I feel like I've been fucking meme'd

I was told for years by Yea Forums this is a top tier puzzle game and instead it's a fucking walking sim.

You look at a body with your magic pocket watch and then listen to some audio cues before seeing a still-frame of the past, and after you walk around looking at things then wait another five minutes (because the devs paced this for snails, apparently) it brings up your journal and fills out everything for you - drawing connections between memories, cross-referencing faces to the pictures of the occupants, and only letting you fill out the blanks in "___ was killed via ____ by _____." That is literally the entirety of the puzzle solving mechanics. You walk where you're told to when you're told to then write down what you were just shown "Yeah, this guy who has a knife in his back got stabbed to death." - wow! what a fucking brain-bender that was!

I am not exaggerating, you have no real control. You are being taken on a guided tour of the ship at the most arduously slow pace possible in the exact order the developer decided upon. You do not get to explore the ship and actually think for yourself, your magic journal records every single possible discovery you could make for you and even prohibits you from making educated guesses until the developer decides you have enough explicit clues to confirm your decision.

The closest I have felt to having any actual agency so far, the closest I have felt to having any real satisfaction for solving a problem on my own, is when in one of the early memories I heard someone call a character by name and then when examining the scene could tell which person she had been speaking to based on positioning. Do you want to know what I did with this clever discovery? Fucking nothing, because since the guy hadn't died yet in the order of events the developer was letting me view I couldn't input his name into the fucking journal to identify him.

This game fucking SUCKS.

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filtered lmao

>complain that the game is too braindead and easy with how much it railroads you through it
>"filtered lmao"
Yeah, you seem to have about the right level of intelligence for the target audience the dev designed the game for.

>"Yeah, this guy who has a knife in his back got stabbed to death." - wow! what a fucking brain-bender that was!
Only a few of the deaths are gimmes like this one, and even if the cause of death is obvious the real difficulty is figuring out the names of the victim/killer. The only complaints I agree with is that you have to initially do the chapters in order and follow that dumb wisp to each body for no reason, and having to wait an arbitrary amount of time the first time you see a memory to exit it.

The cause of death isn't the challenge. It's who got killed and who killed them.

So you're saying if I grit my teeth and bare with this eventually it stops with the fucking wisp shit and lets me explore the full ship looking at things in any order I want? How far in is that exactly? 2 hours?

op, you have a limited understand of what a puzzle is.
this game just is not for you. stop being a pea brain hating beloved things you don't like, and just do something else.

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Like 30 minutes in if you actually played the game.

I'm an hour in and it still hasn't stopped fucking dragging me around by my neck to each body in the precise order it wants me to view them.

It doesn’t stop until you see the memories at least once, you can just go to whichever body you want afterwards and leave the memory at any time.

If it's so easy I assume you've figured out everyone's name already

>he hasn't seen the frenchman

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Yeah ok, I'm pulling your leg. There's maybe 20 different memories, give or take, and each one is at least 2 minutes long with the time you spend waiting around. but I promise you, once you've seen all there is to see, the game will be a lot more bearable as you'll be able to exit and enter any memory from the ship, even the memories within memories.

Haha what a sperg.

"Mommy I want my teddies NOW!"

>Yea Forums tells you game is good
>it isn't
A tale as old as time

Yea Forums always sucks this game's cock but I agree with you partially, user. The gameplay was nothing stellar, I hate how you are forced to wait several minutes to progress in some portions, 90% of the time spent in this game is just to artificially make you waste your time.

But I disagree on the puzzles being low quality. Yes, the cause of death is obvious 90% of the time, but that's not the point. I think the cause of death+identity combination serves just to prevent bruteforcing, and I actually think the game would be far off without having to guess the cause of death, because it is either obvious or complete unguessable bullshit.

The game shines because it gives you several ways to deduce people's identities, and everything starts coming together at the end. I am a brainlet and couldn't even do it to be quite honest (by the end I was still missing like half of the identities, didn't have a good grasp of what was going on and did not have the patience to restart), but I still had fun with the few "gotcha" moments

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The captain did it.

