You may only post here if you got a house
I don't.
I'm going to post anyway.
stop crying about housing and deal with it, bitch
How do you go from this...
>buy house
>forced to stay subbed unless there's a world war or natural disaster
No thanks
why would anyone want to live in ishgard anyway? it looks all cold and grey. not that i've been there that often.
Got one back in 5.5. Small plot in the Lavender Beds. Was originally just going to use it to relocate, but I've come to really like the place. Top comfy.
Alright see you guys in 6 months for the next 4 hours worth of content.
I want Venat to suffocate me to death with her tits
It has soul.
>playing mmorpgs in 2022
Got a mansion for my FC. Hoping I can get a personal next lotto but the competition for those seems way steeper
>got a house near Goblet's pool
It feels cozy, though I do wish the aetheryte was nearer
delete lalafell
Apartment CHADS rise up
Do I have to stay subbed for apartments as well?
>Polymorph will turn off Sage's LB
Holy fucking shit why is WHM so broken
I've played for years, I own 10 houses on Mateus and have listened to balmung trannies seeth for years about it. Watching today's meltdown in real time was a blessing, also yes I won the lotto for plot 22 for one of my personal houses. Adding to the temp tantrums
I dont ff14, is getting a house difficult or rare?
ARR beta is still a fetus. Servers that arent fetus shit are Karnak, Palamecia and Saronia. Any pre-Legacy servers user here? OG server and what did it become for you during 1.23?
Are they bigger than FC rooms? Might grab one instead of my FC room.
>playing SAG in PvP
Lindblum is from 1.0 launch bro. I wasn't even around for the later 1.X patches because I was homeless at the time.
no house ez
>Gets infinite cure 2s due to bug
>deletes most LBs with 1 spell
>Their own LB has the shortest cooldown of all the LBs
>Shits out damage as well
At this point if you play WHM you truly did not win and did not beat the game
I was so glad to have sold my large house.
Is SGE easy enough to pick up if I'm a tank brainlet?
It is literally no different than before. Today was the only day you had favorable odds but from now on you're going to have 20-50 lotto tickets on any small that opens. Only difference is now bots can't sit at open plots auto-clicking.
>Are they bigger than FC rooms?
I just wanted my house out of the goblet, but I got cucked by the bug.
Are you FUCKING kidding me.
Fuck this shit, I'm going back to WoW.
I've had one for years latelet.
>styled Minfilia like her dog
>now stole her clothes
Will her evil never cease?
that looks pretty comfy. i bought an apartment a few months ago but i never did anything with it because there was no reason to go there so i had no real reason to decorate it either.
they should allow me to put a glamour dresser and retainer bell in there.
i think retainer bell is possible but the dresser is important too.
Why didnt you participate huh?
I hope the JP players are tearing YoshiP a new asshole since we can't personally yell at him due to language barrier
I always wanted housing in Ishgard, but I settled and got a medium Shirogane house back in SB and spent all my gil decorating it.
Why would they when everything works fine over there.
I fucking hope he doesn't listen to them, those retards are demanding a rollback.
He'll go on stream crying and saying sorry. This will then cause all of reddit and the ecelebs to go on a witch hunt against anyone criticizing the game.
This has been the norm for a while.
I'm assuming they made PvP funner?
No. SGE is bad for people who don't know what to do. It's not a beginner healing class because it's much more reactive than other healing classes and it can't overheal like WHM.
You can have both.
They are.
Yes, it's super fast and bursty.
AST is good. GNB could be good if they could target teammates.
lol Yoshi's not paying attention to XIV anymore. He's too busy trying to shit out XVI. XIV is gonna be on autopilot with the C team in charge for the next 2 years.
A rollback won't ever happen. What's going to happen is that some underpaid assistants are going to have to fix it manually.
I will play AST in CC and you will have to suffer because of me.
exact same size, you can have both.
Latelet would imply he lacks lateness retard
How do I gear up a crafter now?
>Nero stuck in Role Quest Limbo now
Guess that means we won't be seeing much of him. Bummer.
Damn you had an ishgard house for years?
This lol, and the best part is he won't remove the overwhelming and unnecessary FC-only wards. What the absolute fuck were they thinking? Should've been 50-50, with those halves themselves split into half lottery and half instant purchase.
>we are forced to share a board with tranny fantasy 14 players
The absolute state of Yea Forums
Have they ever done a rollback before? With how fucked their database management is, I'm not sure they would have an easy time doing one.
Go back to your world of trannycraft thread, wowbuck
You can already put retainer bells. The lack of glamour dresser is really the most annoying part, but you can have up to 4 NPCs like menders and savagers so it's not completely useless.
There's no language barrier, brainlet. YoshiP has been able to speak English for years. The only reason he uses a translator for official events is because he's worried he'll fuck up a single word and the entire community will use it to fuel a crusade over nothing.
It should be instanced housing. All these issues would literally vanish overnight.
you've had to deal with wowfags since the boards inception whats the difference retard
an upgrade
most classes have one non instant skill and a small amount of instants now
the most dumbed down it's ever been
No, the JP players get SE's attention far more easily. Remember that SGE icon "controversy"? That was 100% from JP players.
Honestly, AST is fine. I've been playing all 4 healers and all 4 tanks, have between 20 and 50 victories as each, none of them are as much of a throw as people are saying. Out of all 8 jobs, PLD is the worst, but its still entirely workable.
But user, the interiors are instances ahahahahahahahhahahaahha
>7 game losing spree in PVP
Guess I'll play WHM then. It does look kind of lame though. Holy is kino.
>Yoshi: "please be nice to the devs"
Oh they must be referring to us Western apes
>No they mean the JPN audience.
I can only imagine how icy cold savage they can be. And good, I'm tired of giving XIV a carte blanche for ineptitude because small family company please understand. When there's a monthly sub there's a higher expectation.
I love seeing shitters try to describe it because they don't know how to play.
its probably your fault bro
>They do a rollback
>We end up back to 1.0 due to spaghetti on a cosmo level
I will delete all Lalafell's virginity with my dick
>OG server and what did it become
Now this is a wholesome keanu chungus moment!
question on unreal. can I holmgang through orbs or nah?
Don't (You) faggots ever get tired of this?
I'd definitely say 1 was, but one loss had a teammate run to activate the tornados and we got squad wiped immediately after by LBs.