Which one should a beginner like me play?
Tekken 7 vs Street fighter V
whichever one you think looks cooler
/thread. Same with the character you choose.
nah I tried this one I don't want it. And there isn't a lot of people on pc despite being new
Mortal Kombat.
Tekken 7 looks cooler but there isn't a proper cpu versus. Only some arcade mode. I mean sure I'm gonna play it online but it bothers me a bit.
Play Fortnite or LoL. I mean, seriously. Waste your life on a game you'll never be very good at again. To play Tekken or SF well you had to play since the days of arcade machines, you don't have muscle memory in your fingers, it will take you ages to learn combos. And if you decide to play any of these games, after 200 hours of tedious monotonous training maybe, I repeat maybe you will be an average player.
If you absolutely want to play fg, play Soulcalibur or DOA, you can be a good player there by mashing buttons and with proper rhythm sense.
Learn frame data, if you don't it's going to be like playing chess without knowing what all the pieces do.
frame data? wtf, I don't want it to be a chore, I already work and study.
sfv if u like 2d
tekkenn7 if u like 3d
its not that hard
>buying frame data
Get fucked Harada you fat pig
Have fun trying to figure why you're getting counter hit when you smack those buttons.
Hum ... I think I'm just gonna have fun doing something else of my spare time now that I think of it.
If you get counter hit once, you know not to challenge that attack again. You don't really need frame data for casual play.
What I meant too is people don't punish since they don't know the frames especially if they're up against a Kazuya spamming df2 back to back.
Tekken 7, pick Leroy. He's a good beginner character
Just play something where frame data isn't as important. In a lot of older games frame data is nowhere near as important, games like T7 and SFV are designed with frame data in mind so naturally there's a stronger incentive to learn it.
You don't have to learn frame data. This is a retard training boar cope. These people came out during dark ages and still get washed by people like Valle and Daigo who never study shit
Tekken is unlearnable
if you want to do anything beyond completely mindless mashing you need to learn at least the basics of frame data
You need to learn what is safe and punishable, something you can learn while playing
Obviously, it's SFV because it's easier. Tekken 7 is miles harder and you shouldn't play it unless you're some sort of fighting game enthusiasts.
Both are a fucking clownfest of frame data. SFV is the culmination of dumbing down the neutral game and giving everyone stubby buttons with a terrible system of priority button assuming they both hit on the same frame, meaning most people frame trap you with a button and then go for a medium counter hit and keep on pressuring from there on. It has one of the most stale neutral games out of all the street fighter entries and it has the most barebones options for actually labbing characters for more than 10 hours at the most. Tekken also has frame data in some buttons but assume 90% of it is negative so you can get away with throwing buttons on negative, so who fucking cares. You also got side movement and even jumps or buttons that low profile or go over some stuff (like Electrics, yoshi's avoiding the puddle, Bryan or Heihachi's kicks, so on so forth).
SFV gets old really fast once you hit the higher ranks above diamond because the game is completely rock paper scissors of frame data and the neutral movement is stiff as a fucking wooden board. Dashes are fantastic for a lot of characters, jump ins also are rewarded because of dogshit netcode or bad anti air combo routes, so on so forth. Honestly they both got a lot of shit issues but even Tekken, being the mash friendly game that it is, has more interesting gameplay. Even Strive being a shit show has better neutral than SFV, and that's saying a lot.
Tekken isn't harder because the inputs or the mechanics require more skill to pull out, it's harder because it has 3 decades of bloat in it that will gimmick you the fuck out if you don't take a phd tier course on every character
This. People need to learn from experience and see what is good and bad. If you want to deep dive certain facets of the game, then you can look a bit of frame data but do not base your entire game on it
That's how new players can win against midwits
>You need to learn what is safe and punishable
yes, that is frame data
Thank you guys. I think I won't play fighting games.
but what about when you become a midwit and want to stop being one? it's the shits
Tekken and it's not even close
MK is more beginner friendly than both of these. I myself like tekken more than SF, SF is just not my jam but it's not a bad game.
They are two completely different fighting games. Tell you what though, i was a Tekken player first for YEARS. Tekken never taught me how to be good at Street Fighter, but sitting down and learning SFV made me better at playing Tekken 7. So take from that what you will.
>To play Tekken or SF well you had to play since the days of arcade machines
Total BS don't listen to this guy who doesn't play fighting games.
sfv was my first fighting game and I got to super gold (90th percentile +) within a couple months
you’re just a crybaby loser
Completely bullshit. Tekken is extremely noob friendly, and was always focused on the console crowd. Just watch a few green Tekken videos, learn a few combos and practise. Then you'll be fine. People who are new to fighting games just need to accept they'll lose a lot at first. It really helps if you have a few friends that are willing to dive into it at the same time so you can all work off of each other.
