Did you play outside as a kid, Yea Forums? Or you stayed inside all day long?

Did you play outside as a kid, Yea Forums? Or you stayed inside all day long?

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the automobile and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

Fuck city dwellers

I don't get it



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>he lives in a City
I'd say touch grass but there probably isn't any in the hellhole you live in.

this but completely and utterly unironically

Why the fuck did he chose Turkey to make this point?

He spoke the truth and they hated him for it

We played smash brothers outside. As in we played pretend and had horseplay outside in a friends garden. I liked wario so I had garlic in my pocket and my move was to munch on it grab a friend and unlesh foul breath on them.

I hate cars so fucking much.

Just build everything closer to where people live ffs

Why does the grocery store have to be 10 miles away from my neighborhood and the hospital all the other way on the other side of town?????

Did jews convince you that bugs are turkeys so that you eat ze bug?

>Why does the grocery store have to be 10 miles away from my neighborhood and the hospital all the other way on the other side of town?????
user car companies have been manipulating politics and city planning for a century now, making sure to sabotage public transport and build cities in such a way that cars are mandatory

I think you know the reason why all the grocery store near you closed, and the farthest one is ten miles away.

Who saod that?
I think I once read the guy who made the first automobiles warned that making it a public tool would be extremely dangerous.

Look up Turkroach to understand the term.

>living in European citys suburb where everything is in walking distance and center is easy and half-hourly passing public transport away.
I never understood why burgers complained about suburbs but now I am realize ed,edd and eddy live what is basically isolated pocket away from anything meaningful.

>apartment has a swimming pool
>went there as a kid and found others from the same building

How many lobbyist bribes each politician? Big car, big pharma, big tabbaco, big gun, big oil, big landlord, big fastfood, big sugar, all trying to stuff money down their pants

Outside mostly. Those were 90s in Russia. Not best times, didn't had consoles or anything really but later i had NES and PlayStation one.

Is that a fucking maybug? 10/10 bug

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>Invent feasible long-distance travel
>Compact cities, making long-distance travel unnecessary

Cars aren't the problem

disaster for cities, good thing city cucks aren't human because cities were never designed with humans in mind

Cars become less and less feasible the more people have them. They're unbelievably inefficient

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There's nothing wrong with cars
However there IS something wrong with the MONGOLOIDS that decided to design all infrastructure around cars
Niggas can't even have TREES because "what if someone ran into it???"

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never he would have thought the real danger was psychological

Genuinely one of the dumbest posts ever on this board.

>helps you get to or receive medical care quicker in an emergency - saving countless lives
>lets you do more with your life, otherwise you would need to take up the family job, as we don't need 32 anime youtubers in our village
>lets you explore more things and expand your experiences
>gives you access to more luxuries and goods

The only thing wrong is how we've handled industrializing and how our country is built on the backs of the poor for the rich.

Do Americans really?

fuck off Elon

The problem is density, in cars, populations, and people's schedules. People are just trying to do too much.

Your country was built before the advent of the automobile. Mine was built by the East India Company for the sole purpose of maximum profit extraction

>>helps you get to or receive medical care quicker in an emergency - saving countless lives
Half of those emergencies are caused by cars lmao

All of this is only good for Merchants, not for society or the individual

Post nose

no, there is something wrong with cars. they should be utilities reserved for very specific (logistical) use cases. they should never have been given to the public. theyre an american invention for a reason. we kept moving westward and finding more and more land but we had no fucking clue what to do with it. we didnt HAVE to do anything with it. but the retards went "yeah we HAVE to live in all this land, the train is not enough" so cars were invented. and you have this giant sprawl of garbage where 99% of the cities are rundown, sketchy, and have nothing in them except some gas stations and chain restaurants

move to europe

>Wahhhh evil white people gave us infrastructure we wanted to live in the mud

I want to move to Portugal but I'm poor and don't speak Spanish.

Human population is on the decline with falling birth rates. Developed countries seem to be the most effected by this. It will peak near 9 billion then it will violently crash when the lack of resources becomes apparent, habitable land is becoming more rare as forests are burned into grasslands and then those grasslands turning into desert with the planet's warm temperature.
This is all the fault of the industrial revolution

We love in a society.

