One of the only action titles to rival DMC in combat depth and complexity

>One of the only action titles to rival DMC in combat depth and complexity
>Almost all the bosses fucking suck
Why? Ninja Gaiden/action game thread I guess

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I don't fucking know. You'd think a game about ninjas would make for some badass bossfights ( and they're are but only a few) but man are there some dogshit bossfights. also just started a Master Ninja playthrough.

Slasher games are for drooling retards and console fags.

They don't suck, they from great to meh but nothing outright shitty except maybe in 3RE

The regular enemies have more complexity than most other games bossfights, so I don't really care about fighting the worms lol. Also 2 (original) has some fun boss fights.

Literally 80% of DMC bosses are shit

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Decent bossfights in Ninja Gaiden Black:
Fiend Ryus(although they can cheap as fuck sometimes)
>Gamov(Sigma only)
>Yotunfrau ( he's fun to fight on Hard and above due to minions etc)
>Fiend Murai
the rest of them range from meh to ass.

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I really struggle against him. Hydracubus and skellington dragon are okay, fairly easy. Weird how it gets worse like with the water dragon in 2, or the rex in 3

You forgot Marbus, the other are more or less meh tier but never ass. At least that's how I feel about the bosses, I don't feel like there's a boss I feel like I wanted to skip.
A complete ass boss for me it's something like Arkham in DMC3

The only annoying thing about him is the low health gun spam, which you can counter with smoke bombs. Other than that he has a very predictable pattern, which is why Alternator was made.

I didn't like Marbus, especially with him coming after a boss rush, but I did like how in NGS2 he comes to New York looking for a salty runback with Ryu, only to get bodied by Rachel. Then gets his runback, and dies again in the underworld

Bayonetta (1) surpasses both.

Am I crazy? I thought you couldn't izuna drop Genshin in 2 but it let me.

Action games where you can cancel your actions with a defensive maneuver at any time are superior to action games where you have to commit to your actions and I’m tired of pretending otherwise. If I wanted to plan, I’d play strategy games. I’m here to test my reflexes and situational awareness.

NG has the best fucking TTK of any action game though. They got that shit 100% perfect.

Did they fix the blood n gore? Or any other problems this had on release?

In the OG 2 you could not Izuna Drop him. In S2 you can.


DMC enemies literally just stand there while you dial in combos.

NG takes real skill.

Skateboarding is so easy the board just sits there it doesn’t even try to throw you off. The mechanical bull ride is way more complex.

>loathsome deeoeaoopoo eater right on schedule
Literally 100% of ng bosses are shit

And it is a game that in each reissue they lower the difficulty. Ninja Gaiden Black (which is the definitive version of the first game), they lowered the difficulty in Ninja Gaiden Sigma. Likewise, in the Switch compilation, I have read in different places that they lowered the difficulty of that, compared to the original Ninja Gaiden Sigma.

How nerfed does the game have to be? It deserves some respect.

>NG takes real skill
>cutscene attacks while enemies just watch as you demolish their buddy
>iframe magic while enemies just watch as you prepare your big dick attack
>izuna drop

All of the bosses in 3 are awful and completely ruin that game.

>lower difficulty
>vigoorian berserkers attacking offscreen
>annoying shit like bike faggots
>rachel section
Get out, retard

Not to mention that even in the first version of the game (before NG Black), the enemies coordinated to attack.. Yep, you shouldn't only worry about the opponent in front of you, you should be careful of who is with him. A single coordinated attack can take more than half of your health.

Jesus, stick to food analogies.

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it's the resident discord loser, ignore him

>gamefaqs immigration thread #858299174
go back.
action game niggers take the rope.

Gotta admit, each difficulty in 1 having own enemy placement and adding fiend clones is based (even though vh/mn use mostly same enemy spawns)
Cookie sama I kneel

Sbkbros we got too cocky.....

>it's a rachael level
also how do i change the color of my text

>>it's a rachael level
Just spam on land ut after grab combo

>it's a Rachael level
Uh, good?

