Why westerns are soo obsessed with "UX" since Elden Ring release?

Why westerns are soo obsessed with "UX" since Elden Ring release?

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It was so much better out of a glass bottle.

Everything was
Plastics were a mistake of nature

They weren't a mistake, they were a calculated move for jews to make more money.

The bottle worked so much better.

>liking ketchup

It's a jewish plot you retards.

Everything tastes better out of glass
Cola out of a glass bottle tastes like poorfags champagne

>Tastes better
>Less harmful to the environment
>Easier to reuse and/or recycle

>Tastes worse
>Often left with massive chunks of sauce you can't squirt out by the end of the bottle because the air differential can't make up the difference
>Contributing to micro-plastics which are now being found inside humans at a consistent rate and cannot be purged from your system

>corn syrup

*blocks your path*

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reddit condiment. mustard is for real chads

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>Not both at the same time

>3g of added sugar per tablespoon

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It's the only thing they can latch onto since they suck in every other department.

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They suck in the UX department too.

It's a relatively classic marketing scheme. The consumer market has moved away from selling products and into selling "experiences". You're not buying a bottle of Coke, you're buying the fun, active, highly social lifestyle that is presented in the advertisement. All the college dropouts who make games grew up with this and can't tell the difference between art and products. The rules of the corporate world tell them that without the "experience" the product is a fucking dud. The reality is probably something closer to this thread; nobody gives a shit about what bottle you put it in, as long as it tastes good on a potato.

*blocks your path*

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I just collect dipping sauce from mcdonalds. Whenever I go I ask for ten ketchup, ten sweet n soir and ten bbq. I have over a hundred ketchup currently so using that and a designated cupboard for them

I prefer spoon and jar

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same lol

left has high fructose corn syrup fat faggot

>Reeeeee Corn Syrup
This one has sugar
>Reeeeee Sugar

Step up your mustard game

Attached: 20Inglehoffer_Original-stoneground-mustard-front_10oz.png (600x900, 536.4K)

Western woke dogma is denigrating and criticizing anything that is good and/or soulful. It's about destroying, not creating

I don't like ketchup anymore
and for some reason I like mustard now
is this what growing up feels like?

Do you not just take your empty sauce bottle to your local mcdonalds with a squeeze pump and just refill that way?

If you buy more than 1 ketchup bottle in your life you're an idiot

Chef Ketchup is so much better than Heinz that you have no idea.

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Not American, don't care what shit you put into your food because it's not the same here.

I’ve never seen that brand but I’ll hafta try it. Heinz has been my favorite brand for years but you got me curious

>squeeze me daddy

Attached: Daddies_685g_Tomato_Ketchup_73472.jpg (540x540, 34.64K)

*white people

Why do brownoids think jews are white?

Dude the nazis main industrial goal was to come up with ways to invent the cheapest shit for maximum profit. Who do you think powered the plastics industry post war? It wasn't the fucking Israelis I'll tell you that much. Most of post war American "advancement" was from the nazi scientists we scooped up after we won. Early popular plastic industry is all nazis go ahead look it up.

>one on the left
dispenses perfect amount; just a dabble
>one on the right

Do any of you glass bottle lovers know you can unscrew the fucking lid on the right?

Last time I went to a McDonalds they still had N64s you could play.

I prefer ground mustard

I actually don't even know if you can get ketchup in a glass bottle anymore, I feel like when I was a kid they were at diners and some places, but now it's mostly all plastic bottled ones.

I know glass is more expensive to produce for a lot of companies, even Snapple got rid of glass bottles for plastic ones and a lot of people were pissed about it.

>yellow mustard
might have well have posted heart shaped sprinkles you candy ass faggot
now heres a condiment with some chest hair, based

You can and plenty of restaurants still use glass bottles

Hmmm, most places in my town don't seem to anymore. I also don't see glass bottled ketchup in the stores, maybe you have to order it online or get it at certain stores?


>Cap pressure loosens up a little bit
>Starts dribbling as soon as you open the lid

So? Still coming out of plastic

You don't like ketchup precum?

I only buy ketchup in bulks of packets now. Fuck those plastic bottles. It's also a better deal.

>fuck plastic bottles I prefer loads of plastic sachets instead

UX has been a thing since the first Android hit, you technologically illiterate orange.

Krauts literally couldn't wrap their heads around plastics if they tried. They literally stuck with cloth and leather through the whole war and suffered for it, while the allies experimented.

>shitty condiment
>shitty condiment, japan

I'm talking post war. Exxon was basically all nazis.

Love this shit. Dump some on my hotdogs instead of regular mustard, and when I have corned beef I mix it with some sour cream for a godly sauce
Also good with plain sardines, prefer it over the ones that come marinated in mustard

fuck the environment, fuck climate change, there's nothing we can do about it

it's not like it matters since everyone ITT is going to be dead before 2050

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Tough UX sound like sooooo "American"

>food analogy

9/10 those glass bottles are older and they usually just refill em from a commercial sized jug of Heinz with a pump cap
At least, that's what the Denny's I worked at did, if the ketchup was running low I'd top it off from the refill in the fridge

For me, it's

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I think heinz ketchup tastes like shit

>game innovates and objectively improves a mechanic used everywhere in its genre
>no other series in the genre adopts it

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These things and their shittier rectangular predecessors should legitimately and unironically be made illegal though

I always like getting these at chick fil a

here's your grinchup, bro

Attached: heinz-ez-24-oz-squirt-basting-green-ketchup-catsup__79237.1620948267.jpg (972x1280, 83.47K)

Only Christians care enough for their fellow man to expend the extra cost required to provide these.

>>censors his torso/ crotch
What did Heinz mean by this?

based and mayo-pilled
nothing better than some oven fries with kewpie mayo

Disgusting. Have a real man's condiment

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Literally filled with piss and vinegar
Good laugh

Fuck out of here. British scum are not welcome on this board

It's good on chips(crisps).
That's about it.

ketchup is the worst condiment ever created

there's a reason its free at nearly every restaurant

you do know, a lot of Nazi scientists were Jewish right?