>Americans think it's a problem for the rest of the world
Enjoy your cities made for cars fuckers, Europe is already de-focusing on cars in theirs

We don't want you

>but I'm poor
so is everyone there so you'll fit right in
>and don't speak Spanish
neither do they so you'll fit right in

The global economy is a pyramid scheme. It requires constant growth, otherwise it collapses.

This means increasing population, density, efficiency and eliminating anything that gets in the way of economic growth (family, religion, leisure time, sleeping). Consumption and production must always be increasing at the cost of everything else.


It seems you guys don't have a sense of humour either

Mass sterilization of brown people when?

The car isn't the problem, it's that car companies have designed modern culture around everyone needing their own car. We wouldn't be having this problem if public transportation had become the popular way to get around.

>and don't speak Spanish.
best way to learn a language is to move to a country where it's spoken user

>We wouldn't be having this problem if public transportation had become the popular way to get around.
So... cars ARE the problem?

There are more than enough resources and empty land for many more billions of people, the problem is that 99% of it is owned privately by trillionaire families who hoard and ration it out to squeeze the population for certain agendas.

Bill Gates is the largest landowner in the US, buying up farmland in a frenzy over the last couple of years. Majority of the US is uninhabited, while a few major cities are packed in like fucking sardines.

A car didn't buy up all the trolley companies and bus companies just to run them out of major cities back in the early to mid 20th century. Car companies did.

That's exactly the problem. The habitable land is "owned" by the upper class or the government. These are the problems caused by the industrial revolution indirectly

If you believe this I admire and desire your naivety.

have fun working in the cum factory, clint

You weren't funny

Why do zoomers hate nature? I saw a post last night about one of them crying about having to think about the existence of forests.

>Americans complain about their cities being designed with cars in mind and having shops 100km away
>meanwhile in Europe shops and other services are incorporated into buildings so you always have basic services within 1-2km range aka walk distance

The only complaints I have is that more and more architects go crazy with "green" ideas and start to treat cars as invasive species of some sort, which fucks up normal life. No, you half-brain retards, I won't ride to my job on fucking bike 15km in one direction every day and when you reduce lanes all you get are bigger jams because public transport is already full. My ride to and from job could take 15min (my current high score, done of traditionally free day but I had to get to job anyway) but it takes 45min instead, with 20min spent on literally 2km long section, placed between two roundabouts (and people are retards and don't know how to use roundabouts, you are supposed to pass those already on but don't fucking stay in front until it's completely empty, fuck).

Not really, cars have their uses. Even a place where other modes of transportations are legitimate alternatives still gets car usage. It's just that it's absolutely bumfucking retarded to have cars as the sole option of transportation like we do in the US, causes all sorts of issues.

>Why do zoomers hate nature?
We used to have a tree in our back garden that me and the neighbor kid liked to climb, until the boomers over the back cut it down to get more light. Most zoomers have just never experienced nature, it was all gone before they were born

>and people are retards and don't know how to use roundabouts
Roundabouts are so easy I can't understand how people get filtered by them. We have shit like pic rel in my city lol.

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Maybe if you live the the middle of the city. There are many areas of hundreds of kilometers of just deeply forested areas but no one chooses to go there expect boomers or people who are actively seeking out enjoyment from nature walks. I'm privileged of living next to literal miles of untouched, virgin Boreal forests as far as the eye can see then on the other side the sprawling city

Why don't we just make really big cars that can fit tons of people in at once? Have them travel around regularly so people can get where they're going to. If they're following regular routes you could even replace the wheels with tracks, since that's the most efficient form of vehicle.
That way it's cheaper, uses less fuel, takes up less space and we get tons of land back that's just being used for parking.
Why has nobody invented this yet?

>Maybe if you live the the middle of the city.
Which tons of people do. I don't get this mindset of actively destroying nature to build cities then being spiteful towards the people living in the cities you built because they're not living a 'true' life.
Like what the fuck do you expect? Funny how the biggest car shills always seem to live far away from the consequences of car culture

i'm european and if i saw this shit i'd cause an accident

I love watching birds squabble and squirrels
the fact movies and TV is more boring than those is bad?

