Not even 5K players on Halo Infinite

Not even 5K players on Halo Infinite

It's all over halo bros

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does it limit the fun those 5k people are having playing it? no. who cares, nobody except retard nigger op.

What about mcc?

I'd play it but it takes forever to load. Worse than PS1 games

Just what we needed!

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Hang on, I thought the Scorpion gun was an intentional easter egg? What's the glitch?

Only reason to play Gaylo is coop campaign.

Dead game.

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>a ground-breaking free to play multiplayer experience
What's ground-breaking about it

>Everyday a thread about how dead Halo is.
It seems like it isn't dying fast enough.

>have 2 releases under their belt
>mountains of player feedback and experience with the series unlike halo 4
>launch after the most boring cod to date and the flat out worst battlefield to date
>literally all they had to do was release a polished shooter with decent amount of content
>6 years of dev time and one of the largest budgets in gaming history
>still fuck it up

why is 343 so goddamn inept?

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Stubbornness from upper management, that's why Jhon is now there, albeit he came in late.

I doubt Season 2 will bring people back with its TWO maps and only one of them being for the shitty BTB mode.

Once MCC gets Workshop intergration fully it's over for Infinite.

When did this playercount autism start? I don't remember this from 5 years ago.

They did release a "polished" shooter (bar BTB being broken) in terms of gameplay. Infinites gameplay is solid enough, but 343 simply will not burn employees out to get everything that should've been there at launch out at a reasonable time.

They had to break the ground to dig their grave

It was something that was in the game before launch, 343 were going to use it for something else but when it was changed, they wanted to remove it, they didn't have time to remove it before launch. It was never intended to be there.

This, it truly is 343's best when it comes to gameplay, too bad everything else is literally worse

I'm still playing and enjoying it. Season 2 can't come soon enough

I'm currently playing the campaign and it's bizarre how it's simultaneously amazing and dogshit at the same time. It's incredibly fun when the game let's you experiment and tackle things your way but then you have these shit parts like corridors with the same group of repeating enemies for 30 minutes and the absolute cancer that are the bossfights, especially Bassus, what the fuck were they thinking.

I'm not a fan of all the insta-deaths this game has too, I didn't mind being punished for mistakes in the previous Halo games but in Infinite it just feels so random, like you are trying to do something and suddenly you're dead and you can't even tell what just happened.

Shouldn't of released Infinite till BR was ready. Instead spent money making fucking cookbooks

I have a better question: why triple AAA Western producers are soo fucking bad?


Like everything bad in the industry, you can thank Steam for that

>especially Bassus
>he got filtered by Bassus
Someone's soft inside

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>for the shitty BTB mode.
I can totally see them NOT fixing the other btb maps to play more like they used to in prior Halo games
The new BTB with nigger vehicle spawns fucking suck

I don't care I'm still playing it.

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It matters when I keep getting matched with the same people over and over again.
This shit is pathetic.

>6 years of dev time and one of the largest budgets in gaming history
The single player in it's current design only started dev in late 2017 given it has to be post BOTW, then the alleged "90% of content" that was cut is placed in 2019 by Jason Schreier so that still gives approx 2.5 years of dev time for the single player as it is today. Funnily enough I've been seeing rumours that the MP is basically all from 2019 onwards, so despite having 6 years we might be looking at an only 2.5 year dev cycle for the entire project.

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Microsoft/343 opened the "floodgates" putting Infinite on Steam, it brought in the Steamtrannies to shit up threads, they're as bad or equally as bad as Snoys. Screw it, you know what, just fuck trannies, in general.

now your dead game can be dead on PC aswell as xbox

>sony out of nowhere
hey manolo, still mad the phantom majority doesn't exist outside your head?

All this talk and a spiritual reboot can’t even crack top 20 in most games sold in March lol

>Chief-fag already in the thread

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More people beat halo 4 and 5s campaign than infinites. Now that’s saying something lol

I finished the battle pass in one month after launch, and I felt no motivation to do the same 3 maps over and over with the same 3 modes. Maybe I will return with the second season

>It's incredibly fun when the game let's you experiment and tackle things your way
idk I only liked the outposts and assassination missions. Those didn't feel like "PLAY IT YOUR WAY user! :DD" lack of design but rather "start playing your way then improvise" which was usually pretty fun. I don't think an open world Halo is a bad idea but I think this particular open world was fucking awful, the only time I really liked the open world design was the AA gun island you crash on but even that was let down by the main Brute skypeing you after each AA gun with dumb threats.

[I literally cannot remember the main Brutes name and I refuse to look it up]

He can be a pain if you have shit guns and the game saved a checkpoint at the worst possible moment for me mid fight. Funny thing I remember playing the game on release on Xbox and I killed him first try spamming grenades and whatever that laser weapon is called.

The sentinel beam?

Truly impressive, I expect nothing more from a brand I wanted to see succeed

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lmao you must suck in video games
I am fucking bad at video games, I got filtered in elden ring, and I completed halo infinte on legendary

I dunno about you guys but I definitely remember playing Custom Edition maps that were way better than infinite's maps
and those were usually mapped by one or two guys who maybe borrowed some weapon packs or textures from others at most

why don't they just let people make maps?