You're welcome. The reason why these games are dying is because the developers are idiots completely out of touch with reality that still haven't implemented a tutorial or a good netcode in 2022 and expect that a guy alone in his room after a day at work has the same will, or interest, of learning a clusterfuck of a game that has no visual tells on what the moves do as a kid with his friends in the arcades in the 80s.
but if you have to pick your poison it's because the characters in Tekken have so much shit on their movelist that you have to learn the character to beat it or they will gimmick the everloving fuck out of you, no other way around it or, in SF the characters have way more in common between them so you'll have to make do with less and learn how to fucking move at least in a decent manner
chun post
Dude, don't listen to them. Just play with your friends at first and practise some combos. Fuck all that frame data shit. There are plenty tutorials that you can follow on YouTube. Unironically the single player modes are fine enough places to practise your moves on stupid enemies before moving up.
Fuck all the negativity in this thread. I'm shit at Tekken but I still have fun. Just order the game for yourself and a best friend.
chun bum
>the single modes are good
>fuck negative dude
kill yourself
3D fighters suck
No, I'm not. Fighting games are fun, and you just need to play with your friends at first. I don't care if you got butt blasted because you had some ridiculous dream of playing in tournaments and got assraped. Single player mode is plenty fine for someone starting out, so they can get a handle of your character. The kind of negativity and shear butthurt coming from you losers is pathetic. I don't care about elitist bs, and how it hurt your fragile ego.
it's not being about being butthurt, it's about you being a fucking idiot who should remove himself from the genetic pool so maybe the future generation won't have to deal with such aborrent posts
That's a hard question to answer.
If you prefer 2d fighting Street Fighter
If you prefer 3d fighting Tekken
>Tekken is my preference
>It's easy to learn but hard to master
>It can overwhelm people when they realize how deep the mechanics go
>You get less stuff like fire ball spamming but get more stuff like frustration with not being able to get up and not realizing there are 9 different ways to get off the floor.
I'm partial to tekken and have not really liked street fighter since 2
Git gud
No it's a binary knowledge. Frame data complicates that with forcing newbies to interpret various numbers some of which change by meaties and spacing
most are shit. Tekken is one of the few good ones.
>DOA is Okay at best.
>Soul Calibur is hit and miss. 6,4,2 and 1 are AMAZING 5, 3 and Soul Edge are Trash. Problem is they change the mechanics all the time.
>Virtua Fighter is good but not doing anything
Every other 3D fighter has been shit and Tekken stole its audience.
Finding out which number is lower than the other is binary, these mental gymnastics to try and say “knowing what is safe and what is punishable” is not knowledge of frame data are absolutely astonishing
tekken is absolutely not easy to learn compared to street fighter
maybe if “learning” to you is being able to do your characters moves and you cant handle motion inputs
Nope. How autistic and butthurt are you to actually make a post like that?
both games are fucking awful at teaching new player basics and all that essential shit
id pick SFV because at least it doesn't charge you for framedata and it probably would be more beneficial in the long run incase you decide to jump onto SF6 once that releases
Do you have -any- friends?
OP start by playing SFV or Tekken and just play for two months to realize why everyone thinks these faggots are annoying as shit
Unironically mentally ill, schizo posting from a joyless, friendless virgin.
With more shitposts like these, you only prove him right.
Read me OP
if you want some quick rush download fightcade and try it on "test mode" in which you can play against the machine the classic arcade mode, then once you know how to do basic motions and shit against the cpu start with SFV or Strive which has the highest number of new players in ranked
That's what I mean. Movement and combos are very easy in Tekken however, some one can side step you or Power crush you or duck your moves, or mid punish your ducking, or parry predictable moves, etc if you just spam the same thing again and again.
With 2d fighters combos are harder to pull off because the timing is more precise and blocking usually is just boiled down to Low and high block.
You can get away with spamming easier because there are less deffensive options.
Do you live in fucking mars or something? How stupid are you? That shitposter literally had nothing to prove. You should be shamed as well.
Extrapolating what those numbers mean is far from binary. A -10 doesn't always mean you can punish with a jab due to spacing, a -13 could be unpunishable besides jab for you character while Kazuya can get a full combo
It depends on what you like and if you're here for a long time or a good time. Tekken is much easier to enter in and mash random buttons and cheese the fuck out of people. Though playing that game at even a decent level is an incredibly steep learning curve. SFV is not as easy to mash in and more reliant on frame data but its much simpler to understand but once you learn the basics you can transfer it over to pretty much any other 2d fighter.
Tekken if you like 3d
If you prefer 2d go with Strive, by far the easiest modern fighter to get into.
Absolute moron, what are you going to suggest next. For musicians to learn to play without the musical notes? I guess some idiots have to experience touching fire to realize it burns.
samefag, you can't even format your posts differently trying to pull this shit, that's how fucking stupid you are, kill yourself idiot
>I don't want to learn frame data
>just learn what's punishable bro
>ok how do I do that?
>by not learning frame data
you can't reason with these mongoloids and I'll tell you more, I only see this with Tekken players, they think they're special because they have fun memorizing trivial bullshit and having to do a shoryuken input to move backwards
>press button
>opponent blocks
>immediately try to block
>opponent his able to hit you
>okay now I know that move is unsafe