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Did they actually discuss videogames on gamefaqs? I guess u prefer people posting women with giant tits and asses or loli shit and leave the comment box empty like usual.

>combat depth and complexity

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I agree. Mob fights are so fun as you're jumping around and shit but all the cool combos, cool grabs, and cool movement becomes useless against bosses and you have to play Simon says.
I'll admit I look up speedruns of just the bosses to learn quick ways to kill them cos I don't enjoy them at all.
Also a shame this series got left behind. I myself only really discovered how cool it is since the collection released and feel like I missed out big time. I still play it to this day and am currently doing 3RE on hard.

what buttons

>did they actually discuss videogames
no, action game forums are filled with the same retards making the same bait threads. now these retards have come here and spread their autism making the same bait threads like OP.

You're going to get the DMC faggots against you because they can't accept that it's truth. Had the same thing in another thread

In terms of having shitty boss fights? Yeah agreed my dude.

>I'll admit I look up speedruns of just the bosses to learn quick ways to kill them

Fucking gross. I get looking up how other people beat them after you have beaten them yourselves, but right from the get go? And speedrun autists to boot? What are you even doing?

How big is the step up on 3RE normal to hard. I've done a few of the difficulties on 1 because I enjoy that one, did path of the mentor on s2 because I remember that being much easier, + ninja races with Rachel, and the first 3 or 4 sets of team missions.
I only did 3 on normal because I remember not enjoying it nearly as much

also my favourite part of the series is that Ryu is technically way too overpowered for any enemy to be much of a threat but you don't realise until that one moment when it all clicks. I like how the games are still a challenge without it being because enemies are hyper armour abusing cunts or the player character is just too clunky to even function properly against 2+ enemies.
I remember a few hours after entering the city on the first game I killed a few mooks in an alley and suddenly the wall runnning/when to attack/enemy step/combos just started to feel natural and then the collection became one of the only things I played for 2 months straight.

That boss made no sense to me, even less than Alma 2, I don't really understand how I beat him.

No this is only after already beating the games and then replaying on higher difficulties.

Just x I think
She will jump, grab enemy and slam him. Immediately press y to instantly absorb essence as soon as she lands

Not that different. Fights will spawn in one or two extra ranged mobs and everything does some more damage but that's all. I didn't really feel much of a difference. Master and ultimate ninja are where it gets stupid I guess but I haven't tried them for 3 yet.

ah, then you're ok with me. But you won't learn much watching speedrun trash.

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>the best and second best rival bosses in the genre, if not videogames (Vergil, Credo)
>the best protagonist boss in the genre (Dante)
>possibly the best designed multi boss in the genre (Agni & Rudra)
>one of the best multi phase bosses (King Cerberus)
>a boss dedicated to mechanic who still rocks (Cavaliere)
>so memorable and filled with personality that they get turned into everything from weapons, to entire characters, to spilling into games of completely different genres (Viewtiful Joe, Bayonetta, Ultrakill)
Even the absolute shittiest game in the series (DMC2) has a handful of bosses people still remember fondly.

Yaiba is a good game and I'm tired of NG boomers telling me it's not.

>the best and second best rival bosses in the genre, if not videogames (Vergil, Credo)
I don't know if I'd call Vergil that though it is within the realm of possibility and even likelihood. lol at Credo

>the best protagonist boss in the genre (Dante)
Especially considering what thread you're in

>possibly the best designed multi boss in the genre (Agni & Rudra)
Mediocre boss fight

>one of the best multi phase bosses (King Cerberus)
Fucking KEK

>a boss dedicated to mechanic who still rocks (Cavaliere)
Really scrapping the bottom of the barrel to find reasons to pad out this list are we?

