I was building a Armed dragon ruler deck and I came across this card. It seems pretty good why doesnt it get used
Master Duel
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Good question. It seems pretty good.
Becuase nothing stops your opponent from chaining removal to it, it also doesn't negate effects that activate on summon nor does it stop your opponent from just linking or sending it away as material for something else.
I honestly hate everyone I play against
Been spamming crusadia for like 6 hours now,deck's great, i want to fine tune this list,and anyone who plays Crusadia feel free to give your input and share your build/ideas on how you play.
Anyone know what my ideal end board with orcust should look like? I just built it and I'm learning it's combos
Generally I've just been ending on Long or Galatea with most of my shit in the grave. Ideally I think I'd want to have Ding in the grave but I'm not sure how to get there exactly without resorting to something like Masqurena
>only stops cards with a specific name
>has to be used pre-emptively
>requires knowledge of your opponent's deck to call out a fitting target
>can otherwise be used to call out the overly universal cards like ash
Yep, I'm thinking based floodgate.
What kind of orcust deck are you playing user, scrap? Mekk knights?
>Level 7 Dragon
I fucking hate speedroid wheel
imagine seething over speedroid, fuck off fag
I hate it because I keep getting 1 result
Thinking of building Lyrilusc Tri, looks like a good middle ground of meta cancer and rouge. Anyone here play the deck? Looks like it's got some cool lines.
Limit special summons to 3 per turn
Death to combo faggots who ruined game since ancient times
Nigger its as meta as it can get
>looks like a good middle ground of meta cancer and rouge
It's pure meta cancer don't kid yourself
Thought Trizoo and pure Tri were stronger.
Given that this game has an OCG Banlist, is Zefra a good archetype?
just play whatever you want, nigga.
It tends to brick sometimes and hope the opponent doesn't play Maxx c otherwise if has a very strong board turn 1 and easy to learn in a couple of tries, going second you really need forbidden to break the board and either if you have the cards otk with the green bird or go into zeus to clear the board
>penis cancer is worse that ball cancer
Your turn 1 ends up with several negates, protection for half your field, and an extra Apex Avian or Barrier Statue with Tri-Brig Revolt set
It's half a step below Drytron if even that, the only thing it's worse at than Tri-Zoo is going second.
>lyrilusc playing revolt
Do I need the scarp engine for my dino deck if I am going to make it a blind go second variant?
Lyrilusc has the strongest turn 1 of all the tri variants. Their problem is that their turn 2 is comparatively shit so they aren't as good for bo1.
>Lyrilusc Tri
Fucking READ nigger
They still don't play revolt or bearbrum. Their ed is way too tight, you would need to cut Zeus for it.
yes retard nigger faggot they dont play the card
I love cucking other players with monarchs
Yes they do you dumb faggots
You should always end on a masq user. Some games masq+babel pass is all you need to win. But to answer you question the ideal board for my scrap orcust deck is 3 mat Apollousa, Masq, and a Borreload Savage Dragon, with Cymbal skeleton and harp horror in grave, with babel on the field of course.
deck to play if you want to be the most hated person?
D.D. Dynamite OTK
I generally end on a Masq + Appolousa + Dingirsu board, you can send him to the grave by summoning something like Unicorn or Underworld Goddess with Masq to disrupt your opponent's turn along with the SEND to GY effect after you bring him back with Cymbal.
Just be careful with the timing since you miss out on Dingirsu's destruction protection when you send him off.
No we don't, we either play oath or revolt and that's it
I play the same deck but I'm a returnee to ygo so I'll give you decklist and combo line a friend who is doing great with it in plat sent me
NS raptor
Pop raptor search recycler
NS recycler send rosenix
Rosenix eff get token
Make wyvern
Set smth to pop
Wyvern revive recycler, pop it, SS golem, pop set
Golem revive recycler
Recycler send world wand
Recycler + golem make lib
Lib set succession
Succession revive golem
Golem revive recycler send jet
Golem wyvern make dagda
Revive jet
Make halq out of jet + recycler
SS brass with halq, trigger dagda
Make Galatea out of brass and dagda
Galatea set crescendo
Basically you go for a full combo with scrap before orcust locks you into orcust exclusively
The title for the synchro event is literally just synchro event 2022?
Why the fuck would I want that?
meant to say rendezvous
To style on all those people without it
Because every time you see it you'll be thankful that there won't be another synchro event until next year.
Anyone having success with karakuri in some way??
>Galatea set crescendo
to brag to all the people that don't look at your profile
I completely bricked against a karakuri once and they almost won :)
>its just fucking scythe lock turbo
please tell your friend he is a faggot, this deck is literally just dpe scythe lock turbo
hmm it implys theres only 1 event per year? would they have enough events to have every month? this game will die off hard if they have another empty month
i've enjoyed the extra gem infusions
>he missed two
I think they'll do 1 a month. The N/R event wasn't datamined initially but it came out before the synchro event
True Draco.
What do you think of suships?
what do you expect orcust to do when all their shit is banned or limited
Need more Suships and Hungry Burger support.
based and kino
because it's just a bad effect veiler/infinite imperm.
>only works vs specific extra deck monsters
>doesn't stop effects that activate on ss
>only prevents activations and doesn't stop continuous effects
>can be destroyed on the field allowing them to activate effects anyway
new player here, is it normal that i can't even get daily quests done anymore once i hit plat 5 for the first time? everyone that loses the coin flip just closes their game and everyone i do match into either otks me, builds an unbreakable metafag board turn 1, or scoops the moment i clear their field/shut down their plays
Are you dumb
It does not imply there is only one 1 event per year, since it specifies its the Synchro event of 2022, not just "Event 2022".
All of that time and efforst spent making a deck that does nothing but pass around the suship like a conveyor belt....based
It's time to go back.
IP, Babel pass like a real man. Or more seriously Apollousa, IP, and Borreload, with Babel. There's a shit ton of things you can do with orcusts that isn't just DPE/Baronne Scythe lock turbo.
one synchro event in 2022 galaxy brain
Just do the dailies that are easy
>once i hit plat 5
I have a completed Invoke Dogma Shaddoll deck and near completed Drytroons, give me suggestions for a third deck so I have some secret packs to open. I gotta spend my gems
Hmm...the craftmanship on this post is a little lacking. Maybe if you spiced it up a little with some "Dilate" sauce or prehaps tried adding a pinch of soijak it would be better, but unfortunately this post as it is is quite milquetoast. I give it 2 stars, not bad but could be better.
>reddit screencap
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