Genesis 8 Day 2 thread

So who's winning the tournament anons?

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>you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

do I watch the ultimate or melee stream

>no wizzrobe in attendance
It's his turn.

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>20 minute ads
thanks bts

how many streams are there

btssmash and btssmash3 for ult
btssmash2 and btssmash4 for melee

he looks like one of those baby monkeys

>pools about to end
>bracket going til top 8 today
it's almost time

pools ends in 7 hours

Armada is the GOAT

well, r1 pools. at least most sets will have a name in there in r2.

anyone want to play ultimate
I have a bunch of porn and retarded custom stages

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Plup got this

never sleep on chillin in a papa johns tourney

Damn bro, Leffen wishes he was there so bad :'( Aw dang!

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>Genesis 8

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why did it take them so long to ban wobbling

Video games are inherently political and politics take a while.

Anybody wanna lend me $13? I'm hungry for pizza now.

which one of you is YOMI

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Get fucked lol


Whatever you enjoy :)

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Take a shower.

When did this fat fuck become the new norm at fucking everything? I'm sick of this dude. Is it just bc he was shouting "ban hax"? Who's ass did he kiss?

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bro get a new tag

literally just opened the thread to make this post

i thought zenyou was good

Meds now, chuds.

Any combination of the top player's, their friends, and TOs asses will suffice.

Did we get too cocky, Eddy Mexico bros?

Chillin won our hearts

So are any top players in attendance other than Amsa? Skimming the youtube channel it looks like literal-whofest

everyone but wizzy and leffen. this is still pools obviously there's going to be a lot of randoms still in the tournament.

Westballz ain't in either.

This absolute titcow is in attendence at Genesis 8.

Look at the size of those udders. What a slampig.

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this bitch is getting fat

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She just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Barely even fitting into dresses at this point.

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She's always been a big girl but she's getting into obese territory.

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>KJH took her to summit
>she started cheated on him with someone who works at summit
>now she works at summit
poor KJH

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rando is about to get demolished by plupper

Non american here. Is this the kind of woman that lives in a trailer with 3 black babies?

This is literally the story of all Smash thots. Their boyfriend introduces them to the scene, then they sleep their way into positions of power. Tweek's GF is also another one who did the exact same.

What are his chances?

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don't know about the smash social scene but I saw this same shit happen a dozen times playing WoW

Not NA but I expect so. It's the life cycle of NA women. Soon she'll be falling into BBW territory and rely on Onlyfans from desperate orbiters.

>She's always been fat but she's getting into more fat territory.
You don't say...

Smash social scene was pretty based until summer 2020. The massive #metoo movement basically allowed a bunch of shitters to get power over the all of the regulatory stuff. Now that they have absolute power they'll ban anyone who pisses them off/they don't like. See Westballz, Hax, Nairo etc.

yeah I remember that nonsense
nothing is sacred anymore

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Ralph is winning this

mafia got banned forever for grabbing his gfs wrist after she cheated on him.

Did they ever give an explanation of why Wes's banned from G8?

they said he harassed someone. literally makes zero sense why he's banned from only one tournament. you would think he would be banned everywhere if he actually harassed someone.

tweek is a tranny

>Tweek's GF
didn't happen
He's just a scrimblo enjoyer.

>He doesn't know

oh nononononoon

who the fuck is ralph unironically.i stopped playing after zain fell off so about a year or two

Reminder that Keitaro fucked Tweek's girlfriend

you don't have anything to substantiate that claim. I would know because I follow his gf's cosplay.

incineroar's has such a cool moveset, i wish his mobility wasn't dogshit

Keitaro was banned for fucking a kid in a pool.

He's doing it.

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If the dude I played from here on Slippi is here, ggs

what even happened to keitaro
it feels like every other "cancelled" guy made their return eventually (nairo, zero, d1, etc) but i haven't heard anything from keitaro

Glad you lads are posting these. Always good to have a reminder to do a little more than the day's regular workout. Where other fail and must settle for thots, I will succeed

Listen here punk! I am a community leader who is the daughter of HugS. I am a almighty FEDD and you can't resist me Weston Dennis! I am the LAW!
For your grimes against humanity, I hereby sentence you to over 9000 years in the Iso-Gamecubes and a life time ban from MeleeBlockā„¢ tournaments.
Rot in hell, criminal.

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D1 was arrested at the airport and they found child abuse images on his HDD.

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Why are the commentators nowadays so fucking soulless?

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>mango's friend
what the fuck is this overlay

me alone in my bedroom doing the dreamland clap

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