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i also skipped resting at the grace down there and didn't get a warning from her. next thing i knew i was taking action on a message on the floor and the game locked me into the ending without even asking.

You can cleanse it you pussies.

It's not about that.
The issue is with Fromsoft's lazy and poor design of this.

i know i can. but i didn't ask to get shoehorned into doing a 30 hour quest line just to cleanse it.

>given 1000 warnings
>knew that you had to take off armour
either you knew what you were doing from the start or you're a complete idiot OP.

>gimme a hug man

I didn't think Malenia would be able to just burn the Erdtree from the giant flame, I thought we had to go to back to the Capital to do that.

I genuinely thought it was a boss door that required you to take off your armor.

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You're dumb.
You were given plenty of signs.
>npcs on the floor holding covering their faces
>madness enemies
>melina warns you right before the door
>door can only be opened if you strip down completely

It's 100% on you

>found this after I beat the game

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I went to the Snow area before going down there. So I didn't have Melina since she got burnt.
>Madness enemies.
Yea all of maybe 3 rats in a shithole village and some madness niggers by the Volcano Manor.

It doesn't matter because you can cleanse it

They cut the quest that was supposed to tell you because they thought that moving nomadic merchants was a bit too much for game journalists.

You cannot if you didn't do the cripple quest.

a crazy NPC who's stolen the body of someone tells you should do it while screeching crazy shit. Usually an indicator not to do it

you're missing the point, fromdrone

Honestly there should've been a final prompt asking whether you let the fingers embrace you or not

Try not being retarded next time

the point being that one obscure thing you can randomly find is fixed by another obscure thing you can randomly find? cry more

I also accidentally got a hug from this thing. Went on the questline to get rid of it and then at the end decided fuck it and went straight for this ending anyway.
Accidentally becoming an agent of chaos and destroying the world is probably more on brand for myself anyways.

I seriously thought it was secret entrance to Nokron.
It would be cool if you could decline and have a naked boss fight with Three Fingers. Oh well, missed opportunity and shit design.

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nah. i've played through the game blind. read most of the notes and items. listened to every npc. the warnings you all keep screeching about were few and in-between and some of the crucial ones are from two npcs: one that won't show up down there unless you meet her multiple times at random location by chance, and another one you'd have to rest at a grace and see the option to talk to at the bottom of the list nobody usually looks at by this point in the game.

so obscure that majority of players missed it. nice job. you're literally the dumbest poster on this entire board.

>Get told by every single person in the game that down there you will only regret it
>Have to go through a secret door nobody tells you about
>ignore every single frenzy enemy in the area
>Melina telling you ONCE AGAIN before you enter that you will regret it
>Randomly decide to take your clothes off in front of it
Ask me how I know you already knew about this before making the decission

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To be fair, if you're reading messages from other players and see 'try naked' next to an impassable door, your natural curiosity will lead you to make a silly mistake.

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there was its called getting naked and talking to the three fingers..

>Melina telling you ONCE AGAIN before you enter that you will regret it
Didn't happen to me.
>Randomly decide to take your clothes off in front of it
One of the player messages mentioned being naked.

Literally just exploring. There is no conscious decision if you didn't read the wiki.

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>Didn't happen to me
It's because you need to rest at it. They really should have made it so touching the grace triggers dialogue if there's dialogue available at all

and even if you rest at it the "talk to melina" text is just sitting there completely indistinguishable in the list. Like make it glow fucking yellow or something

you could just rest at the grace to replenish flasks and level up. you're just blind and low iq.

t. wiki reading 89 IQ nigger

I bet almost all high IQ individuals who like playing games and exploring on their own made the same mistake.

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who even played this that wasnt a faggot? this game and its players are irredeemable.

>Goes down a whole path far off from any route unless youre exploring to hell and back.
>Hit the secret wall after what would seem like just a area boss.
>Parkours through somd odd place filled with screaming corpses.
>Arrives at some locked door, only opens if you go out of the way to strip down.
>Blindly follows signs of others to do so, gets branded.
>surprised Pikachu.

What in the fuck did you expect happens.

every thread about this game is players bitching about it, any retard buying it at this point deserves mockery. they obviously arent good games.

Yes but I wanted Melina to die

Why did you make the exact same thread again? As pointed by ?
It's a shit thread, we don't need it. Fuck off.

