Elden Ring good or not? Elden Ring good or not?
I was planning to buy it day one but the extremely polarizing reception stopped me from getting it.
For reference I've played Dark Souls 1 and 3 and I liked 3 the most but I still found 1 to be very good.

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Its good, problem is its popular so Yea Forums will naturally have a hate campaign against it. Its no masterpiece but its defiantly enjoyable moreso then dark souls 3 for me. My problems with the game include the over abundance of double bosses that clearly weren't designed to be double bosses, general reuse of bosses that take away from unique encounters and stat scaling being weird as fuck.

>polarizing reception
Where the fuck did you get your info from? The game is the best selling From game and got 98 on metacritic. It'll be GOTY and perhaps claimed to be game of the decade. It's a 100+ hour game where literally every second is full of quality.

>extremely polarizing reception
That's just a Yea Forums shitpost, same as pretending DS3 isn't thr best Souls

It starts out pretty good with the illusion of an immersive open world but it turns out to be a a slog in the late game that overstays its welcome

It's not my problem if you don't want to play it.

Only on Yea Forums is the reception polarized, because being contrarian is the hill upon which Yea Forums was built.

The game is critically and public ally applauded to a laughable, previously unimaginable degree and on its way to become one of the best selling and most cited games in history.

Real people don't like it.

Elden ring is Skyrim but with good combat. Solid 9/10 for me

you want to get your ass fucked for 100 hours straight?
play elden ring then