Post yfw skillbased matchmaking (that is forced 50/50)

>post yfw skillbased matchmaking (that is forced 50/50)

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Why do zoomers need to be coddled with forced50?

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>Match making that throws better players in the baby pool every so often so they get an ego boost and buy microtransactions
>You're one of the babies that suck at the game so you get fucked over for those players egos
Fuck Apex legends

Shit show fuck off

utterly obsessed

mentally ill

anya gobbles my peanuts

jesus and her ad just bought her some, she take the whole bag?

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trannys mad

no one was talking about trannies

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I don't care. I win anyways

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I am not shit at the games i play so it doesn't really bother me.

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please god give me a Yor gf

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Imagine actually complaining that you're bad at games.

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I hate em too but you’re a faggot if random irrelevant bullshit reminds you of them

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Why would you watch garbage on your own free will?

I hate tranime

why are you here then

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very based, very redpilled

You're going to lose a multiplayer game from time to time, even if you're one of the best players.

Forced 50/50 is perverse in the sense that it abuses evolved play instincts in animals to give you a sense of accomplishment when in reality you're getting carried by 2/3 great players. It's the equivalent of playing the slot machine, knowing you will get a cookie eventually, you just have to keep playing. It's why i quit overwatch and will quit every single game that uses this system.
Just tell me i'm bad at the game, don't group me with god tier players to give me the illusion that i'm good in order to keep me playing like a fucking rat.

sometimes the human mind is scary and sometimes it is amusing on what thoughts are conjured inside. This screenshot is a little bit of both.

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anime website though

You are a nigger

>Still get 0.5 K/d
It's not faaaair

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I have no idea what new stupid flavor of the month anime this is but here’s a very cut photo of Saki

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>current season is full of extremely high quality comedy anime

the ''japanese humour'' meme is dead

I hate eldenshit

I kneel, king

dumb peanutposter

no u

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the title is right there in your picture


>cunny thread
no cunny
what happend

After you

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>they doxxed some random teacher because dude had lies in his twitter bio

How the fuck did they dox anyone? were they retarded enough to post info about their life?

Is this the thread?

I want to erase that smile

then you will become a trannie soon enough and kill yourself

You must hate yourself even more considering that you keep browsing this website.
And it shows, in your style of post.

I've only played fighting games and this doesn't exist. The player is either worse than you or better.

>about to win
>people on the enemy team ragequit
>the teams are auto-balanced and you're placed on the losing side

Attached: the teams have been auto-balanceed.gif (474x260, 1.89M)

>IBO fan is a pedophile
more at 11

Dota and league did it first, my guy. They've just lied about it for years. HotS did it too and Blizzard also lies about it to this day.

>tfw still remember my last ranked HotS match 4 years ago being 3 plats 1 gold 1 Dia(me) vs 2 masters a gm and 2 dias after I managed to hardcarry 3 straight wins.
>one of the most disgusting one-sided blowouts I've ever been forced to take part in.

>best players have above 50% wr
>nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo but i suck so it's forced 50/50

If you consistently give the best players in the world shit teammates against 5 people that are near peer with the best players in the world, what do you think is going to happen?

___ with Yor

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I hate you, AIDS patient zero

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Ironic weebs normalfags garbage anime for netflix dub watching ahegao wearing shirt subhumans you want to avoids

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why do millenial devs have to implement 50/50, oh yea, everyone is a winner and hecking poggers

>this anime
Its another one of those ''DOOD DON'T LEWD LE RAVIOLI LOLI!!!!!!!!!'' type of character