For me, it's Triss Merigold

Yencucks don't need to apply.

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Other urls found in this thread:

She looks like she fucks shotas

You're right, she does


and shani is the best girl

>Yencucks don't need to apply
But Yen certainly does need to apply her mouth on Triss' megadong

Cease with this faggotry.

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For me, its Shani. Triss betrayed Geralt and Ciri for her true lover, Phillipa.

evil cunt, never got what she deserved

Isn't she the one who got her eyes scooped out?

yea. She was fucking Triss HARD.

I will monitor this thread.

Attached: Panam 1.jpg (810x1080, 138.97K)

Sfm triss > all versions of yen > game triss

I want to eat triss' skin

Yes, and by the end of W3 she's poised to regrow them and have her freedom despite her meddling utterly ruining the lives of thousands in the north

Why is Witcher 3 so fucking boring?

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wife material

Simply no way around it, Shani is the best one.

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I will monitor Panam's womb for a white baby.

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because you are a faggot

Because you are a manchild that can't enjoy anything that isn't "bing bang wahoo!".

you're gunna be waiting awhile

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You underestimate my superseed. I could marry a Sudanese and produce a child whiter than the average white American.

Based and Panampilled.

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A sudanese is whiter than the average white american.

CDPR are just some cheeky fuckers desu
>make a hot, superstraight vagabond chick in 2020
>make her a brown mutt
they knew what they were doing.

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White boy (Night City) summer.

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i'd like her more if she had 3 prosthetic limbs and was covered in rot

Also I'm trying to find a cropped picture of her that appeared two weeks ago or so. She was sitting on her knees and was looking to the side.
Why the fuck didn't I save it right away..

ugly mutt

For me it's Ciri (Pre-timeskip ver.)


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Panam wins again.

Attached: 202101-panam-cyberpunk-2077-pc-cover-1140x761.jpg (1140x761, 88.59K)

>be me
>read the books
>realise all girls are shit and or sluts
>Ciri, Triss, Yen, Shani, etc
Also, don't read the books

it's barely a game, it's a VN with horse-riding in between

For me, it's Yennefer of Goblinberg

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For me, it's Triss, Ciri and Yennefer all kissing and groping each other as they're pumped to exploding point with whipped cream.

Hence why you choose the superior freedom loving nomad girl from a different franchise altogether.

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panam was such a great girl holy shit

In witcher you get Milva, but then again


panam smells like a nigger

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I love triss!

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She's an American Indian Nomad so she smells like motor oil and alcohol.

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shes a violent NIGGER

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Wtf, is this some uglifying mod?

I remember, someone said in the witcher 1, that if Adda wasn't queen of whores, there is for sure it would be Triss.

Get in the boot Triss

People are afraid of witches.

my wife

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Lol mad.
You canonically shower with her, so no! Also tha spicy pic she sends you...

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Fuck that scene. It reminded me of the one time in my life I had a gf. I literally cried.

Who said this isn't some regular pleb, some high rank nobility

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What's happiness, user? I wouldn't know, I don't remember anymore, being the depressed fuck that I'am.

Used to think so to until I met my ex who was more or less her doppelganger

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What happened?

Honestly I don't have a clue, different goals in life? Anyhow, at least I can say I sort of fucked Ciri

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She's so sweet and cute.

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she is a crackwhore and a lesbian, she deserves to be lashed again