You didn't extract it

you didn't extract it

Attached: square-1489520090-winrar.png (480x480, 107.01K)

haha good one

You do pay for your unzipping software... right user...?

More like you didn't pay for it


Attached: 1200px-7ziplogo.svg.png (1200x687, 32.69K)


godlike program that has blessed us simple mortals

you didn't winrar

Attached: vidya.jpg (484x378, 38.53K)

It will stay packed until I fucking say so.

winrar you win teh internetz

Damn straight i didn’t am like 10 and just want to play Mario you can’t expect me to do that myself lol

I bought mine.

Prove it.

>can't presrve creation date stamps

Attached: winrar.jpg (1220x753, 106.32K)

I asked my mom if we could buy WinRAR when I was 11. I'm glad she didn't listen.


apt install p7zip-rar
7z x file.rar

What happened?

Attached: rogistered.jpg (1076x1540, 308.83K)


>He bought Winrar

I've seen lots of fake shit on this website over the years but this one is the most fake of all. Even the dancing cat girl has a better chance of being real.

Attached: 1528079828694.jpg (431x450, 68.11K)

Attached: 1626761297182.jpg (335x506, 27.93K)

top kek

now do adobe acrobat

You can buy that?! :KEKW:

did you just try emoting on Yea Forums

>Winrar constantly harasses you every zip file to buy it
>casually hit X and ignore it and just move on

What the fuck is the endgame


Attached: cHwSgTu[1].png (777x437, 61.14K)


i miss april 1st

what discord extension is this

Twitch zoomer

It's a script from greasemonkey.


Yep, for me it's Roshal's Archiver (RAR)

Attached: 7zpergs fear it.png (545x365, 16.02K)

what? yes it does

>Windows 11

>He actually bought winrar

Attached: 1620416626190.png (249x286, 86.68K)

>What the fuck is the endgame

I extract my ISOs with this

Aw, maybe when you upgrade your CPU you'll get to try it user :)

Why would I want to downgrade my OS?

for me, its zpaq

Attached: cena.jpg (1200x800, 79.22K)

windows 11 is just windows 10 but with a significantly worse UI

why not just mount them

i kneel

finna based

Attached: 1644152100550.jpg (666x666, 52.96K)

>right click
>There was a problem mounting the file

i have never had this problem

You have to get it excited first. Try sorting.

hi saucy

what's the point of using an emote if no one else can see it you fuck off saucy

such... power...

Attached: 1633499296075.webm (654x444, 960.15K)

don't talk to saucy like that he's trying his best

Why is Saucy still alive?


so long as there's sauce there will be saucy


because no other place will have him.

Attached: vegetri.jpg (200x356, 111.96K)

The final boss of the internet. I fucking kneel.

Attached: 1645488577476.png (344x502, 167.25K)