino

good shit, play max payne 2 + 3 if you havent yet.

Attached: Screen Shot 2021-11-20 at 8.47.52 PM.png (615x615, 772.97K)

do ya like valve games?

>What is Yandex
Go back to your website of origins, redditourist

stop getting filtered by a 3x3 thread

Weeb troons.
Weeb but not troon, just gay.
...and his boyfriend.
Basic bitches but mental health is intact.
Basic bitch in denial.

Attached: 3x3 22.jpg (1000x1000, 410.28K)

>what is snipping tool

we actually play bideo james

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>Battlefield 3

It's pure kino. It's pretty much a love letter from Dice.

additional evidence:
