Irl bosses thread

irl bosses thread

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I hated faggots like this in school
One faggot brought in a type writer like he was smart and interesting
fucking hacks

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How do I get myself a Katana bros?

Attached: Insight Intensifies.jpg (1440x895, 66.78K)

from a shop you mong

More interesting than you considering you remember them after all these years

buy one?

>t. trench coat kid who wore a fedora

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kek btfo

don't bother, just get a small sheet of steel from your local hardware store

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This is like ramming a car into a brick wall and being like
>wow I can't believe it got damaged wtf

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I mean when that car is expected to do physical bsns with the wall and it just smashes itself to bits....

Why do creature like this exist? Don't moths already have such sensitive sense of smell that they can detect a single atom?

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Thats not real right?

It is. It's just spreading it's weird moth hormones.

It is

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I hate insects so much it's unreal.

From a mechanical point of view, insects are the coolest things on this planet.

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Why do you have so many pictures of germanspy

The girls laughing at him.

faggot, insects are cool as fuck

I have to count myself lucky that I'm not fully white, because if I was my obsession with 20th century European nationalism and military history would not be a good look to most people.

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Verse the Perverse Swordsman.

damn that moth is packin

>I have to count myself lucky that I'm not fully white, because if I was my obsession with 20th century European nationalism and military history would not be a good look to most people

wtf miyazaki stole the st. trina's sword design from this



you don't recognize the tizona that El Cid used?

What was the point of this video? He LITERALLY confirms it didn't cut as well as the katana, it just bulldozed the mat out of frame instead of slicing clean through.

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>step on insect
>insect dies
call me when evolution teaches them to produce an exoskeleton so that they don't die after being stepped on

yes, that is what I said.

this reminds me, I wanted to make a IRL boss arena thread
>IRL boss arena thread
this is the Chapel of Bones in Evora, Portugal
pretty cool place I've been to in a nice little town

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seething weeb lol

I'm going to buy a car today.
You have any Skittles?

Fucking rekt

>yes, that is what I said.

kinda reminds me of the catacombs in Dark souls 1 but the yellow light and frescoes make it really nice

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>merchant doesn't trust the player

evolution has already created plenty of insects that can kill you with little effort. What more do you want? Give them hyper armor? You fucking retard, just kill yourself if you want to die.

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>Longer than mine

i ain't even bald but i felt that one

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It just.....breaks you.......

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>caring about the dull opinions of normalgoyim who will sneer and titter at you if you deviate slightly from their neurotypical monotony
>bending the knee to their embittered cattiness and repressed behaviours
>being proud of not being white
the absolute state of (You)


Were it not for the Naruto gloves, this would be aight.

user, they have an exoskeleteon already, if they were any bigger their bodies wouldnt work as efficiently as they do, but in time they'll feed on your corpse and use it to rut and birth their young

That's pretty excellent.

I want the simple revolution. I want first worlders to question their governments lead through recent time slips.
Time slips are caused by mass public government employees using previously used dates on signature fields of legal documents like previously used dates are current date. To say this again, there is a current date, but a previously used date is used on signature fields of legal documents. A public government employee walks into work, looks at cell phone, news paper, television, and sees wrong date. Anyone looking at mainstream newspapers, nationally broadcasted television, or syncronized cell phones? You see a wrong date. Mass public government employees use wrong date on the date field of their legal documents.
I think public governments can solve liability in either three options. Public government stops relying so heavily upon private companies for calendar keeping, and public governments answer victims. This is called, “Stop time slips, and redress grievances.” An other option? Public government stop collecting taxes, and public government stop spending taxes. This is called, “Cede opportunities to private companies”. The last option? Public government employees quit public government jobs, public government employees forfeit public government job pay, and public government employees vacate public government work. This is called, “Dissolve government.”

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Frog = obliterated

>not be a good look to most people.
The only people who complain about that are communists and that's so they can get you to ignore the last century.

i cannot imagine being this insecure and a slave to the social order

He needs a different pair of shoes too

>being proud of not being white
I never said that, just in this specific situation its advantageous.

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To think this was less than a century ago. Now the entire world is just a shopping mall with fat people waddling up and down. Really makes you think.

I have no problem with insects as long as they stay out of my house.


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>its advantageous.
No it's not because the people you adhere to will 180 on you in a heartbeat.

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not at all, the opinions of normalniggers being slightly more lenient is hardly a worthy advantage, its petty insecurity and grovelling before people who will never really like you anyway

>wenches in the back laughing at this supreme gentleman
shocked and appalled

>step on insect
>sting pierce your foot
>poison kills you
wow 2cm monster just one shotted the 1+ meters giant, what a bullshit.

oh no no no

Classy haloween costume. Dumb school mods.

I didn't even notice.
Salute, user.