>His 1cc chart is how big?
His 1cc chart is how big?
Other urls found in this thread:
around 100+ squares last time I checked
That's not too big
mine is empty
can you show me her pits please.
It's small but it's not getting any bigger.
is this a reimu thread
I can't tell if I enjoyed the touhou games so much because I haven't played another shmup or because they're actually good. What should I try?
whats a good stick to use for shmups, the base stick on my mayflash sucks ass and isn't precise
chorensha 68k
>tfw want to play another shmup but can't get motivated to play for any longer than an hour
Touhou is too fucking addicting
if it sucks yes
Aya and Reimu look similar.
Do you guys have burst periods where you're playing touhou games for months but then just stop for years? I've hit that point, got distracted by rhythm games currently
Not so far. I'm new to Touhou and I've been playing them on a near daily basis since I got my first 1CC about a year and a half ago
I have been awake for 24 hours.
Will girls make fun of me if I get carried by Sakuya?
Not really, no. Ever since UM's release, I haven't gone a week without playing at least some Touhou.
Prove you're not a secondary.
get out of here twitterfag.
Tengu shrine maiden.
>77%, 82/107
>time left: 9:58
dont punch seiran
I have never played a kirby game
Zero, I suck at these games. But still trying, they're a lot of fun.
Seiran for suffering only
I only have PCB, IN, MoF, and WBaWC
Kirby music is kind of like touhou music, but less cool.
Is it me or is Yea Forums really slow these days?
Not just these threads
shit game kys
lol look at this 1cclet
never even played your game
fuck off
lol look at this 0cclet
do you want to play it together?
don't do this
it makes shou sad
yeah, fuck it
you got tiger knee'd
Where does she get all those pool noodles.
This feels like it would be really annoying to get consistent at.
Crimzon Clover
incompetent useless piece of shit shou
I wish it is
Pop your cherry, play LLS.
Has there been any clarification on the moriya takedowns and DCMAs? Does ZUN just hate us now?
Windia thighs
>Yuuka will never pop your cherry
why live
She will on TW
I thought the chinks somehow did it
I wish she would fill my rectum with cock
I didn't become Yuuka.
Not Video Games.
Nothing new that was already known, which was that ZUN never was approving of the west pirating his games. Back then he either just didn't want to bother going after western pirate sites or didn't have the means. This got taken as ZUN not caring if you pirate his games by the west, which never was the case.
Now that he's been trying to expand touhou into a profitable franchise in recent years, and now that the majority of the games are on steam, he felt now was the time to go after sites like Moriya through legal means.
Tl;Dr is that a singular translator asshole wants to be THE 2hu translator since he had a track record of translating just a few fangames(lol) and wanted to show """good faith""" by snitching games to his inner circles, funnily enough he took priority to HIS fangames that got translated and paraded around in a holier than thou attitude on how it's bad, for the reason mentioned above.
Supposedly, people got upset and even harassed/sent death threats after what he did and now he has gone silent after typing out a wall of text to damage control later and see if it would calm down the ire of others.
>Nothing new that was already known
that WASN'T* already known
I love Mystia's game!
Eratoho devs confirmed secondaries.
what game? doesn't look like K or TW
That spellcard filtered me for a long time but it gets too much hate. It's a pretty fun spell that just tests player consistency in micrododging
That's a rare event on TW, I've never got one of those yet.
it's pure CBT in danmaku form. I also like it a lot
She asked for a new spell card idea and you gave her the old and busted crap she already does.
She asked for a "new" card, user.
Do you guys think Junko wears a thong?
I think she goes commando.
To be fair, that question is almost completely random and stupid
For example, Washy asking what would her favorite type of Pokémon being fire type
Shaved or not?
Thongs are hotter than nopan.
Ikaruga, with vertical monitor
I have a feeling she doesn't know what those are