Why are japanese developers so racist?
Why are japanese developers so racist?
It would be nice if he took his own advice.
too late
>Square Enix
He's right, the studio's workforce will be reflected in the product. Better produce something you fully understand, rather than something you can only have an impression of.
He is right
cool it with the anti-semitism
The Japanese are a dying culture, and dying cultures always circle the wagons and refuse to be on the right side of history. Just look at Russia right now. It is committing suicide out of spite. Japan is pretty much the same only has been forced to disarm.
based samurai
Japan is racist as shit
>Why are Japanese developers so racist?
because you should do all you can to never stoop as low as inferior races
says the guy who's company is making capeshit games for amerimutts
When's the next Marvel game, Yosuke?
Based. Yoge kusoge btfo.
FPBP. SE are the most westernized Japanese publisher and holy shit it shows.
extremely ignorant and american take. don't project your own failed culture on the most balanced, most prosperous culture on the entire earth
>no crime
>poor people in japan have the quality of life of upper middle class in america
>free healthcare
>at the forefront of technological development
that one died in 1905 my dude
and Japan survived 70 years of USA already, they are fine as long as they don't speak English.
Not racist, they know people don't like games like The Last of Us, Horizon, Deathloop, Assassins Shit, Far Cry, Anthem, etc. The list goes on an on. And I agree. They should ignore progressive colonialism and do their own thing. Unfortunately, it's too little too late, everyone knows their games are trash.
He's just like Trump. Says one thing, but does the exact opposite.
Are you people actually autistic and can't parse meaning from words? He isn't saying Western games are bad, he's saying Japanese developers won't be able to make good Western style games.
By 2100 there won't even be any Japanese left.
Says as they ruin their own games in favor of Forspoken and Marvelshit.
I literally can't think of a single good Japanese game that came out in the last 10 years.
this, it's quite funny this is the square ceo saying this
precisely, trash. That dude is an idiot
>Guy who does exactly that doesn't take his own advice
God I hate corpos so much
Oh the irony
There's plenty. Just none by SE.
He's stating, in stupid overly-formal Jap talk, that the brown-and-bloom era where they did precisely that with titles like MindJack and 3rd Birthday was a disaster which set a lot of the country's major development houses back almost an entire generation.
but it's only that way because they are racist, everyone should be more racist so we can all have that
Memes aside, what he means is that nips can't copy western styles because they're fucking nips, thus will churn out shit in the process because of cultural barriers or shit they don't get about western games, best exemplified by Capcom's western push.
Pretty much
That's not a racist statement, user.
Now Japan itself is massively racist and shitty in so many ways, like corporate cultures that drive men to suicide. But all of that is Japan's problem. I got an America to burn down.
>imprison anyone merely accused of a crime and consider them guilty until proven innocent
>look how low our crime rate is :)
>poor people in japan have the quality of life of upper middle class in america
I literally laughed out loud
>Yea Forums isn't fooled by the racism narrative in the sleightest
>>at the forefront of technological development
In general for the past decade, "no". There's still a few industrial niches but in terms of consumer electronics they've either switched to buying off-the-shelf in fields like video game hardware, or remained and been completely obsoleted by the Shenzhen - Silicone Valley complex. It was a significant reason Sony were floundering during the PS4's lifespan, because even though PSN printed money it had to offset laptops and cameras and phones that was rotting in warehouses.
>Capcom's western push.
Thanks Inafune. I still won't forget him essentially calling the Japanese gaming industry creatively bankrupt then going to pitch a megaman rehash (MN9) a year or so later.
Sadly TWEWY NEO is one by said company. Too bad they hated marketing it!
I was just about to say the exact thing. What the fuck is this article
This, how the fuck does someone at Square fucking Enix get off saying that Japanese games shouldn't imitate western ones? SE are literally the fucking cardinal offenders of doing precisely that.
Then you're a peak normalfag or a pcnigger
When you condemn an entire nation of people as racist that you don't even understand you are committing a textbook example of xenophobia. Every retard thinks they're an expert on Japan so saying this is just going to fall on deaf ears.
Aren't they the ones releasing a game with a nigress from new york as main character?
Why doesn't he do that?
That's rich coming from the faggots who released western games for the past few years.
It's just bait. I like that people are discussing and shitting on the industry.
Interesting. And yet the common consensus is that Elden Ring is a Japanese imitation of Western fantasy games. Elden Ring is considered to be the greatest video game of all time.
>that Elden Ring game is selling millions
>why not all Japanese developers imitate westerners and make games to sell millions
So much is lost in translation.
Second behind capcom.
>common consensus is that Elden Ring is a Japanese imitation of Western fantasy games
What group of retards reached that "common consensus"?
Oh wow, the guy from the company turning all of their famous ips into shitty western arpgs to appeal specifically to the west is saying not to copy the west.
