What is the Cancer destroying video games?

What is the Cancer destroying video games?

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Moviefags, always have been


People involved with making games that don't actually make the games. I'd take "idea guys" over these unimaginative boardroom/PC shitters.

Consoles, normies and casuals

a lack of gatekeeping half a century ago.

Open world





Stupid teenagers that don't think twice about spending money and will buy whatever their friends buy or is trendy.

friendless trannies, they enabled whores and closeted faggots, plus a mixture of useless people to become successful(money) through video games

the audience.
onions fag zoomer kids with disposable money - the kind of garbage that exists just to cater to tranny, anima, cartoon garbage lovers is mind-boggling

Even games for older players you think would be unaffected by this cancer of a population... have been affected. Take Anno 1800 for example, a historical city builder - females on exploration ships, 80% of experts and npcs ingame are female, etc, it's not even annoying, it's just sad at this point.

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>battle pass
>season pass
>pay 2 win
>social media
>political pandering
>forced diversity
>gender politics
>'video game' journalists
>paid content removal (destiny 2, warcraft, etc)
>paid cosmetics
>paid "loot"
>"every game for everyone"
>Tim Sweeney
>Epic Games Store
>investor pandering
>message preaching
All of the things I've listed make games less about fun and more about money or getting specific quotas. Games should never be about that.

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All of these are good answers.

the west


Troon that supports indie games garbage

Yea Forums

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The audience was inevitable.
Games used to be B&R because the technology was strange and complicated. Normies couldn't get into early 2000s PC gaming because the technology required to make your computer (which cost upwards of $5,000, mind) gaming-capable was expensive, hard to install and difficult to research. It was a young industry, and only "adults" (or more specifically, nerdy men) could grasp the complexities of PC Play. Yet as gaming became more accessible the audience grew accordingly, and wider audiences mean you can make games with broader appeal. But more importantly it was due to "The Kids." Blame The Kids, because once a child can reliably gain access to your product it will become bound to child-accessibility. Gaming survived for a time on M Ratings, but even that has kinda gone away now that developers accept that children will, probably, play their game.
>Even games for older players you think would be unaffected by this cancer of a population... have been affected
Look at Anno? Look at The Sims. The early Sims was kinda creepy, full of dark colors and sharp, scary sound effects. Even the death animations were more brutal, with Sims who died of starvation falling to the ground in pained screams before expiring. But as PC gaming became more accessible and the audience younger, the Sims went from a darkly humorous and fairly mature take on Doll House Simulation into a bright and colorful micro-transaction simulator. That's another thing, micro-transactions. They work because young people are impulsive, and would rather have a burst of cheap, instant-access schlock than waiting a year for a bulky Expansion Pack.

Funny, I replied to you wanting to explain your gripe, but I kinda wound up giving MY Cancer to the thread as well; Kids. Fuck kids. Fuck Kids and the parents that spawn them.

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open world that brags about how big it is. Its always empty

pc gaming. It's no coincidence that the industry was best when pc gaming was irrelevant.

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bait. PC gaming came before consoles.

while its no issue if something is written by one particular group when people start bragging about it shows that's the only thing its got going for it

Being mainstream, if videogames went back to being something only losers and nerds did, TRUE KINO would be back

white women and people who act/care about white women.

>segregation is fine when we do it

But it was irrelevant. pc was also way better for core pc gaming enthusiasts with actual top tier exclusives back when the industry was overwhelmingly dominated by consoles. pc as a gaming platform gaining popularity is the worst thing that has ever happened to this industry


Wokeism pushed by Blackrock.

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Console are the main reason why gaming became "normie" infested and started with all this gay political pandering and money greedy faggotry. Fuck off with your bull shit.

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the yakuza games usualy have a almost entirely Japanese staff working on it. No issue as they have other things going for it but that shit has nothing else. Its location based most of the time

Games as a service.

Powergaming autism is

shit players

>Its location, not segregation of the majority of the demographic working in that

The west.


Consoomers & coomers


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Corporations. Any answer other than this self-indulgent head canon.

I have zero fucking clue what you are trying to say

entitled "gamers"

>Yea Forumsfags
>Yea Forumsmblr
>Yea Forumstrannies
they're the ones ruining Yea Forums since 2016

Yea Forums was never good you were just a retard back then

Developers have been dragging video games down. Publishers are arguably even worse by even forcing the few good developers to comply. Gaming media is biased and horrible. Gamers are all shit too who'd rather gobble up trash or masturbate to their right/left agenda than playing video games.
Just burn it all.

>back then
Oh you...

FOMO live-service bullshit

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women. it has always been women

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Nah, its the jews.

You faggots. Everybody else is having a grand old time playing games while you bitch and moan all the time about shit you can never change.



darks souls
midwit 'gamers' love it
indie games everywhere copy it
journalists wont shut up about it
biggest fake gamer bait ever, look at the state of this board, lore whore souls wankers

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You're actually retarded if you think the industry would have never got to this point eventually without consoles. ALL media now is pozzed. Gaming is probably the last one to get infected. All you're doing is blaming consoles for actually having fun and interesting games that attract people.

This. Manchildren + the internet are the real bane of video games and they're the cause for all the utterly retarded and horrid shit like speedrunning and Twitch.

Nope. In the 80 and Early 90s consoles opened the window for normies to enter gaming. Since then, there was a peak in gaming in the early 2000 that were litterally Gaystation, NinFagdo, and Xbros that ruined gaming. PC gamers have always been BASED. Consolefags included normies, children, and women. Then they started streaming and realized PC was GOAT and brought their console fag practices with them. Consolefags like you are like Covid and Cancer combined.

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trying to appeal to a big as possible audience that doesnt give a shit about you instead of focusing on your small fanbase that will always buy your games if you just stick to what made you popular with them in the first place

Capitalism, unfortunately and unironically. Gamedev pays like shit, talented programmers make way more money in other fields like security and general software development, so even making a great game is already pretty unrewarding overall. Publishers demand bland gameplay to meet sale and profit goalposts, to make money for their shareholders and fund development of the next bland game. The devs who get around financial issues can still make great games, but advanced technology is expensive and paying unity/unreal engine liscense fees is pretty cheap in comparison.
I'm not trying to say video games should be communist or something, but it is a medium with roots in capitalism and so greed will always be the cancer killing video games while also being necessary for it's survival.

The part where developers and publishers are unable to actually recognize the good parts of a game, and instead operate in random copying shit in many, many cases copying the defects instead.

silence commie

Women and bl*cks.

Corporatism not Capitalism

There are many ways to do capitalism, and the one where you have shareholders is probably the worst one.
Having a bunch of people that don't fucking understand the product to direct it is insanely retarded.

He will reply to cope with this

Still today I avoid AAA faggotry

E-celebs & Sony Cal.

Lol, he's taking his time to refute that consoles were the birth of going downhill. I've been gaming for so long that I actually miss when consoles kept normies in their containment zone (the living room).