>every 6 months change mind on how the game should be
>dump previous 6 months of work, start over

many such cases

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I get 100% Far Cry vibes from Infinites campaign. Given I've only played FC5 but that and Halo Infinites campaign felt nearly identical, not sure where the BOTW similarities come from, BOTW at least has something to do in the overworld from wandering around.

>I got filtered in elden ring
lmao ER is the easiest Soulsborne game ever.

Infinite's campaign is a better Spider-Man game than Spider-Man. Fuck I spent half of my legendary run just grappling like a madman.

>we've now reached a cope where xbots are equating Steam users with snoys

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Where are you even getting this kind of numbers from? Also

>games released in 2011 and 2015 vs game that has been out 5 months

I doubt the classic maps come back because of the vehicle drop system, or they'll play absolutely like shit due to it.

Imagine having to hoof it around Valhalla for five minutes because 343 thinks dropping vehicles in is smarter.

Achievement list.
Infinite site at a whopping 10% completion of its main campaign
27% barely completed the first mission and less finished the 1st mandatory boss before the open world.

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Steam users have nothing to do with Infinite flopping. It has everything to do with 343 promising "as a service" and not burning out employees to do weekly updates like Fortnite/as a service wants.

This, I still really like it, though I'm fully aware it'll probably take until season 3 or 4 to iron out the remaining kinks

So, more people beat Halo Infinite than Halo 5? Lol think about what you are saying here. You're using a percentage. Chances are vastly more people have played Halo Infinite because it's a free to play game.

So if we're just going by that 10% number, the game has apparently been played by over 20 million people. So at least 2 million people have beaten the campaign, if we assume the same percentage is true on Steam. Basically Halo 5 will have to have sold 8 million copies to have the same number of people having beat Infinite

It even dropped out of the "Top 10" on Xbox downloads. People like to excuse because "muh Game Pass," but that's just coping at this rate.

I'm citing BOTW since that's what 343 themselves cited, however we could still both be correct. They aimed for BOTW then moved to Far Cry when they shit they bed.

"All those factors played a role in the difficulties with Halo Infinite, which the studio began planning in 2015 just after Halo 5, the last full installment of the game, was released. After kicking around various formulas, the developers landed on an idea that stuck: Halo as an “open world” game. Rather than progress through a series of levels, players would explore a giant land mass, completing missions in any order, as they did in Nintendo Co.’s 2017 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which is considered one of the greatest games of all time."

"By the summer of 2019, Halo Infinite was in crisis mode. The studio decided to cut almost two-thirds of the entire planned game, leaving managers to instruct some designers to come to the office and do nothing while the studio figured out the next move. Eventually the game’s open world was cut back from a vast, Zelda-like experience into something far smaller."

Took these both from the Schreier article,

You trannies aren't even trying to hide yourselves anymore. Also, Snoys and Steamtrannies, what's even the difference, trannies are unlikable scum that needs to be offed, anyone in the US who isn't a dick sucking modern lib knows that.

>people barely finished it or even bought the campaign or even downloaded it via gamepass
>this means more people beat halo 5
Do you even hear yourself right now? How brown is your skin I might ask?

Once your rights are taken away and free speech is brought back while you're losing jobs, we'll be coming for you trannies next.

Cheeffag you’ve genuinely have lost your mind it’s such entertainment seeing you being politics out of nowhere after failing to come up with a lie on why infinite shat the bead and died

>Also, Snoys and Steamtrannies, what's even the difference
Steam chads are leaps and bounds better than homosexual snoys + PC gamers have higher standards compared to fucking console peasants. You're constant bitching demonstrates how hard you're attempting to cope. You thought Halo coming to PC would be an automatic "win," yet you neglected the foresight of how shit the game would be due to 343's incompetence. Just accept your failure and move on, shill. There are better games to play.

He's not only a Pajeet but a tranny angry at Infinite's success. Infinite broke his tranny ass. Man, I can't wait to start getting rid of the freaks when the cons take over America.

>cheeffag literally thinks all of us are trannies
Lmao the amount of hoops this spic will jump through to defend infinite

Halo Cycle has spoken.

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>Once your rights are taken away and free speech is brought back while you're losing jobs,
What does any of that have to do with Halo Infinite. lol you're losing it.

Yeah, I think there are seeds of brilliance in there, but everything is a bit too small-scale. When I heard that the next Halo was going to be open-world, I thought of that section in Halo 3 where you fight the two scarabs in the open area, and was hoping it would be more like that. What they need to do for the next campaign is develop their marine AI and have randomly-occurring pitched battles that Chief can happen across, and give a reason to use the heavy vehicles

>Implying I'm a tranny
Once again: RENT. FREE.

Stop dying holy shit I just installed this yesterday

*beat infinite*
Mis typed
Cheeffag nobody beat infinite even with gamepass. Stop coping