>super bomberman r was 5 years ago with no new game in sight >2019 rumor of a new game using the classic art style and white bomber's old VA has gone nowhere >super bomberman r online is 90% bots, doesn't have a new season and the twitter hasn't updated in a month Did Konami really revive this franchise just to make one real game and do nothing else but merchandising? You'd think SBR being a reboot and the bestselling game in the franchise would have them jumping to follow it up and expand on this new Bomberman universe, but nothing.
Also Bombergirl doesn't even look that fun and if not for the character designs you'd hate it for being a sluggish MOBA with even less power ups than SBR
Eh the main problem was the camera being all over the place for no reason. It should've been more like the PSP game or the Japan-only version of Bomberman Blast, those two were 3D with classic gameplay and worked fine. But you're right that we are overdue for a full 3D game, especially since that's what 3DS was going to be.
Julian Sanchez
Nobody cares about your literal boomer games. May as well bring back Mr. Driller and Pacman while you're at it grandpa
Jace Davis
Give me a fucking continuation of the 64 games. Or more Quest/Tournament.
Austin Harris
They actually did make a third game like those two, though I've heard it's not that great.
>nothing to bait the core Yea Forums audience which is evenly split between turbonormalfags playing flavor of the month, porn addicts and r/the_donald tourists of course it gets 0 replies dude
Henry Sanders
Pretty cool to see a Bomberman thread currently. I've been meaning to do this for a while but I recently started marathoning all of the games. So far I've played the first NES one, Bomber Boy, the Turbo-Graphx-16 one, the arcade ones, Bomberman II, Star Parodier even, '93, Super 1-3, '94 and GB1+2. Gonna play Super 4 next. But yeah, Konami isn't really trustworthy with their series, I'm surprised they let SBR be made to begin with let alone making more after, I'm still pissed the 3DS one got cancelled and it's been like 11 years, it looked like it might be a follow-up in ways to the N64 titles.
Seems to be getting around a lot lately, algorithm and such. It's good for Bomberman to get more exposure but I hope people don't just parrot what the video says too much and others actually play the games more now.
James Hall
>Also Bombergirl doesn't even look that fun Spotted the guy who didn't even try out bomber girl and just hating because REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE NOT MY BOMBERMAN!!!!!!
Nicholas Parker
Im at 2 hours in, around Super Bomberman 4. Based Bomberman autist.
Henry Cox
He did say "look" after all.
Anthony White
Yeah, I’ve played all the RPG-style games, and I thought Story DS was just okay. I think it was just the gameplay didn’t feel as tight as the earlier games, music was just okay, and the character designs don’t fit a Bomberman game. I loved Quest, Tournament, and the Jetters GBA game though. Speaking of Jetters, that turns 20 this year. Wonder if Konami would acknowledge it.
Ethan Fisher
Not many people willing to go over to japan just for a shitty pay per round arcade game.
Kayden Harris
I mean the OP pic looks like a youtube clickbait so I instinctively hide+report it sorry bruv
Hudson Morales
The anti anime girl legion are living rent free in your head with how you directly assumed the problem is he didn't even try it for not being his bomberman when its a fucking japanese arcade game
Not him, but what makes it fun? Sell me on it, as a Bomberman fan who has no problem with deviancy and has spent roughly a year fapping to nothing but Bombergirl doujins
Austin Allen
>2019 rumor of a new game using the classic art style and white bomber's old VA has gone nowhere
what the fuck was this again??? something at tokyo game show right?
>konami is selling a bomberman product with chikuma's music for the first time (outside of tg16/pce mini rereleases) Probably means nothing in the long run but it's still interesting to see. twitter.com/stsphonoco/status/1513940009924980739
the GOAT. if it doesn't have jun chikuma on the track, and the artstyle from the late 90s, it's not bomberman.
Adam Wood
a 3d bomberman collection would be incredible. hell, why not a comprehensive bomberman collection?
Liam Sullivan
If you kept reading after those first seven words you'd understand that I have actual reasons for saying that beyond not liking the anime girls. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I haven't seen enough but from what I've seen it looks boring as fuck. It has a mere bomb/speed/fire cap of 5, it doesn't even have so much as a power glove to further interact with bombs beyond just placing them, and that's not even getting into how the movement isn't even grid-based in a grid world. I'm aware that shit similar to pierce bombs and dangerous bombs exist as some characters' special abilities, but making series staple power-ups ability-exclusive (Line bomb being Goemon's ability for example) was stupid in R too.
The thing that sucks is that I'd actually like the idea of a Bomberman MOBA if it was actually as fast-paced and frantic as the battle mode for any game past Bomberman II on the NES. You and several others would agree with me too if the game was exactly the same but all the anime girls were replaced with regular Bombermen.
Adam Jenkins
I loved the bomberman game on the DS, just played that shit with bots all day.
>Speaking of Jetters, that turns 20 this year. Wonder if Konami would acknowledge it. Bombergirl has a character based on Shiro's Jetters self (Even bringing back the same VA) so there definitely are people there who are aware of it. Honestly kinda bugs me that Bombergirl seems to have more deep cuts and references to previous games than the game that was actually developed by former Hudson staff. R eventually gave Switch owners Max, but besides Hige Hige bandits being generic enemies that was really all that went outside of the SNES games.
Your autism against a franchise spinoff is unappealing, your sense of humor shows a poor grasp of post-irony despite relying solely on it, your fascination with a second-rate franchise that's been effectively left to rot is odd, and your method of starting discussion is aggressively repellent You're too Yea Forums for Yea Forums
Dylan Perry
the bomberman community is dead, replaced by retarded porn addicts who don't care about gameplay nor the series. all they care about is muh booba. they are animals, the "goyim" the jews always talk about. gamers are always the most subservient cattle because they're are so easily compelled to do anything in exchange for a jpeg of an anime girl.
I unironically did, in 2 two chunks of 4 hours obviously and the video is pure autism but of the good one. It's nice see Bomberman being blessed by the algorithm for once and getting more exposure, the video itself will be a good catalog for new players
Colton Cox
Because Konami are a bunch of hacks, reminder what they took from us
>with no new game in sight They released SBRO last year. It turned out a cashgrab mess.
Bomberman doesn't really have an audience anymore, anyway. Slow but steady population decline + kids today are playing Minecraft and Fortnite or just browsing TikTok and Twitch instead.
Jace Peterson
>Windows on a tablet-sized device LMAO no.
Anthony Thomas
> bombergirl doesn’t even look fun
tell that to the guys I saw at HEY lining up to play it.
Anthony Perez
I wanted to try the game while I was at Japan 3 years ago and this faggot nip hogged the arcade to himself
Parker James
Coomer addicts don't play games because they're fun, user.