>hunts last 25+ minutes
>few unlucky hits and you I have to start all over
>have to repeat them several times for materials
>have to chase monster around half the map
>as reward, you get to fight even more unfair monsters
Is it normal this game feels like homework?
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youre just dogshit, you should probably switch to the long sword and get it over with. perfect weapon for autists like you
>hunts last 25+ minutes
>few unlucky hits and you I have to start all over
Early base World when you're still learning stuff or early G/Iceborne when your set is shit again, sure
>have to repeat them several times for materials
World/IB material drop rates isn't abysmal so you would only need to do 3-4 hunts at most. Also refer to my last answer
>have to chase monster around half the map
Only when you don't aggro them fast enough. Just shoot a slinger pod at them.
>as reward, you get to fight even more unfair monsters
Bonking monsters is like the 90% fun of monster hunter so if you don't enjoy fighting them for the sake of it, then tough luck
Should have modded the game to give you mats everytime.
It's "G-rank" aka "hard mode" so of course it is harder to play.
Personally I loved World but had similar feeling with Iceborne.
>le git gud
I thought only Dark Souls fans use this cope
Monster Hunter players have been calling others shitters for using "x" weapon since the dawn of time. Meanwhile I just hit shit in the head with a hammer. If you happen to be standing by the head you're getting flung the fuck away.
>hunts last 25+ minutes
Base World hunts really shouldn't longer than 10 minutes but Iceborne hunts are more or less designed around having endgame gear from World, without any good decos or armor the early game sucks there
>25 minute world hunts
How? By that metric, you would time out against the Great Maccao in GU.
Try playing straight through world into iceborne with no decos.
>hunts last 25+ minutes
Upgrade your gear
>few unlucky hits and you I have to start all over
Upgrade your gear
>have to chase monster around half the map
Use Flashpod
>as reward, you get to fight even more unfair monsters
This is the basic gameloop of this game.
If you don't like, don't force yourself to play it.
Play Rise instead, it's a much better game
monster hunter games are just boring and they're mostly all the same game
>Play Rise instead, it's a much better game
Hearty kek
It can be absurdly punishing sometimes.
>high rank Rathalos hunt
>approaching the time limit
>on my last life
>take a few unlucky hits
>leave with absolutely nothing
It’s one of the few times I rage uninstalled a game.
That's what I did though
I was too busy during World's release, I beat Xeno then stopped playing.
Came back for IB after the last update and it only got hard at Alatreon/Fatty/ATV
You need to realize that MonHun are casual games, if you're not having fun just stop playing and come back when you feel like it
>hunts last 25+ minutes
Legit skill and/or gear issue.
>few unlucky hits and you I have to start all over
Healing so forgiving post-World (and infinite, since you can resupply at any time) that it takes much more than a "few unlucky" hits to triple cart.
>have to repeat them several times for materials
Yes, the series is built around doing boss fights more than once.
>as reward, you get to fight even more unfair monsters
See point 1
Greatsword is the most boring weapon imo. The tackle mechanic is so unlogical
You had a long hunt at some point. Early MR gear is garbage and if you don't have tenderizer/critical decos your damage will be awful compared to someone fully kitted out.
Unless you just play gunlance and trip everything to death lmao
Be honest with me, are ranged weapons for complete shitters?
I'm considering switching to a bowgun but I'm not sure if that would trivialize the game
>You had a long hunt at some point
That's why the game gives you 50mins, doesn't mean it's hard.
Also, weapons like Hammer aren't skill hungry (unlike CB or Lance) which makes them great for those early hours since you can just stack as much Attack/Affinity you want
HARD is something like soloing double Hyper Metals in GU for Chaos Oil, or 2fish in Frontier.
Those are fucking hard.
Try it out if you think they look fun or cool, it doesn't trivialize the game unless you're using a Sticky build in 5th Gen
No one is forcing you to stay ranged if you try it. If you don't like it or feel worse playing ranged, go back to melee. That being said, its obvious why ranged weapons will have an advantage most of the time but its still a fun way to play here and there.
>ranged weapons for complete shitters?
Yes, but more importantly, they are less fun. You never engage with monsters and their moveset. You always do the same "circle around them and spam projectiles" motion, regardless of whether you're fighting Teostra or Tigrex
I wish mainline had a equivalent of 2fish
Imagine the rage
git gud
We aren't talking about difficulty just hunt length.
One does not equal the other.
