Fighting games should free to play so the genre can evolve

Fighting games should free to play so the genre can evolve.

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think you mean devolve

think the biggest issue is motion inputs more than anything

but then how do they make money?

>inb4 costumes and fighter packs
so we become league of legends now where skins have a competitive visual advantage in high mmr and champions are locked behind a paywall causing f2p to get wrecked if they don't pay for meta?

Like MMOs...

I sure do love having only 3 characters to choose from with the objectively better characters being behind paywalls. Surly this will save fighting games.

>Fighting games should go F2P so it focuses more on skins and characters packs and further ostrizise conservative players for liberal ones


yeah well that's how

Doesn't DOA have this business model? It's a neat concept in theory, but in reality everyone will just main the free character or simply stop playing if they rotate out. And don't really want predatory micro transactions or ads bothering me in between games.

Agreed. Add a bunch of skins/cosmetic items for characters as monetization, like changing the color of your hadoukens or adding different visual effects.

I'd also suggest to possibly make team vs team fighters with multiple players. Imagine something like KoF except 3 players on each team controls one character each.

A huge issue with normies and fighting games is that in 1v1 they can't blame other people for their failures and can't get carried, so we should add that element to fighting games as well for mainstream appeal.

Now i can blame 5 people for the reason I lost instead of just 1. Nice.

>like changing the color of your hadoukens or adding different visual effects.
unless you add an option to disable this shit for competitive mode nobody will take the game seriously. it's going to be like early dota 2 where niggas wear the most obnoxious skin possible to make it harder to see their attack.

>Change your fireballs to a dragon head or flying fists
>Change the colors of your fireball
>Change your character's appearance with accessories
>Coomer costumes or other alt clothing
>Night/day variants of other stages
>Paying for crossover characters
It will work dood, just trust me.

Most of them are
the greats atleast

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you're just taking out standard features expected from a free game and slapping them behind a paywall like mobile games do.

We just gonna ignore this abomination?

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Different time when digital media wasn't that dominant, it had shit netcode, and it was Tag 2 but without the tag mechanics.

It could work again if Bamco has actually tried now.

You sound upset.

Trump lost get over it

They are free if you go outside.

it gave us titty vampire at least

what is it with ugly faggots like this guy plastering their channels/media with drawings that look nothing like them
do they have body dysmorphia? do they actually think they look like that?

look at this fucking goblinLMAO

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it also had limited play coins, invincible moves and stats bullshit

Don't look up his wife

How come this retard owns the fighting game community monopoly?
He's not even good at fighting games... there is really no one else decent on the community that can also play fightan gameS?

so true. look at brawlhalla, it's the only successful fighting game.

>Expecting Jap fg developers to create a working f2p business model when they cant even make proper lobbies

smart enough to start early when FGtards were still too autistic

why doesn't he shill phantasy star more if he fights for niche games so hard

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PSO2 is a lost cause

Picrelated will save the FGC

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you mean ruin

Capcom and Midway already fucking ruined fighting games. Might as well save what's left.

can't wait for it to come out and the exact same thing happens that happened with runeterra, tcg players couldn't wait for the big multimillion $ tournaments, except they never happened.
your going to have to buy characters with 1-2 free and a rotation of a few, need to buy them to even training mode against them, except it's a tag fighter and a riot game so 90% of the characters will be incredibly similar with a few unique mechanics on a handful

so many people in the fgc think it will bring it so many players, but it will be the same thing as runeterra, a couple % of new people try it out, and the small % of them who would like fighting games but never gave one a shot will stay, and the rest will be gone before even a week is up.
motion inputs don't filter people, complicated games filter people, 1v1 games filter people, and complicated 1v1 games filters are multiplicative, people don't even want to give fighting games a shot because they assume they will be too hard, and even if you twist their arm to try, they just complain about motion inputs needing too much practice and having to spend too much time in training mode
motherfucker, no one told u to go to training mode, u can do the same thing u do in an fps, just hop into a game and start doing shit, if ur already familiar with lots of fps u might hop into a training mode/practice lobby to check out the guns and see what you like before playing, but that only takes 5min

why the fuck did I write so much.

