How many units will Elden Ring sell by years end?

How many units will Elden Ring sell by years end?

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I think lifetime sales it's possible that it might hit 20 mil.

Nigga it sold over half of that in two weeks

It already hit 21 million

fake news

This guy doesn't seem to understand the concept of front loaded product sales. Most games, unless they are historic juggernauts like GTA, sell most units near launch. Even cyberpunk had this happen, it had no legs despite all its hype. Almost everyone who wanted the game bought it immediately. Even Pokemon games are like this. They sell a lot upfront but die off in the long term.

>12 million tarnished
She killed millions...

12 Million in 16 days with pre-orders, player counter is still insane on steam (225k as of rn) - some more quality updates and if the DLC does come out this year it should easily get 20m.

Fucker, Cyberpunk had bad legs because the game was received poorly and everyone and their moms was shitting on it after the first week.
Games like Elden Ring end up selling a lot because they become the defacto choice for people looking for games, Elden Ring scratches the itch for open world, fantasy and fast combat.
It will sell more than 30 million copies before the end of next year. Elden Ring will be this gen's Skyrim.

That's double the holocaust!

I understand front loaded sales, but the assumption it won’t even reach 2x initial sales is baseless.

Not even the poster child of “overhype”, Cyberpunk 2077, still sold 3x the initial copies.

Cyberpunk sold 13 million within 7 days and only just hit 18 million as of around a week ago. It didn't sell 3x the amount of its initial copies, I don't know where you're getting this from.

That applies to big AAA titles. Smaller games always keep selling for a long time.

Less than monster hunter world
Fitting for a knockoff but edgier

Being poorly recieved means absolutely fucking nothing in the face of popularity. Plenty of shit, low effort, games sell well over the long term.

>everything with swords and monsters is a Monster Hunter knock off


30 million seems like too much. Even if its positively received I only see it passing the 20 million mark.

Agreed, but the fanboys won't accept this mindset.

Delusional, and completely backwards. Smaller budget games suffer from this more than anything unless you just ignore how many of them are are made and only focus on the "cult classic" tier games that are popular and have legs. Of course everything is going to well forever in your mind if you blatantly ignore everything that doesn't.

A Hat in Time = 50K in 2 weeks = 500K in 1 year.

SOMA = 250K in 1 year = 1 million in 5 years.

Hollow Knight = 40K in the first month = 3 million in 2 years.

And so on.

Thanks for proving me right.

Cope and seethe.

t. Can't read

Thank you for doing what I told you to do.

The only one coping here is you, lol. I already BTFO your argument before you even made it, but apparnetly you're too dumb to see that.

We can only speculate. But 20 million would be very conservative. 25 million realistic. 30 million if we’re very generous.

Lifetime sales will definitely put it up there with Skyrim.

Thank you for doing what I told you to do.

Holy cope.

How did this gain so much normie traction?

Holy seethe and cope.

Keep coping, bro.

Clever marketing with GRRM + being genuinely good


>guys it won't sell because cyberpunk didn't cell

Cyberpunk is a broken piece of flaming garbage. Elden Ring isn't flawless, least of all on PC, but it's absolutely nothing like that dumpster fire of broken promises and overhype. If that wasn't obvious by the fact that Fromsoft didn't dump all their budget into MIND-BLOWING NEXT-GEN GRAPHICS and instead just polished what they had with DaS3, then the reception should have reached you by now.

Except I forgot, this is Yea Forums and no statistics by any media outlet count unless they confirm your bias.

Keep seething and coping dude.

Both of you just fuck already, jesus fucking christ.

Attached: (you) of Darkness.jpg (1780x1300, 1.04M)


And here's the kind of dumbfuck which think i'm specificlaly trying ot make an argument about its limitations becuase of cyberpunk and doesn't see that cyberpunk was just one of two examples I used. Christ, you people are hopeless.

>12 million
Eh it seems a bit too much for me...

It’s a very special case and not really representative of sales patterns. Something like BOTW (well received) would be a better comparison.