My problem with MHW is half the weapons are anti-fun. You're either shooting from a distance, flying like a fairy, or playing a tank that can't be hurt
Just play switch axe and hammer
Learn the monster moveset first, after you nail their behavior down they won't look like they move erratic or unfair ever again. Also some of those tricks you learn carry over all monsters.
See pic related to get into the mindset and hunt.
Here are some videos of shit I thought was impossible to beat now looking like child's play (it became second nature)
They are meant for that friend who sucks at video games but is fun to hang around otherwise.
What I dislike about the MH franchise is how you can shower monsters with attacks that would’ve realistically killed them (spiked hammer to the skull), while they stand there barely reacting because their health pools are inflated for 30-minute fights
Play Charge Blade
>>hunts last 25+ minutes
Made player way more mobile than the monsters, trivializing half their moveset.
>>few unlucky hits and you I have to start all over
Monsters barely scratch you, you'd have to let the monster hit you on purpose to actually get carted.
>>have to repeat them several times for materials
Upgrading weapons barely matters, since monsters are piss-easy.
>>as reward, you get to fight even more unfair monsters
No point doing extra hunts because, again, monsters are hardly a threat.
Gee, I wonder why so few people are playing Monster Hunter Rise.
This. Weapon choice has always been the go bait/shitposting bantz for Mon Hun fans. By the way, for the record, and this is absolutely 100% OBJECTIVE fact
>If you use anything other than a CB or Swag, you're probably a tranny.
>spiked hammer to the skull
Kek Kamura Hammer was designed like this for Impact Crater. Good thing they inflated the damage for that attack because it gets topples all day or else it will look like what you just said.
All that sweet damage is probably going away once Sunbreak inflates the health pools again kek
Be a hammerchad then. Hammer and SwA are the best weapons in the game.
switch axe is just ZSD spam
Ledge jumping and sliding attacks are your highest damaging moves - flying like a fairy
Highest damaging move is ZSD spam - flying like a fairy in the air
Listen you non-swtich axe using homos. It's called SWAG, because it's, well, a Switch Axe, but it also requires a great deal of swagger to use.
>It's called SWAG because it goes boom after you smash mindlessly one button for a few secs
As a CB/SA main, Funlance users are brothers as far as I'm concerned, and bowgunners are honorary members, we /m/onster hunters should stick together.
Sunbreak when?
iceborn is fucking DOGSHIT op the monsters are fucking spastic retards, double the time needed to learn their DOGSHIT movesets before you can have somewhat fun but on top of all that you have to share the playerbase with fucking braindamaged shitters like
I don't mind the tackle, but I despise the TCS bullshit that World started. Fuck off with the dumb chuuni somersaults with fucked up positioning bullshit and just let me charge attack the monster like God intended. It wasn't enough that GS had to stand still for a good window and use positioning to get good hits in, they had to extend the "stand still" window to an eon while making monsters ever faster and more spastic.
To me TCS shows the deep incompetence of the nu-MH team. GS had already neared perfection, and they couldn't leave well enough alone and had to go fuck it up for no reason.
I didn't like it in base world but I just bought iceborne and have been having fun with it.
>having fun
>Getting killed and having to start over and spending 25+ min on a hunt is not a legit case of you not gitting gud
Hammer is fun.
>main gunlance
>switchaxe secondary
>despite having 99% of the same skills needed for gunlance and similar transformation gimmicks as swaxe, can't get into charge blade
Shame really, big sword and shield and big axe on paper is my ideal weapon.
came back to ib after not playing for a long time and I can't kill Fatalis
I crutched way too hard on the divine blessing 5 + evade window for that fight and taking them out entirely made a huge difference, jesus
I used to farm this guy for fun
Cb and SA is literally THE tranny weapons. What other weapons "transitions" into being something else like a tranny?
Be gone tranny questioner
I miss MHW just as much as I miss my friends that I played with.
I am 6 quests away from finishing iceborne and I have only used the switch axe so far, whenever a quest doesn't let me use a sos flare I consider uninstalling but otherwise its pretty fun, maybe you need to pick a different weapon or stop playing single player mode
Hunts don't last that long unless you're dogshit at playing
Based CB and SWAG main
Dual blade mains can fuck off tho
If by Homework you mean the Daft Punk album then hell yeah rip btw ;_;
>it's another "LS user attacking the legs in a fatalis hunt" episode
this isn't even the special assignment version, this is the event quest version
you'd think someone who beat it at least once would know what they're doing