Sequels prove devs didn't understand what made first game beloved

>sequels prove devs didn't understand what made first game beloved

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Dark souls 1 was the worst of the trilogy



Best level design
Best gameplay
The worst aspects of 1 and 2 combined

These people are 20 years old or younger and their first Souls was DS3 when they were 14

DS1 is a masterpiece and 2 and 3 are very mediocre action games

Ds2 is the best dark souls, you probably didn’t even play the original and your first souls game was dark souls 3. You fucking sheep

I think he means Dark Souls didn't understand what makes DeS good? Yeah I agree Dark Souls 1 forgot its principals for le prepare to die again and again ahahahahaha memes.

Given 12 million copies of ER, pic unrelated

that's not a pic of demon's souls

>DeS remake
>DaS remaster
Are they worth it if I still have the PS3 console and copies?

Only if you care about PVP.

Its all random. 10000 games released and 1 is good? Its just permutations of variables. If you're a failure, sorry, just a bad permutation. We just suffer from survivorship bias.

I haven't played online when they were launched, never dealt with world tendencies too
Does DaS have multidirectional rolls? The four way roll was my main pet peeve when I replayed it in the original

Nope, only some QoL changes were made, like using multiple souls at once.

Is Demon's Souls worth playing even with no online? Is it jank compared to current Souls?

Ds2 was my first souls game and it's far from the best souls game, but it definitely gets way more hate than it deserves, this is an objective ranking of all the souls games and if you disagree it is only because your first souls game is not on top.

ds1 > sekiro > ds2 > ds3 > Er > bloodborne > DeS

Eh the remaster doesn't attract my attention too much. It doesn't even look too much better than the original, and if no improvements were made it's even less attractive
DeS though, despite the UI changes, seem cool, both because world tendencies would work and because the PS3 version does look very outdated now

they're metagaming their own veteran audience instead of designing from the ground up for an introductory experience

DS2 was where it was obnoxiously bad with the fucking "YOU'LL LOSE YOUR SOULS ALL OVER AGAIN HEHEHEHE" shit but it has been getting progressively worse, up to ER's dumb bullshit enemies with shit designed explicitly to fuck with veterans of older From games just to maintain a "gotcha" element

It's the heckin harderino bro! Not the connected world, exploration, all builds being fun, poise mattering, or bosses having meaningful openings! It was the super epic mega difficulty even tho it really wasn't hard at all!

...and god bless them for catering to a niche audience

Yes and yes. It's also far easier than the more recent games, though, so its jank won't get in your way or anything. Truly fantastic game, especially if you're into the writing, acting, atmosphere and all of that shit. It's so good. Fantastic level design as well. Just don't expect much in terms of challenge.
There's a private server for the original Demon's, by the way. It's not super active or anything, but you can at least still get to experience messages and seeing the occasional ghost.

they did undertand, miyazaki just refused to do it again lol

BB > DS1 > Sekiro > ER/DS3 > DS2

Haven't played DeS. BB is easily the best, it's super tight, fair battles, trick weapons are fantastic, best lore/atmosphere, best pacing, best bosses, best DLC. Although, DS1 possibly has the best designed world map on any game I've ever played. DS2, while being the worst, is still a really fun game

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Smash Bros
World of Warcraft
Dynasty Warriors
Kingdom Hearts

Hmmm... What else guys?

Replace the forward slash with the alligator attacking my left hand and you have the perfect tier list

Best bosses

Yeah, I'm going through it right now. I wouldn't call it janky, but there are a few little things like having to stop to use items or pick things up. The Item burden can be very annoying or outright fuck you if you have the audacity to pick up an item when you can't carry the weight and you have to now drop something or risk losing a unique item for the rest of the game because you touched it and it will despawn when you leave now.

DS3 is the most egregious for mimicking DS1 in only the most superficial ways and being a bloodborne reject everywhere else.

I’ve been playing Dark Souls 1 past the undead burg for the first time recently and I have to say the game isn’t really that hard. I had heard about how memeorable and hard Ornstein and Smough were but after defeating them after a few tries I have to say hey were really underwhelming for all the hype. The Four Kings are far more memorable and even terrifying. Anor Londo in general wasn’t that hard as people make it out to be. I thought the Silver Knight archers were going to be bullshit but there were like two of them and their arrows move that slowly that they’re really easy to dodge. Irithyll in DS3 (I played that first) was harder ironically.