On its own that is a based thing to say, but extremely hypocritical because square enix is the absolute worst when it comes to copying western game philosophy. outside of the combat, FF7 remake had all the worst elements a western game has. walk and talk time wasting bullshit, boring static environments you can barely interact with and cinematic scripted shit, sliding through a small opening like 20 times to load the next area, simplified RPG mechanics not to scare the normalfags. just generally a lot of things that take manual control away from the player in favor of automated, cinematic shit.
Xenoblade 2
My mind blocked out so many of those shit games from that era trying to ape the popular gritty western shit. Man those were bad.
>And yet the common consensus is that Elden Ring is a Japanese imitation of Western fantasy games
Not exactly no, Elden Ring and the other souls entries bar Sekiro are western fantasy inspired but as games they follow more Japanese sensibilities.
Not exactly though. Capcom are westaboos but they aren't imitating western games. Western pop culture maybe. But not games.
And yet he signed off on censoring panties in Chrono Cross. Fuck him.
>Says that
>Has his company make nigspoken
>Is also full in on nfts and the metaverse
He's a retarded hypocrite.
>Capcom are westaboos but they aren't imitating western games.
Eh, it depends on the game. They definitely crossed the line with mhw for instance.
This is better bait than the bait you are replying to.
that's a good thing. they need to be left alone and continue producing what they are meant to produce.
>I literally laughed out loud
not an argument
at least you're vaguely aware of how wrong you are
same except western game
all the good games I've played over the past 10 years were japanese
Then you don't play vidya.
Based first post.
>all the seething replies
topkek, jarpigs eternally BTFO
he never said japan wasn't prosperous. he just said it's racist. the two aren't mutually exclusive. also, japan isn't perfect, weeb. it's an ultra-consumerist nightmare with some of the highest suicide rates in the world and a corrupt justice system.
Is Death Stranding considered a western game? I like that game.
NEO TWEWY was published by SE (barely)
I laughed because you're so delusional about Japan.
I do love the hypocrisy. If they only made the three Tomb Raider games be more like Japanese games, it would've been 100x better.
Where, bluepoint?
They shouldn't imitate western anything. Specially the """progressiveness"""
Meant Shareblue, not bluepoint.
Not him but that's highly debatable. Soulsborne and Elden Ring's focus on stat and equipment moderation falls more closer to western than Japanese sensibilities.
Only the way in which they handle story and character arcs is closer to Japanese.
Yup, hell kenji inafune warned capcom of this years ago and now almost every RE game after 5 has became throw away trash that appeals americunts and europoors, hell there's a reason companies like Sony are struggling with sales of the ps5 there, it's partially them trying to go for more western action style games and less of what japan actually wants from them.
Should he ditch western business suits too?
SE creates nice demos but make westernized garbage instead
MHW is so painful to replay. It was tolerable the first time but goddamn do those cutscenes drag on, not to mention the story is awful and only gets worse in the expansion.
Making your games like western games is absolute cringe. Making your games in a western setting however is absolutely based. and the japs have been doing a better job at it than the western devs are for a while now. but anyway, this is extremely hypocritical coming from square enix.
>focus on stat and equipment moderation falls more closer to western than Japanese sensibilities.
user, they aren't traits of either, they're generic elements of games.
What makes it Japanese is the focus on gameplay above all else, its not there to tell a story or give you choice first and foremost like a game like fallout but rather have the player explore and try things of their own accord in a fully player driven interactive experience.
Have you seen the resident evil games since 4?
He's right, people should stick to what they know instead of chasing others for crumbs of a quick profit, but as fpbp says, it's rich coming from him.
Regarding their suicides, it's been trending downwards for a decade and is actually lower then America now.
fuck off weeaboo, japan is an actual police state where the judiciary largely exists to give a rubber stamp to police activities and therefore provide some form of legitimacy to it. if you're accused of a crime in japan by the police you're almost garunteed to serve prison time for it even if the judge knows you're innocent because siding against the police would bring dishonor to the state and for them image is everything.
plus on top of that the police are lazy as fuck and do shit like label most murders as suicides so they don't actually have to investigate anything.
There is some nuance there. They're largely a xenophobic people but its really only the older population that are full blown racist. And its not like you can't find the exact same population groups in the West.
Tell me about it, I still haven't gotten around to fatalis because I had to buy it again on pc and its just unbearable.
Yeah I guess thats why ACAB got so much traction over there. Oh wait - thats a burger problem.
Their facescan tech ruined them for me. All females look like goblins prefer doll/anime like faces or better faces than goblin.
Aren't there some mods on PC to skip the cutscenes? I was playing on a friend's ps4 so I had to slog through them.
>>at the forefront of technological development
This was true maybe 15 years ago.