Do you have a waifu Yea Forums? How much do you love them? Also me and my waifu wish you all Happy Easter!
Vidya waifu bread
I do and i love her so much, Happy easter friend!
Happy Easter! I love my wife Blanc! So, when are we posting our drawings? It's shit, but I managed to get mine done.
until more people show up
I love my wife 2B with all my heart!
Id wait for more people to show up, then we start posting out drawings
Happy easter!
Yes, Magic Knight is my one and only.
Lilith a cute
Happy Easter
Let's wait a bit before we do that.
Happy easter hahaue
Waiting it is then.
What easter egg did you guys get?
i got the malteser egg
Happy Easter!
Not my drawing, but one of the references I used!
Can't wait to see what everyone has made!
I used just this. I got distracted a few too many times just staring at her face. I ended up drawing her without the coat and hat, though.
Happy Easter
I tried using her offical art, but it didn't really work out do to the style and angle of it.
But this one also worked perfectly! And its cute!
Happy Easter!
Admittedly mine was more spring theme, I just shoehorned in something Easter related later on
Her official artist drew her with two different bunny outfit so i tried to do something different from what he has done.
Cute Raikou.
Oh god, I had too much chocolate. I feel weird
my pic of her is just her holding a rabbit..
Good enough! Just so long as it's cute and even somewhat Easter themed!
Cute! I can't wait to see it Raikoubro!
Simple, but effective and cute!
I want to hold her hand and put a ring on her finger.
Just popping in to say hello, not doing a drawing. I can't do stuff like that.
My heart beats for the dragon.
Happy Easter Sunday, may God bless you all.
Mine is not really easter-themed, but it might fit in aesthetically, I hope.
Waifu Tenga Egg!
I really like Callie
Fairy leviathan
Begin posting your artwork. Won't start the collage until later. (Gives time for people to do any finishing touches)
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Cribbed this from Frufi. Its no bnuuy thread but it will have to do. Happy Easter. Remember that Jesus loves you even more then your waifu could. Pray for forgiveness and praise the Lord. And pray for this world. Because waifu>3DPD and its because of this sinful existence that we find ourselves in...
Happy Easter Wife!
I suck at digital, traditional is much easier for me
happy easter friend!
Easter time!
Not very seasonal, but here she is. I had a lot of anxiety just getting to it, but when it came to actually doing it and filling in the details, it was oddly calming. The sandals were really tough to do.
Happy Easter Raikou Bunny!
based drawings
I hope all anime faggots have a painful death or at least go back to whatever website they are raiding us from.
Were not even discussing anime or being raided
>anime is bad
>waifufags are raiders
They won't speak out in their defense. But I shall. Eat a dick redditor.
You're posting anime shit, which no true 4channeler supports.
He's a redditor who hates waifus or as he calls it "anime" and is claiming that the waifu threads are raids. This has been going on since GG. Fucks wont leave.
I love my wife, Forte!
Oh no, anyway.
Neptunia is literally video games in every sense of the meaning you dummy.
>Yea Forums hates anime
Oh, in that case lets just ignore im then and not derail comfy Easter posting
I accept your concession.
Happy Easter!
I didn't get to draw anything but I'll whip up something real quick
These are very cute drawings of waifus.
Ha! Even Kek thinks your a faggot. Don't think posting Krystal makes us think your a heterosexual. Seriously nigger. I got trips...on Yea Forums. That almost never happens. By divine providence your argument is false.
I love Lysithea the cutest easter bunny
Lot of cute drawings!
It happens literally every thousand or so posts.
Lilith is from a western game
Dumb furry
Hey don't lump us hmoaf chads with him. I take offense.
And yet my post got it and your anti anime post didnt.
Just adding some details, I will post mine shortly.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're refering to as /hmofa/, is in fact, furry/hmofa/, or as I've recently taken to calling it, furry plus /hmofa/. /hmofa/ is not an fetish system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning furry fetish made useful by the furry greentexts, online repositories and vital classic images and characters comprising a full orgasm as defined by GOD.
Many people fap to a modified version of furry porn every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of furry porn with humans which is widely used today is often called /hmofa/, and many of its enjoyers are not aware that they are furries fapping to furry porn, just with humans added.
There really is /hmofa/, and you are fapping to it, but it is just a part of the furry fandom which you are a part of. /hmofa/ is the kernel of your fetish: the specific thing that you are attracted to. /hmofa/ is an essential part of your enjoyment, but is useless by itself; it can only function in the context of the complete furry fetish system. /hmofa/ is normally used in combination with the furry fetish system: the whole thing is just furry with /hmofa/ added, or furry/hmofa/. All the so called "/hmofa/ enjoyers" are really just furries who enjoy furry plus /hmofa/.
i will post mine in 10 years
Will be waiting then.
dont let this thread reach bump limit until then
my skyrim character
I love my wonderful wife Nepgear! She's so adorable!
I'm getting close to finishing my drawing for today, just need to work on the arms and legs.
Absolutely disgusting.