You could literally say the same about Volcano manor but that doesn't lock you into anything so this argument is just retarded cope.

>"Wow, every time I rested next a grace in an Melina talked to me, I won't rest just in case I die or something!!!"
You don't even have to click on her dialogue she automaticslly comes to talk to you

>you could just rest at the grace to replenish flasks and level up.
Ah yes level up with all those runes you gained from platforming when you're probably level 90+, retard.

>30 hours
>4 options encounters takes 30 hours for some people
peak comedy

Also did you warn the 3 fingers that you were going to storm into their room naked? Well know you know how it feels.

Nobody takes their clothes off to open doors for no reason, you reckless faggot

>unless exploring hell and back
yes like all normal people that play open world exploration games do
>hit secret door
yes thanks to all the messages on the floor telling everyone to do that
>odd place filled with enemies
yes like the entirety of the game
>if you strip down
yes thanks to all the messages on the floor telling everyone to do that
>blindly follows signs
ask me how i know you pirates the game and played offline

i disagree one hundred percent because if you make it all the way down there the implication is that you're already a little mad. Why should you have control over what happens down there?

It's akin to leaving gwyn's arena

it really doesn't mean anything at the end of the day. I'd rather they just make the questlines possible to follow without spending 90 hours running around like a fucking retard. At least in ds1 you had some idea of where to look insofar as the areas were a lot smaller albeit mazelike. in the context of an open world game fromsoft's approach to NPC storylines/quests does not work.

>taking clothes off means you get locked into a pact because errr, well it just does okay!
You're a guide reader

that would've been a lot cooler and i bet most people opened the doors anticipating a boss or anything but what they got, really

Says the guy who conveniently took out its clothes off in front of the door

Not that user, but encountered the area before giants and only knowing what it was after rereading a note from the frenzied village. Even then, I did rest at the grace and saw no talk prompt, and didn't know about the naked thing (or what lore/npc/text hints at hit).

Later I talked with the crazy guy at giants place, and going back to the grace to check, saw the dialogue option with maiden lady finally. Still didn't know about being naked and figured messing with it was a bad idea, so fucked off for the rest of the game.


No I did Hyettas quest, but I just thought there'd either be a boss behind it like Volcano manor or a character I could talk to first before making any pacts like literally every other NPC quest in the game.
My assumptions were based on prior experience with the game, yours are based on you reading a guide.

only if you follow millicent's questline in a certain way. good luck with that on your first, second or even third playthrough without asking someone or poopsocking with save states until you figure it out

It's a secret entrance to the roots so you are pretty close with that guess.

Yeah, youread the game a lot considering you decided to completely ignore every NPC telling you the "Higher will of the three fingers" was there and also Melina telling you to not go further. Only thing I had to look up for this was how to open the door since I actually fucking listen to the characters in the game

>Higher will of the three fingers
A statement that means literally nothing and doesn't in any way hint at the consequences
>also Melina
Hidden behind the retarded grace dialogue system, which I didn't sit at because why would I when I had no runes and was full health any way?
At least have her actually stand in the room so I know she's there instead of hiding her behind the stupid graces.

No you didn't you liar.

Just remaking a shit thread for attention.

I did this last night. Does it lock you out of any content? Otherwise I don't care.

it essentially "scars" your save by fucking with melina (even if you cleanse it later)

I had no trouble with Gowry's part, and when I found the prosthetic I knew to go back to her, exhausting anyone's dialogue isn't a problem either on my first playthrough
I got lucky in the Haligtree area though, I just killed the tree spirit from above with UGS jump attacks because fuck fighting in a rot lake and the summon signs spawned directly under my feet

>One of the player messages mentioned being naked.
Try jumping

You're just bad at the game is all. You were given plenty of warnings. If you misunderstood them then you're just probably ESL.

Because, as I said before, Melina always has dialogue whenever you are close to an important place, you don't even have to click on her dialogue to talk to her there, she just comes in and outright tells you to not do it, if you truly read the game you would have expected this kind of stuff. Also if "having your will be replaced by the higher will" doesn't mean anything to you I don't know what to tell ya

You're not locked to the ending, retard, just use the needle

There were literally no warnings other than Melina, which I didn't see because there was no reason to sit at the grace. It's shit design and you're just another guide reader pretending you totally figure it out yourself.