Why are colossal weapons so bad in Elden Ring?

Why are colossal weapons so bad in Elden Ring?

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OP is a moonveil user

You have to find an opening to use them, and that's pretty rare

Think of it as punishment for trying to LARP as le mighty warrior to impress fellow Yea Forumsirgins, instead of using something practical.

Colossal weapons are a fashion choice.

theyre not, you are

I finished 95% of the game with this.
Normal attacks stagger pretty much anything.
Jump attack does big damage and stagger damage to bosses, especially with the right ashes.
Roll into crouch attack for a fast attack if you only have a small window.
Satisfying as fuck to drag around with R/L2 on Torrent.
Literally all you have to do to git gud with this is not spam imputs.

The problem is that they don't do significantly more damage than quicker weapons, one hit from a colossal does maybe 20% more damage than a normal weapon but it's 80% slower

>waah waah I want my lightning fast moveset even though the weapon must weigh a ton

Go play FF7 remake for your foam-rubber LARP swords.

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Big weapons have less dps but they do lots of stagger damage., if you hit a couple charge attacks you get a crit for FREE

Because they are not made for shitters that whine nonstop they can't spam buttons and get rewards.

Lack of hyperarmor. They also deal not nearly enough extra damage for how slow they are. It's actually impossible to hit someone with the giant crusher in pvp if they're even mildly competent at the game. Like, you will literally never land a single hit with the giant crusher or any colossal hammer ever.

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you trade some damage for constantly smashing enemies poise making your life way easier
unless you wana talk about bleed weapons then I would argue bleed is just insanely OP

I was struggling with the game until I found the watchdog staff, which is a colossal weapon. Game became a cakewalk after that, since it does massive damage, has a good ranged attack and staggers hard. Even a near miss makes things stagger.

>throwing down my sign to learn Radagon
>start every fight by rushing him for a free swing
>slap him around every change I get
>usually get two crumples, getting good at timing it for when he's doing his big three AoE hammer blows
>get it down to the point where I'm slapping him around the whole fight with hardly any healing used

Ended up switching to the Giant Smasher with Prelate's Charge for EB but honestly it's not the GS that's too slow, you sissy babies are just too pussy to handle it. I can get a swing off and still dodge through the retaliation more often than not, it's only when I get greedy that I actually trade.

Fuck, if you're that bad with the speed just throw on quickstep, the doge-poke has unreal range.

Wasn't Poise supposed to work like it did in Dark Souls 1? I remember a lot of people reporting on that.

And str was supposed to increase equip load, what's your point? I'm personally glad they didn't go with DaS1 poise, it was a serious problem with the game's balance. No-talent Giantdads poising through everything with their chaoshanders wasn't fun to play against, it was just a chore.

it does, there is passive and active poise, you need 61 to passive poise 1handed tier light swords
you need 103 to deal with 2hand halberd

Good luck getting even a couple of charge attacks off on most bosses. I've been using the Great Sword for the majority of my playthrough (still am). Charge attacks will most likely get you killed if you try to abuse them. Jumping heavy is much more practical and safer against some attacks.

you can do guard counters instead which have the exact same stance damage as a charged attack

I was just wondering. Personally I'm glad too DS1 poise isn't in but I was avoiding news and videos about the game since the NT and wasn't aware they changed some things until I finished the game.

mamma mia!

Because you're using basic R1 or R2 instead of Jump attack.

Fromsoft made the baffeling moronic decision to make their normal and heavy attacks dogshit but the jump attack actually good.

I mained greatsword with redmanes and royal knight resolve first playthrough. Doing a magic run now and gotta say, it's about 10 times easier. Rock sling does more stagger than jump R2, and I can switch to royal greatsword if I want. Pure Str with only colossal is so much harder.

r1 is shit, but charged r2s are stupidly good, no idea what youre talking about

It's the not the size that matters its what you do with it

weapon arts beat any single weapon's stagger potential anyway

the best stagger build is a Misericorde with Flame of the Redmanes, a dagger can just break most bosses' posture in three hits

on my pure str run, colossals were very good against mobs but i'd go back to greatswords and axes on bosses, made things a lot more manageable
also, delicious greatshields, trivialized a LOT of motherfuckers that gave me trouble with regular shields

>highest stance damage in the game from a weapon is a colossal charged r2 for 40 damage
>flame of the redmanes does 40 stance damage
its really silly that this is true

Greatswords are fine, but with colossal you're seriously just fucking gimping yourself


enjoy your chip damage and gimmick build, some of us can get through with pure fundamentals and patience.