>and even prohibits you from making educated guesses
The only time you're prevented from making guesses is when you haven't even found the death scene yet. When the game fuzzies out portraits that's just letting you know you haven't been given any info on them yet.
>your magic journal records every single possible discovery you could make for you
It only automatically puts in the death entries for you which is required for then filling them out.

Definition of filtered. I bet you think Monkey Island is a walking sim.

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If I remember correctly, there's no time gating to any of your guesses. The journal won't update to validating correct answers unless you full out 3 lines, or something like that, to prevent brute forcing every answer with trial and error. It has nothing to do with if you've seen it or not, if I recall right.

Why is everyone on Yea Forums an impatient peabrained old man when it comes to game design? The time spent in memories never felt like enough for me, it was so fun to look for clues and listen to the great music.

>the length you're required to wait in memories is precisely 1 minute long each time
If you think you've seen everything there is to see in a memory in less than a minute then that's a sign you aren't paying close enough attention.

You can even just say the Captain did everything and you'd be technically correct. So if you're stuck you can just bumrush the game on bitch mode.

I'm not even sure what people were expecting from the game guys who brought up border patrol paperwork simulator.

I viewed all the scenes, tried to puzzle out a few more of the deaths, and then just got bored and stopped playing.

The central concept wasn't compelling. You had to go searching around a dozen different fucking scenes to find which character had penis breath 2 days prior to work out the name of who died.

I didn't enjoy the game.

Because if I feel like I have fully absorbed the scene why can't I just move on? It feels so weird and even unfair that you don't have the option to skip the 2 minutes of senseless waiting. It is especially brutal at the first memories where everything is painfully obvious.

Like, imagine a game with unskippable cutscenes. So people start complaining and you say "Why is Yea Forums so impatient, it is fun to look at the cutscenes" WELL FAGGOT SOME PEOPLE WANT TO SKIP IT AND IF YOU MAKE IT UNSKIPPABLE THOSE PEOPLE WILL JUST ALT TAB OR LOOK AT THEIR PHONES AND THIS EVENTUALLY KILLS THE ENTIRE FLOW OF THE GAME

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If you don't like mysteries, it's unfortunate but understandable if you don't like the game. It is a detective story. But if you're just going to shit on it because it's not open world RPG third person shooter #210476498 then fuck you.

Because aside from the very first memories before The Doom, which are essentially a tutorial, there is absolutely no way you "fully absorbed the scene". There are far too many details and hidden pieces of information. Every post you make it because more and more clear you've played for maybe 10-15 minutes and came to Yea Forums to cry instead of enjoying a great vidya.

Yes, this is a weird design choice. I dunno if the dev ever clarified it. I assume he made it this way so people would naturally walk around the scene just checking things out rather than immediatly leave after the dialog ends and they've gotten the gist of what's going on.

I'm sure there's plenty of players that came upon part of a solution because they were forced to wait and so just happened to look at something that made their brain clicks. Couldn't remember if it happened to me though.

You're literally completely misreading the OP, they're bitching that the game DOESN'T let you explore or fill things out yourself.

They're wrong, only the first 1.5hrs are like that (at absolute most, more like 1hr if you play normally) but if they think that's the whole game they're right to complain. The intro is easily the worst part of it because it is entirely linear for the most part.

I like mysteries, but after the initial round of shit, there was no mystery. Oh, Alfred Dickcock got crushed by the crate? Who cares? Who the fuck even is Alfred Dickcock? Just another name on the fucking list.

It's ok to admit you don't like using your brain when playing video games user. Be proud of consuming the next turn your brain off product.

Is there any other game with that same general concept? Where you get all the information you need relatively early in the game, and the progression is simply figuring out how it all fits together?

I only know Outer Wilds and Obra Dinn.

How can one person be so fucking based.