>Hack hasbeen keeps referencing the work he did when was not a hack for cheap points and that's a good thing

>Even the absolute shittiest game in the series (DMC2) has a handful of bosses people still remember fondly
See, this is why i knew not take your post seriously from the start

It's not a good game and it's not even Ninja Gaiden


I do like him, but I do agree it'd be better if it was by himself, I also remembered there IS a boss I'd call shit and that's the giant statue skeleton thing before Murai, that one is annoying as hell

Guillotine throw, or run up the wall and triangle down

Interesting, what about enemy health pools and de-limbing rate, are they the same or do you have to chip away a lot longer

Nigga if you think Despair Embodied isn't a rad boss you're opinion just doesn't matter. Simple as.

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The one where you're on the floating platform or the weird quadruped made of skulls? I didn't like either of them, and I save all my Incienadary shurikens, explosive arrows and armour piercing arrows for

>munch munch
Loarlthsome doashitter, plz

alright be real with me should i play Black or Sigma?

i don't. I like the concept and looks, but fighting him sucks.

if Agni and Rudra is mediocre, then Ninja gaiden boss fights are fucking trash.

Sigma you dumbass. How many times are you fucks gonna ask this stupid fucking question.

Would you play the vanilla version of DMC3 or 4 over the Special editions?

you should play KH2FM instead.

You play Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Remix and sign up on

Yeah, I've no idea what were they thinking with that boss.
It's a shame because the intro scene to that fight is completely amazing
Thinking back, I think NGB has a ton of my favorite cutscenes in vidya in general, they look fantastic

>4 over the Special editions?
Actually yeah. 4 vanila is better

Fiend Rachel fights would have been cool

jesus man chill.
you know for a series that's been dead for years the fanbase sure knows how to keep the game dead by gatekeeping newcomers. it's just a question, no need to act irrational.

im gonna play black then thanks

no it isn't.

Yes it is
>runs better
>no retarded hdr/bloom/dof shit you can't turn off
>no bloated character list

>an incomplete game is better than the same incomplete game but with more playable characters + turbo mode
you niggas are weird as fuck

its probably for the best for it to stay dead

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Agni and Rudra are really cool weapons but a mediocre fight. Tell me what is so good about it? It's a fight that you either absolutely blow through if you know how to parry and down them or it becomes repetitive with a questionable camera. There is also no incentive to ever let one of the brothers survive if you decide to make the fight one versus one. I forget which one it is but you all know what i am talking about. It's better as at being a 2 vs 1 as the story one in NG because that's actually a 1.5 vs 1 boss fight instead.

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Turbo mode was in vanila pc release, zoomerstein.

because Humanoid bosses are the best kind of boss fights, simple as. Also it's a million times better than whatever the fuck they had going on here.

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>stand completely still as missiles fly at you
So this is the power of DMC fans.

DMC4 is an overall shit game, 4SE just makes it less shit by adding LDK mode which is the only saving grace for that cashgrab.

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>its not as bad as one of the most forgettable gimmick encounters in NGB, so its good!!!
Wow its like you gave up dude sad

Only recently started playing action games. Played through Metal Gear Rising a couple of weeks ago and have been playing Bayonetta since. Don't know why it took me this long to get into the genre, I've been loving it so far. Always used to think action games were just mindless button mashers but so far they've been really engaging.

>because general irrelevant satement, simple as. Also it's a trillion billion times better than wahtever the fuck irrelevant whataboutism

Go back

>rival DMC in combat depth and complexity
games a button masher, theres no complexity to it

We get it, you watch funny eceleb video. Mgr is dogshit, cope

DMC3 DMD all mission S rank proofs with timestamp?


that whole level is fucking garbage. not to mention the tank boss fights lead right into that helicopter. a Military base setting could've been a cool level. But in typical Gook fashion, they had to take the shitty way out.

*In 4 vanila pc release

a helicopter boss fight makes no sense in NG game.
what were they smoking?

MGR and Trannyeta fucking blow.
and this user said

Vergil in DmC, if they could patch out the retarded mid-fight shots of Vergil eyefucking the camera, would be better than DMC3's or 5's.

>inb4 "just spam holy water bro xD"