What's the most scared a game has ever made you feel?

What's the most scared a game has ever made you feel?

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Is this one of those URAM ghost/monster videos? I have nutted to those too much for female ghosts to ever scare me.

doom 3 when I was a kid

Dead Space 2 on Hardcore mode at the part with the eye stab machine. I really didn't want to die.

that's on sale right now, is it any good? I liked the first one. solid 7/10 (imo)

Hands down Siren 1. The face mocap looks great for its age. Top tier ambiance, top tier monsters with intersting lore. Was the kind of horror game you dont play sometimes at night because its genuinely creepy as fuck. Havent felt that in a long time.

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What's the most you ever lost on a coin toss?

post the best one you have

Maybe Silent Hill 2. I didn't even get far into it at all.
When James is just walking into Silent Hill, I could hear something shifting around after James runs/walks around for a bit. I'd just stop and listen for a moment, but the shifting noise would stop or quiet down afterI stopped moving. It kept happening and I was getting nervous, because I thought that it might not actually be the game and could have been someone moving around outside my house. I checked my window, but never saw anything. I dropped it once I got to the hotel because it was freaking me out so bad.
I've never heard anyone mention this about the game. I still don't know if it was the game itself or if something was actually stalking around outside my house at like 9:00 p.m.

I would say so. Dead Space 2 was my favorite of the three. Improved on what 1 offered and didn't go overboard with the action like 3 did.

The first 30mins ~1hr of Silent Hill 2 is the best part. After that its checking 30 apartment rooms for an item or two and fighting the same 2 or 3 enemies

That's porn isn't it?

That wasn't the game bro, I mean it.
Like check out a walkthrough on Youtube or something

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An old hunting game I played as a little kid, called Carnivore 2 or something. I was hunting an Allosaurus and the fucker ambushed me out of nowhere, I never heard it coming. Screamed, threw my mouse, fled the PC straight-up.

Pretty sure it's the game, probably the clothe rustling or sound James makes when he walks on the concrete floor.

This is what I absolutely about the Silent Hill games. The amazing attention to detail and sound design.

If that made you paranoid wait until you mean a certain creepy crawly that makes this irascible friction noise freaking the fuck out all over the place.

Why the fuck am I attracted to this? What happened to me to make me this way?
Post more ghost porn like the last thread.

Sadako thread?

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Pfft no. It rehashed 1 in a worse way and doubled down on action. 3 was a natural flow on from 2.

Ecco the Dolphin, final boss.

dude imagine standing up your chair for a piss break after your 24 hour gaming session and you saw this slowly creeping into your room

what would you even do? my soul would leave my body right there...

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Legend of Zelda. I was watching my cousin play the game when he had to leave the room so he gave me the controller and those ReDeads scared the puss out of me. I was like a toddler though.

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Ffviii when you realize edea was your caretaker. Scared the shit out of me

I get a boner

club her and move her to the bed and claim my prize

pee on her

based leaf

Does anyone remember a youtube video from a years ago titled something like "world's tiniest bikini" with a thumbnail of a girl in a bikini sitting on a beach with her back towards the camera and if you clicked on the video, a weird tentacle monster would burst out of your entire screen?

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>Tfw I'm straight but grudge girl doesn't get me hard at all

Start masturbating.
Not even joking, it works every time.
Something about it makes ghosts fuck off, not sure why.

What about my wife? Does she make you tingle?

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i love spooky games

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Okay, I decided to check a walkthrough just now out of curiosity. The noise I heard 100% was not in the gameplay I watched.
It wasn't the sound of clothes rustling or growls. It was like rhythmic, soft footsteps. Much slower than how James was walking. Occasionally, I'd hear some leaves rustle or gravel move.
I was staying at my parent's house that weekend. They had left for the evening, so I should have been alone. There's a lot of foliage and gravel in the area.
On the bright side, maybe I can play Silent Hill 2 now?

Imagine having a ghost gf

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When instead of running away he unzips

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Why is it so hard to find games and other stuff that is actually capable of intimidating the player naturally instead of just yielding a disgust response and nothing else? Being faced with nothing but eldritch abominations of the week (like every b-movie from back in the day especially those which emphasize body horror) doesn't seem very interesting nor compelling.

SH2 In Water ending

I didn't feel scared. I just felt overwhelming sadness and helplessness. I felt physically itchy for a few hours. That ending made me very uncomfortable.

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No I'm pretty sure that's from one of the American Grudge movies

I prefer Sadako.

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A true man of culture I see

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The shape of her lips dictates a particular course of action.

Any time a game freezes or crashes without me saving

I don't think I've ever been scared by a video game

Bros I want to fuck a spooky non-human girl

It didn’t really scare me, but the lobotomy scene in Bioshock Infinite Burial at Sea Episode two made me super fucking uncomfortable. As shit as Infinite was and as bland as BaS was on top of that, at least that scene excelled at something. Maybe it’s just because brain trauma especially freaks me out, but fuck it got me.

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is there a term or tag for spooky lewd things?

All the endings of that game make me feel like shit. I got Leave on my first playthrough, and I just couldn't help but think how James basically has to go into hiding for the rest of his life. Along with Laura as well.

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so when are they going to add Kayako to Dead by Dawn

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My semen would leave my body, right into her mouth and womb


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>the sheer tension of watching the PS2 lights while launching a game when it was one of those games that would randomly give you red lights
>memory cards with poor connection meaning there might be no saves for the game or your save might be deleted
>corrupted save data messages
True horror, legit made me tense as fuck for some time.

I've never had a girl enter my room before. I wouldn't know what to do.

"ghost" "ghost_girl" and "monster" are good ones, but you would be better off searching for specific ghost girl characters (like "yamamura_sadako") for more content

The only game to scare me since becoming an adult is Resident Evil 8 when the giant retarded baby chases you

Your parents are already dead

>The only game to scare me since becoming an adult is Resident Evil 8 when the giant retarded baby chases you

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When im playing souls and an enemy sneaks up behind me while im not expecting it usually startles me

I know that feel bro.
for me the scariest moment in gaming will always be the Scarecrow crash in Arkham Asylum. I seriously thought my card had fucking fried itself.

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Japanese horror movies make me more scared than American horror movies despite usually being less bloody and gory. Maybe because the age of Japan is older while America is only 246 years old.

reminder she canonically has a cock and balls

>boomers pissed and shat themselves to some ashy girl with dark hair

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