Been using the grafted sword, any other fun colossals?

They're not, you're just bad at them. Wait for an opening and use charged/jump attacks to stagger and get crits.

>dex fag thinks all openings need to be found
>str fags make their own openings

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Beat the entire game with two colossal swords. They are a bit awkward at times but really you just have less windows to move. More than makes up for it. Used Grafted in my left hand (2-hand for the weapon art and then go back to powerstance) with Lion's Claw Greatsword in my right hand. Dealt with everything in the game fairly easily. Malenia was probably the hardest bit but she only took about 25 tries.

Do any colossal greatswords use regular shards for upgrades + allow unique ashes of war?

As true as that is, guarding against most attacks are really risky unless you have a greatshield because of the stamina cost. I find it less risky to jump over a sweep with a heavy attack.

Depends on the weapon itself, not the weapon type. Main rule of thumb is that anything with a unique weapon art uses Somber Stones and everything else uses normal stones. The normal ones also change their art

You deserve to suffer for your weeb cosplay faggotry.

>Hit shit with magic when you don't want to get close
>Use it for delayed spell staggers + distractions while you bonk
>Looks like a cool hammer

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there's no risk to it, you just have to know which attacks are blockable. its generally any quick simple one handed attack. slow windup and two handed attacks generally should be avoided.

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Stat requirements for colossals are fucked

Double fisting colossal weapons is OP

>posting the inferior shitdog version

shibe is a dead meme, all it's used for is facebook tier propaganda and shitposting

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hey where did all your stamina go?

Ruins greatsword is nice, it takes int but it gets S in str so it's clearly just a str weapon, the pizza cutter shreds bosses if there's a part where they stand relatively still in the fight. Haven't used a whole lot else myself.

>had enough afterward to do a guard counter and still roll three times afterward

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>jump attacking for 200 damage
yaaaay vidyah gaem

Complaining people are using outdated memes that are less than a year old is the actual most reddit thing you could do.

no you didnt

it must suck to be literally blind

>swing is fairly fast
>recovery takes 5 times longer than the swing
They're too slow in this game. The only worthwhile attacks are jumping R2 and rolling R1 but the latter is only situational. R1, R2, charged R2 are all trash, because jumping R2 is faster, does more damage and safer.

literally all you have to do is powerstance them and your jump attack staggers everything, malenia was a joke with colossal swords because of the 1hp 2nd phase bug

that being said the jump attack is the literal only viable move

why do you remake this thread every hour

your fucking gay so whats the difference

With a typical Dex weapon you can just roll into half of those and be fine, and you don't take damage and deal four times as much without being completely out of Stamina the entire fight.

They are slow in a game that demands you be fast
The are bad at inflicting statuses in a game where status ailments are the best they have ever been
They are heavy in the game that most wants you to actually use armor for stats, meaning you have to pump end more than usual in a game where damage stats have a much later point of diminished returns, as such your weapon won't be doing proportionally as much as faster weapons are able to do
The only things they are particularly good against and things that are easy anyways.

>another thread of Yea Forums proving it's shit at vidya
oh boy

How's the Troll Hammer? I'm trying to get my STR/FTH build started.


>Normal attacks stagger pretty much anything

>Doing a magic run now and gotta say, it's about 10 times easier
Yeah it's magic what did you expect

Can you parry the crouch r1?

It's literally the only attack those retards use in pvp but i can't punish them after they do it.

just use ashes instead of being some minmax retard

the greatsword is actually overpowered because of its super fast crouch thrust attack. it's the only thing that makes it viable though

you can't. put bloodhound step on your greatsword and it's almost impossible to deal with if the person isn't retarded

Damn I wish it was parriable like a running and roll attack, yeah this is pretty much my experience in PVP against UGS players in this dumb game. Bloodhoundstep and crouch r1, that's all they do. It's pretty sad to see.