Racism is bad

racism is bad

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Do you have a source for that, senator.

>they hated him for he told the truth

racism itself is not that bad. being obsessed with race(like KKK or nazis) is bad
>Verification not required.

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>listen here BOAH, if you so much as THINK about saying the n-word, i'll have your feet cut off and force you to run to the next county over.

>2 fellers gettin married? well I didn't like the sound of it at first but Dutch gave me this book and I reckon dem fellas aint hurtin nobodeh

>Heh.. Lettin a huge hung black feller with a giant cock do ma wife? Don't mind if I do, Dutch

>Western Riding Academy BAD!

>t. white guy who’s never got stink eye from anybody while simply leaving his local grocery store

But they were just trying to tell you that you hadn't paid yet

Racism isn't inherently bad, but most people just use it as a clever excuse to not address the systematic Jewification of their country at the hands of white people willfully, gleefully running into the arms of excessive greed.

Racism is not bad, violent Racism is bad because you behave like a dumb nigger monkey

>t. shitskin that thinks only he has ever experienced negative prejudice

Wdytm, I get that look.
Ugly people have it worse off than blacks 2bh

If niggers and shitskins would stop stealing then the stinkeyes would stop.

>Listen pardner, if you don't go down to the square every morning and kiss the local nigra's feet I might start thinking you're one of them there nazi folk

>why are wypipo like this
retarded racist nigga

Yes, it is.

Anime is bad

t. Horse girl

I don't feel bad for Indian migrants who open up bodegas to overcharge their neighborhood for basic goods and advantage of niggers and spics with comically cheap alcohol.

>racism is bad
>Yea Forums somehow found this captain obvious tier aesop to be objectionable

a brown man has a higher chance of being a thief. so therefore i should eye him with extra caution. if he turns out to be a good guy we can be frens. what's wrong with that? i do this to not only browns but white incels too

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It is, I completely agree with you. Racism is for idiots who have no grasp upon their emotions and must hate anything different to them. It's the fools cope with being in a world he doesn't understand.

Now, there is nothing racist about making the factual statement that blacks on average have a lower IQ than whites. I don't hate them for it, it's just a fact. Sure it's a "white" invention to measure white metrics, but it doesn't change the fact. IT doesn't change the pre colonial African history which only extended to mud huts and never even invented the wheel.

Same thing goes for "transphobia". Despite it not being a fear people blindly hate for no reason. Hate and fear are tools of oppressors. And those who hate and fear are just cogs in the machine. But despite that, it doesn't change how much mental illness and childhood trauma is prevalent in queer/gay individuals, and how their whole false and inverted system of virtues is financially supported through various global conglomerates funded by the world's largest investment firms. On top of only being able to exist in a censored world where they aren't allowed to be questioned.

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>i do this to not only browns but myself too
I remember when this shithole was more open to its own self-loathing

yea but then reddit happened

You have been trying to make red dead threads all fucking week and they all die instantly, now you resort to /pol/bait?


Talk about pilpul, damn

these /pol/tards get tired of their little circle jerk where they all sit around agreeing with each other. So they leak out and contaminate other boards.


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these redditards get tired of their little circle jerk where they all sit around agreeing with each other. So they leak out and contaminate other sites

Poltards are better than troons and nigger lovers tho

I think RD2 is trash but I had one good moment in this game:

>walk around town
>randomly enter store
>shopkeeper's all "woah that there kid done took yer money!
>chase the fucking dindu all the way to the outskirts of town
>apprehend him, grab my fucking wallet back, he starts begging for his life
>contemplate letting him go
>decide to hogtie and place dindu on railroad tracks

do they still let you do this?

rope yourself tranny nigger lover


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>Lettin' a black feller do yer wife? Well, if the old lady's havin' fun, who am I to deny her that? I reckon that feller's got a bigger hog than me anyway. Besides, we gotta pay some back for that whole slavery bid'ness we did to them. Dutch raised me and I ain't his real son, so I'll raise my wife's son, whether he's black or white.
I have to admit that i found this line a little bit out of place. Rockstar now is certainly a little bit different than it was a decade ago

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>agreeing with each other

Top lel. The only thing /pol/ unanimously agrees on is kikes.

