Do girls actually like video games? Besides animal crossing or zelda

Do girls actually like video games? Besides animal crossing or zelda

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who is that cute girl

Why do they do this to themselves?
what made them go this far?

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oh fucking no

what a cute female



The pink dog collar really sells me on the idea that this isn't just advanced fetish play.

I haven't been following jim but is he doing it ironically or?




No gay Jim has become trans Jim absolutely for real and suffered the expected corresponding loss of audience

You tell em' Stephanie!

user, I...

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Why these men have no dignity. What the fuck, he used to be that fatso reviewer

He got the snip user, it's over.

For every type of game I have known at least one real biological woman that has liked it. Strategy games, hardcore nes games, shmups, fighting games, 3D platformers, VS shooters like Siege. Whatever niche or hardcore thing you can think of I have known a girl that has liked it.

And I'm totally unsocial both on and offline. People like OP I can only imagine are so unsocial they probably have never interacted with a girl in their life and have to relay on rumor and hearsay to learn about them.

I know the feel. When digibro became a tranny I thought it was a joke for a few months.

Excellently diagnosed armchair user

do trannies wear collars because they think it hides their adam's apple?

>He got the snip
someone is eventually going to post his "vagina" here right

I hate this timeline

i wonder how many of these people have actual gender dysphoria and how many are just dumb enough to fall into the latest trend

I hope this fat cunt 41 percents himself

I know it's a wig but that looks greasy and nasty as fuck

So it's true, Jim is truly dickless and has no balls?

>middle age man dressing like 19 year old college chick
I think this is the new AGP babytran version of the Susan's Palace rapehon

No. They only like that it can give them more attention and give them le quirky points and shit like that to make their easy mode life even easier. I hate women so much.

Its a single person

the only person that saw his vagina was the doctor that did the surgery.
he hasn't even seen the axe wound himself because of his disgusting gunt

Gender dysphoria isn't really a thing, it's mentally ill and/or very unhappy men who were groomed into projecting their unhappiness onto their gender.


>loss of audience
I dunno, he still seems to get 150-400k per video, and it's pretty close to what he was getting a couple years ago. It's hard to tell with recent videos because they've had less time to circulate and be viewed.

Proofs`? I thought he was just "enbie", the thing where you have to do nothing but still get all the good goy points for.

At least he finally lost weight, right?

>every single picture he takes he's caked in about 3 inches of makeup, scrunching his head back and to an angle, aiming his camera down angle as much as he can get away with and making that face

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Bruh look at his social blade

Hender dysphoria is a mental illness, retard.

Shut up tranny

Who would devise such a thing?

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Girls love stuff that includes dating countless NPCs like rune factory/stories of season

Randy would be laughing his ass off if he knew about this

So, just like every foid has been doing since the dawn of selfies?

My sister plays destiny2 but she's a shitter and also an incel

at least shave properly for crying out loud!

Yeah wtf is up with that??

If you become trans you get near diplomatic immunity from public criticism.

Not privately, of course. The hate flows freely privately. But publicly, yes.

>user accidentally proves trans women are women

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He would go this far to piss me off. Impressive, really.

what no pussy does to a mf

The person you responded to is clearly a tranny


That's the jist of it, of course now eveytime i see anyone with a collar, evenreal females my tranny alarm tingles

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Is he still married?

the least he could do is invest in a wig that doesn't look like its from party city

By Yea Forums's logics, your sister is a tranny

Did he really cut his balls? any source?

That's a man, not a girl.

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I don't understand why he did this to himself

how were they not cancelled for saying the n-word that time

I highly doubt this. He's a psychopath, he's not stupid. He can get the same amount of attention with his penis at he can without, there zero reason.

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Porn addiction. I honestly think they need to start showing dudes faces more often in porn again. The total focus on the woman makes these coomers start to imagine themselves in her position rather than the males.

porn rot probably

Warning to all MRAs and "shitposters" online: This is your future.

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She's built like a beautiful russet potato

I know several that love doom 2,new vegas and skyrim

Kek he looks like a fat kojima

Why are pissbabies so obsessed?

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No, I just hate women.

Leftism is a disease, these poor fuckers were infected.

Fucking Myspace angles man

jesus the double chin takes up more room than the rest of the face

I just hate Jim.

I'd love to brutally murder his character in Minecraft Java Edition

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Poor Jim. Spent all that time eating other men's cum out of his wife's pussy and she still left him. No wonder he completely mentally broke and didn't want to be a man any more.

So you're the dude who gets fooled by trannies in real life, huh?

is Stephanie like the default tranny name and they didn't take the time to change it?

>Media Matters

>for years push your narrative and do shit like have gay pride parades in the middle of cities literally flinging your dicks around in broad daylight
>push yourselves into media and tell anyone that doesn't like it that they're transphobic
>try to get people fired from their careers for telling you that they don't want to play pretend and that you're not a real woman
>finally get told to shut the fuck up

Kill yourself faggot. No one loves you. No one will miss you when you're gone.

Jim isn't even a real tranny. He's a hack trying to prop up a failed "career" using woke brownie points and the last remaining scraps of his integrity as a content producer.

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Some of them, yes. The rest just infects.

We need to come back to glorious 80's italian porn where the camera would show the male face every five minutes for no reason.

dangerously based, user. hating women so much you even believe trans women are women so you have more women to hate. mad respect.

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I guess dressed as a fucking penguin wasn't enough now you got the villagers out to pork you with pitch forks

Mentally weak people.