Can anyone explain the allure of MOBA to me? I just don't get it.

>New players
Do regular players care about that or is that company shit? I'm not exactly clammering for new players when they don't even want to put in the time to actually play. They want instant gratisfication which is weird because there is no instant gratification in fucking MOBAs. Maybe Fighting games should start introducing BOTS to match making. Kind of like how MvC:I locked you in a shitter zone if you had under a rank of 15.,

You ever have your dick suckdd by Latina Shortstack? That's the allure of playing a Moba

it will do well because league has money to pay people to promote it. runeterra isn't a game lol

>I don't have a retort but let me make you horny
You bastard, the fuck am I supposed to do with this erection?

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>implying modern fighting games aren't like that already but with an entry ticket of 70$

Look up Latina Shortstack porn

>What's the appeal

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>fighter z
>every new dlc is so broken they are meta defining tier zero
>force people to buy them
>nerf them a patch later
yeah, current system is so much better

mobas are fun for reasons I think makes league of legends unfun, so I guess my reasons don't apply to everyone
but its really enjoyable to have a bunch of different characters with unique abilities and you have this new fresh experience pretty much every game as u will never see the same match up again, and even if you do your builds will probably be completely different
just trying to work together with your team and stop what the enemy is doing and playing a resource/territory management game is fun
which is why I have no clue why people find league of legends is fun with its boring ass samey abilities and 0 macro gameplay

tcg players said the same shit about runeterra, finally a new company making a big online tcg we will finally see some tournaments and lots of new players from league of legends will come
runeterra is legitimately one of the biggest tcg around lmao, but they don't provide is the same support as league of legends because its a fucking tgc
I heard so many people talking about it, but I fucking knew that wouldn't be the case, now the fgc thinks the same shit with project l, and I can tell you the same shits going to happen, and it wouldn't surprise me if project L ends up being a large fighting game, that gets just about as much support as other fighting games get and nothing changes.

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>Imagine something like KoF except 3 players on each team controls one character each.
I'm imagining it. It sounds fucking terrible.

you motherfuckers will go "but if fighting games are free to play they'll do THIS" and then just describe Street Fighter 5

I mean, it's no surprise that Max has shitty taste and opinions. Dude glorified FFVIIR writting.

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>. Imagine something like KoF except 3 players on each team controls one character each.
KOF XV has this feature, bro. Play the fucking games already

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>even if you do your builds will probably be completely different

>That time Kenny, Max, and Steve looked up blue waffle on a fucking Dreamcast

How successful was the character creator in SC6?

like I said, nothing about what I find about the genre applies to league of legends, its a bad game made to appeal to the casual fps crowd who just want "skillshots" and don't care about strategy
applies to all other ARTS/Moba/dota-likes

I wonder if i could post on Yea Forums from my dreamcast if i bothered with the setup

I can't wait for fighting games to be derivative of a f2p LoL team fighter.

F2P isn't helping VF5 which is still free on PS4/5

Trump lost

The genre evolve by trying new things, not by killing it with greed.

my point is that it's an actual game and not a card game. the genre already peaked, and there are other alternatives that people care more about (pokemon, yu-gi-oh).
most likely it will happen, but since it's going to have league of legends characters and the moba demographic mostly consists of third worlders, it's going to be okay. brawlhalla has 20k players on steam, i can see it tripling that at the very minimum

Not wrong. F2P, crossplay and progression would help alot. That said, F2P would likely mean a story mode being a big risk to develop cutscenes and a 5-6 hour long campaign if people don't stick around after to spend money.
because its fucking Virtua Fighter. When was the last fighting game that didn't rely on being apart of a big IP?

If the fighting game is going to be effectively multiplayer only, as so many are, yes, I agree.
I would prefer them to have lots of singleplayer content instead though, enough to justify their prices.

>how do we make thing successful?
>uhhhhhhhhhhhh make it exactly like everyone else!!!!!!!!!!

this is why the AAA video game business is in such dire straits