That one wasn't made by me. I've left to try get through the rest of this overly long tutorial now that anons have convinced me the whole game isn't like this.

First of all, I am not OP, and if my clover is not enough of a giveaway for you then you are way too retarded for this website (but this is already obvious because you think Obra Dinn requires some sort of gift to play). Now I simply disagree that you can't fully absorb post-Doom scenes in less than 2 minutes, but here is the thing, even if it was impossible I should still have the option to skip if I want to, faggot

If I want to progress without "absorbing the scene" it is my problem. The game thinks that by being unable to progress I will start looking at everything more carefully? No, I will alt tab, check my phone, close the game, etc. It is a retarded design only supported by NPCs like you

> Yea Forums shits on Sony for games like Detroit: Become Human
> they bum this game for some unknown reason, which is 100 times worse

Many such cases

The mystery is why everyone on the ship died. They were cursed and you're trying to figure out why. Did you just see the giant crab people and ignore them?

>No, I will alt tab, check my phone, close the game, etc
Holy fuck zoomers make me physically ill

haha we tricked op into playing insurance agent simulator

>tfw I thought the light in the sea was getting closer as I completed the journal
>I was always wary on the ship because I was afraid to turn a corner and find a crabman or worst. Even though I knew the game likely didn't have any fancy animations planned

One of the best games I've ever played. I only wish there was a more satisfying ending.

I see a lot of people here saying they wish they could skip the scenes whenever they wanted, but there were definitely times where I explored a scene out of boredom after I got what I needed and caught something new, so I see why the dev didn't let you skip whenever you wanted

Would sail the seven seas with/10

OP is right, the game sucks

The game is designed around making you slow down and pay attention, and this sets adhd zoomers into a literal monkey tantrum because they can't just speedrun to the end, look up the solutions, then complain on Yea Forums about how the answers to the puzzles are too obscure.

its a bad game

This guy looks like egoraptor lol

The Witness would probably count.

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yeah i suppose, why would a man sell a puzzle games without puzzles before throwing it out to the masses.

If I take your phone away, would you die?

it would be extremely painful

>The mystery is why everyone on the ship died
Who cares? They're dead. Do I really need to know which one of them pissed off the sea?

Can't think of any right now but you might like The Sexy Brutale
You need to roll up your sleeves and get to work improving your life. Your brain makes you feel restless and guilty for a reason user

>game let's you take your own conclusions of several crime scenes and you actually have to work for it
>"walking sim" "no agency"

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especially given that some of the people on the ship did not die
also the company and the government kind of have a vested interest in whether a dead guy died from being shot in the face, falling off the rigging, or being sick.

clear your downloads folder Paco

>some of the people on the ship did not die
What, the few that made it onto life boats?

>also the company and the government kind of have a vested interest in whether a dead guy died from being shot in the face, falling off the rigging, or being sick.
Right, but why would "I" care about this? Honestly, the opening was alright. There were a few minor mysteries that felt alright to solve. And then crabs and krakens kill half the crew and you have to piece together who the fuck they were through blurry retro indie art so some bean counter can pay out the correct insurance settlement.

It just didn't work, I wasn't interested in getting every name right by hunting through unrelated scenes for hours.

With a smaller cast, and more of a "whodunit" style with a spate of murders where you had to hunt through each scene for clues as to who took the candlestick and who was in the green room with Mr Black? Maybe it could've held my attention.

What did you expect when the devs previous claim to fame was a stamping simulator

It's a fucking mystery video game. Your motivation is that it's a game you purchased and presumably want to play. Or are you one of those anons that hasn't played a video game in 20 years and just cries all day on Yea Forums? Otherwise I promise one of your favorite games doesn't have a fucking literary hook to get you personally invested in killing people.

>walking sim
yeah you're retarded. it's what you do in between walking that defines most games. typical brainrotted Yea Forumstard.

why do people make threads like this?


it was okay but I had to stop because it made my eyes bleed.

Everyone has to be angry, all day long, it's zoomer time.