Used to play all sorts of games outside back when I was a kid. Red ass, spotlight are the ones that come to mind.

I don't get it. There's somewhere to play outside no matter where you live. Rural has it in spades, suburban you can play on your street or walk a bit to a park or field, hell even a packed ass city has parks still. Fuckers just want an excuse.

good idea. i would really like to call it something that starts with "tr", but i cant figure out what next. olley? ain?

Nothing wrong. You enjoy the world around you as it's happening.
Many people are narrow minded when it comes to observations.
You can tell them look at bird and they're instant automatic response would be "so what? It's just a bird"
Soulless drones

they speak brazilian in portugal

yeah maybe post-WW2
if this isnt bait you are unironically retarded

>4 way intersection
>dont just being a normal roundabout
why did they do this.

Point and laugh, the retard american brain

Nigga are you fucking high? The fuck does WW2 have to do with anything?

I lived in the country growing up so I alternated between playing vidya and fucking around outside.

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Two words... Leaded gasoline... It is perchance more dangerous than plutonium?

I think those are pineborer beetles actually.

>not allowed to play outside as a kid because parents are paranoid about all the nazi terrorist pedo serial killers lurking on every street corner
>sent to school out of the city because too many nigs and druggies in the local school (a good decision but certainly one with consequences)
>meaning I can't go out with other kids that lived really far away, and there's no buses out there at weekends
>talk to them online instead and play vidya together
>parents complain that I'm online all the time instead of going outside
I don't get it. They're lucky I was able to socialize at all
Is it just a thing for older generations to sabotage their kids so that they can feel smug about how superior their own generation was?

what you said may have been true in the years directly after ww2. you are an actual subhuman

>Why don't we just make really big cars that can fit tons of people in at once?

We do, they are called buses. But they cant cover entire transport problems because:
- they cant cover entire city and surrounding regions and high prices within cities forces people to buy apartments on outskirts
- traveling with other people can be very exhausting (good luck maintaining posture while spending 90min per day around lots of people where 2-4 constantly talk loudly on phones and mothers are traveling with LOUD children)
- many people, especially in US or from small villages consider car "a luxury" and symbol of status while considering public transport "poor people choice" so they insist on traveling via their own cars all the time

Damn right. Feels good to know what grass feels like.

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So you meant to say 'directly after WW2' aka the 50's. It's okay if you're ESL bro, just own up to it.

But also no, I grew up in the 90's and I was able to play outside no matter where we lived, which did include rural, suburban and urban areas at one point or another.

city "people" are not people

>Is it just a thing for older generations to sabotage their kids so that they can feel smug about how superior their own generation was?

It's constant bombardment of fearporn from the "news" and a terrible social structure

Americans FEAR this man

>- they cant cover entire city and surrounding regions
Weird how nowhere else has that issue outside the US

>- traveling with other people can be very exhausting
Only a problem for autists

>- many people, especially in US or from small villages consider car "a luxury" and symbol of status while considering public transport "poor people choice"
This is literally just a marketing tactic from car companies to convince you to use their shitty product over better alternatives

i did and it was terrible
i was always looking for trouble, not mentioning all the dangerous people outside
letting your kid roam the streets alone or with a bunch is just neglection and bad parenting
simple as

I’m gonna buy a Tesla and be part of the solution, not the problem

Yeah, I did play outside when I was a kid.

you've never heard someone say post-x before? unbelievable how dumb you are. post-ww2 is an era. post-cold-war is an era. take a history class

>the internet and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

This but unironically

>>- many people, especially in US or from small villages consider car "a luxury" and symbol of status while considering public transport "poor people choice"
>This is literally just a marketing tactic from car companies to convince you to use their shitty product over better alternatives

To be fair, in Murrica the majority of public transport users are dirty negroes and homeless. Most bus stops and stations are also in the seediest parts of town, for obvious reasons.

It's not just marketing, the car companies have enforced their "luxury" idea through city planning

>>dont just being a normal roundabout
what did he mean by this?