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I played DeS for the first time just last year and loved it.

An user recommened i use an item randomizer. So much fun never knowing what your going to get and when.

Demon’s Souls sucks

>And I have to say the game isn’t really that hard.
The point of the first 2 games wasn't being "hard" at least not hard for the sake of being hard, you got it all wrong.

It wasn't until DS3 that the devs lost their way. It's completely linear unlike the first 3 games. Thankfully ER is a return to form.


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>the PS3 version does look very outdated now
Looks great if emulated

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Yes. What made Demon's Souls fun and interesting is the dangerous and varied levels and gimmicky boss fights. Dark Souls 1 is one of the dullest games I have ever played.

I know, but the game has been hyped as “hard” I was expecting some more. I just plough through most bosses.

ITT: zoomers that started with DS3/Sekiro/ER that went back and player DS Remastered (that's not even DS1) complain about getting filtered by the slower pace and retards still pushing the commercial bomb known as DeS (bombed twice lmao)

The only difficult fight in vanilla DaS1 was O&S and that's only because it takes you by surprise on your first few attempts. You could see the change of design philosophy in the DLC with Manus and Kalameet. They were basically the blueprint for every boss from that point on.

I'll never get over this. I'll seethe until my final breath. What the fuck were they thinking??

I wish I liked Sekiro but I just didn't like how it played. Sure I wasn't good at it, but I kept giving it a shot and just gave up. I much prefer DS1 and BB style over it.

>Sleeping Dogs went big?
>basically a GTA set in Hong Kong with a decent story?

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Maybe it was hard at the time, specially compared to its contemporaries, but if you compare to the newer titles it's a cakewalk.

Falling into the "le big open world" meme isn't a return to form. The open world in Elden Ring isn't cleverly designed like the world in Dark Souls 1, it is just a hub that connects the main areas and side contents of the game, sometimes it doesn't feel like an actual connected world with the large amount of portals which felt super lazy

ER goes a bit overboard with trying to be difficult but instead just becomes an annoying slog due to how often bosses attack, spam aoes, or gain bloated hp.

lol cope

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niggas will say shit like this but then also shit on Nioh. If you want action boss rush games at least play one with complex combat. Souls strength was in exploration, 2 and 3 are jokes. When 1 came out NO ONE thought the combat was special, this randomly happened over time as it found mainstream appeal.

>retarded spastic bloodborne type bosses in a dark souls game
Nigger zoomer that had shit souls 3 as the first game in the series 100%.

Agreed. The "le prepare to die" meme completely ruined the franchise and the fact that normalfags and the fanbase in general saw the first DS1 primarily as a "le impossible game" instead of a clever innovative action RPG really explains why Elden Ring exists the way it is.

Souls games were never about bosses. Kys faggot.

I don't think so, difficulty-wise Dark Souls is definitely as manageable as DeS, the "le prepare to die" thing came from Bandai Namco as a ploy to market the games, not the devs, this all began in DS2 where that quote came from.

fpbp, game completely falls apart after Anor Londo

Post Lord Vessel DS1 is still miles better than whatever the fuck happened after Leyndell, at least it doesn't fill your brain with recicled content

After Leyndell it's just boring BUT still good gameplay wise.
After Anor Londo you have interesting areas with shit gameplay.

Dark Souls 2 is a King's Field sequel.

True. And Elden Ring is a mix between Dark Souls 2 and Bloodborne.

>lose half your hp after death
>game gets harder the more you die
>punishment for dying is potentially losing your ability to level up
>dying means starting the level all over again
If they accidently made the game hard from don't know how to design a game.

>What the fuck were they thinking??
"We want to make enough changes to the game to justify calling it a remaster and therefore charging more money for it, but we don't want to actually spend anything on the project so we'll outsource it to the cheapest and most incompetent non-developers we can find".

That the fanbase has allowed this to happen and not launched a massive backlash is proof that gamers are pathetic uncultured idiots who will eat any shit that is put in front of them.