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I get stinkeye from random strangers all the time you dumb fuck


Got to use their ol' logic twisteroo on them if you're to make any ground.

emotional appeals work best though. For example:
We should end the discrimination blacks face in terms of crime rates, violence and drug use. The government actually funded the project's drug and rap scene to encourage crime and create a vector for the CIA's crimes as well. The communities have just wandered from oppression to oppression and carried crime with it. We need to actually address this and question it, etc. (I can go on forever)

The point I'm bringing up here is not in relation to any speshul programs or to tackle any false notiones leftists have about progress. Rather with the above paragraph I take one step forward in the psyche of the leftist by making the disparity of crime rate by race a static and factual thing in their minds which they accept. Now they are slightly more, though subconsciously, aware of the black issue.

Most people are retards. Learn form the kike for he has 5,000 years of mastering his mouth to perpetuate evil among them. You can learn from this mastery for the fight of good.

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stunnig and brave

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Racism IS bad. Pattern recognition is good though. So don't ever be racist because that's stupid but do notice patterns of behavior because that's perceptive and smart.

I have never seen a place more divided, yet so certain about this one thing.

Nah, /pol/tards are all newfags who take this place too seriously, "troons" and niggerfags were here first and they're chill

>Got to use their ol' logic twisteroo on them
user, there's no "them" here, you're just spewing twisted logic to a video game board

>doesn't understand what a containment board is
been here since before reddit existed newfriend, try again

I find these fucking hilarious. Shit cracks me up

This place has always been racist, dumb tranny. Your post is a lie just like your vagina. Soon you'll die, hopefully.

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What does this quote have to do with anything?

whatever you gotta tell yourself to cope with your own failings bruv

>"troons" and niggerfags were here first and they're chill
No they weren't. The troons became common after 2012 when Blackrock bitchslapped the occupy Wall St protestor they turned them and the entire nation gay. /pol/ was a place before that.

>twisted logic
Yes, I stated I was emulating leftist rhetoric.

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That was just bants m8, not that you'd get it

Pretty based ngl

or you kill yourself and none of these scary minorities ever bother you again.

>racism is nature
>nature is truth
>truth is anti-jewish

I am beginning to see a pattern here.

Just ignore that 13 do 50.
>Mentally ill and physically disfigured monster calls me a failure
Considering this is coming from an existentially wrong being, it is a compliment.

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oh please, it's not really a disagreement when you all hate the same people and it's just a difference of opinion on who is worse.

lol trannies are like 0.01% of the population and you're so sure that every person that calls you pathetic must be one? Well you're wrong again, dumbass, just one more failing to add to your list.

>telling lies is le bants
You clearly don't get the truth that you're an idiot male.

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I fucking love woke arthur posting. imagining his gruff ass voice saying this shit is too much.

St.Dennis(New Orleans) was a shit setting for a western game

It's better to be nice to one another

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From the context it could only be
>nigger lovers
>troon apologists
I may be wrong in this case but not as much as a degenerate like you.

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yep, another pol-melted brain who projects his categorization onto everyone. But you're the freak here, normal people don't think like you do. Counseling would be wise, if you could afford it.


>normal people don't think like you do
Normal people don't even think. This isn't an argument.
Those who can calmly exist in this nightmare are the fucked up ones.

>Yea Forums still thinks they know how everyone acted back in the 19th century

There is nothing wrong with pol in cases like this, troon. It's just being human, and being human means hating monsters like you. You're either a tranny or the next worst thing.

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He didn't say that

>Oh yes, they were achtually marching with the LGBTQ+ flags, chud

Are you going to stick to a narrative for a single fucking day? Were they all evil racist white men or nigger loving social revolutionaries?

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Just remember, Arthur and his merry band are criminal scumbags who ends and ruins the lifes of countless people.
Doesn't matter how "tolerant" they are. They all deserve to swing. Jack would unironically would of been better off with the mobster guy.

His wife was black and killed by KKK members

Polfags are all self loathing shitskins who desperately wish they were white. Half of them are in this thread.

Dude some black dude glared at me because it was misty and I cleaned my glasses so I could see on a walk this morning