You mean to tell me that demon souls, which came a bit after monster hunter og, a game about careful positioning and commiting to your long ass actions with clunky movement, while keeping an eye on your green-colored healthbar and yellow stamina bar, while dodging shit slowly by careful positioning, guarding, or dodge rolling thru it with your (4 frame window) invincibility is not similar?
Its just monster hunter but in an adventure format lmao
And magic too, but that's for fags anyway

>false equivalence is fine when I use multiple examples of garbage games by hack developers like Cyberpunk and fucking pokemon
>you just didn't get it!

No your point is just stupid and you're a fucking idiot. The game will sell because it's a success, your examples didn't sell much more than the initial shelf-stock because they're actual garbage. Cyberpunk radiated red-flags to anyone with a brain, and Pokemon has been shit since gen 3.

>all he can think of is trangina
Gross dude

No it wouldn't. Breath of the Wild was on two platforms, one of which was dead, and the other of which was newly released. It's also a part of a long running series that's decades old. Comparing it to Zelda would be retarded, tha tisn't fitting at all.

>he doesn't know that Elden Ring released on ps4 AND ps5

Wow you couldn't sink your own argument any harder if you tried, what an ignoramus.

>Seething so badly he's actually arguing against the notion that most games sell most of their units around launch
Kek, holy shit.

One of the best selling Pokémon games of all time is Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

Fans don’t give a shit about quality

Specially when all the rage back then were the fast-paced high octane adrenaline pumping sick action moves like dmc?
Nah fuck off m8

>I can't argue with your argument so I'll just make up a different argument and pretend its yours

False equivalence is the point, dipshit, shift the goalposts as far as you want, it's not my credibility in the shit.

When did the PS5 come out, nigger? Elden Ring didn't launch with it. And Elden ring is also on PC, Xbone, and both Series X consoles.

I don't know why you even made this post, it just makes you look dumb.

For starters, positioning matters very little in Dark Souls , it’s all about I-frames. If you roll at the right time, you can stand in an enemy’s face all of the time

But the main point is that DS revolves around combat against humanoids while in MH you fight seven story buildings

MH doesn’t give a shit about setting, lore or at atmosphere, for DS it’s a selling point

Cyberpunk sold 18 million despite being a piece of shit so let's hope ER hits 20.

>make up a different argument
Is this guy illiterate? That was the point I as making from the start. Maybe you need to calm down and stop seeing red and read my posts again.

>MH doesn't give a shit about setting lore or atmosphere
Thanks for proving you either never played them, or started in the 3ds lmao

>MH doesn’t give a shit about setting, lore or at atmosphere
Dumbest post ITT, KYS from nigger.

Thumbnail of this reminded me of osrs for some reason

It was hyped and it's actually a good game

The lore for Dire Miralis and the dead sea probably is better than anything edgier monhun (souls) has done
Lets not even get to the ancient civilization and equal dragon weapon

I have played it since Freedom 2, made a White Fatalis armor.

Don’t confuse monster biology with lore and setting. Which interesting characters does Pokke village have?

Monster biology is literally lore dumbasa
>which interesting characters does Pokke village have
Literally every single npc I can recall as either something useful for you or a cool backstory and I can recall them from memory
>Traveling vendor lady that sells cats for fighting and cooking
>Pokke farm dude that manages upgrades and trades
>Potion seller and blacksmith
>The retired hunter that tells stories of his past battles to you, his replacement.
>Nekoht has a little aide story related to him

>game focuses on fighting monsters
>said monsters have an intrinsit effect on their environment in some cases
>lore about their biology and how this might come to be exists
>but apparently it's not lore or related to the setting
Kek, retard confirmed.

6 billion

If you really played since freedom 2 you'd know that literally every single item, material, usable item, carve and drop have little bits of lore attached to them (wow even more comparisons to souls)
You literally have a bookshelf in freedom 2 with unlockable magazines and books that tell you stories of the entire world of monhun, and themonster ecologies expan the story and setting further than the books by actually showing you stuff not possible in the game (like melynx trying to steal a shogun's shell)
And if you didnt notice, aside of a few stock quest descriptions, every single quest has a different client with his own reasons for you to go out there and kill shit