Elden ring

>after watching the Trailer
Malenia did nothing wrong
>after first playthrough without paying attention
I will avenge thee Chadahn!
>Reading all the lore
Malenia did nothing wrong

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I love my wife Ranni!

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>I have never know defeat!
>Loses to Morgot
>Loses to Radhan
>Loses to Tarnished
>Loses the Miquellabowl to Mohg

Malenia had a hard life

>doubting your waifu
no true scotsman
shoo, donkey fucker.

Attached: FQGsbUBX0AM0I1B.jfif.jpg (1400x837, 183.22K)

What did Radahn do wrong?
>Loses to Morgot

>tries to steal her half-brother's great rune
>fails and gets BTFO
>resorts to nuking the entire continent with an AIDS bomb
>falls into a coma and has to be carried back home
>because of this she can't protect her twin brother who gets kidnapped, raped and killed
she's fucking terrible

watching plebbit and twatter deifying a shitter who abuses moonveil+RoB to cheese her for them is a cathartic experience. Malenia has been completely, fully and unabashedly cemented as the CEO of the aristocratic Patrician club.

Attached: Malenia tuxedo.jpg (3277x4096, 1.44M)

Malenia sold out to the entity seeking to exploit her, unleashing a horrific plague and ultimately ruining the very purpose of the Haligtree. She's an excellent warrior, but she has done wrongs.

I can fix her

Bro she has literal super AIDS