Video game phrases you HATE

>'gameplay loop'
>'trash mobs'
>"It's aged like milk"
>"It's fun with friends"
>"Sendai, Saga, Obama and Tsu are must have faction packs"
>"It's fun if you turn your brain off"
>"Costing far too many Charlemagnes"
>'unit diversity'

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Other urls found in this thread:

>immersive sim

So how do you call the gameplay loop of a game then?

>female protagonist

>hating on "superboss"
This term is probably older than you, OP

The fucking gameplay
Every game has repetition

what an irksome phrase

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>'elden ring'

>the movie looked great but it had shit moviewatch
>The story was great and I enjoyed the bookread
Gameplay...come on

Silence, Anthony zimzam.

If I hear that shit one more time I am going to kill myself. The most overrated series I have ever witnessed jesus fucking christ I hate soulsfags.

Petition to nerf this instawin argument

>you don't have the right O you don't have the right

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This disgusts me

superboss is really inoffensive

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>”sequence breaking”

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What is the purpose of these threads? Every time you just dump the same list of terms with no context and no intent to explain why they trigger you so.


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>>"Costing far too many Charlemagnes"

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because i know you will make an intellectually dishonest reply. it's best i keep these threads open-ended.

It's a basedjak thread, you're a fool for expecting anything.

Why are there three TW-specific ones in there? I feel personally attacked

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A Total War meme that emerged after some dipshit community manager (iirc) replied to questions about some feature that implementing it would cost five(?) times as much as the Age of Charlemagne DLC for Total War Attila

A sufficient amount of bitching on Yea Forums is needed to maintain the balance of the universe.

Ah, okay, you're an autistic schizophrenic. Carry on then.


>Video Gamey

I ought to slap you and fuck your girlfriend right in front of you for saying any of that shit.
>Regarding the pricing of the DLC ($19 when the pre-order discount goes away), CA state that “Call of the Beastmen required around three times more content and effort than previous large DLCs we’ve done”. They cite the number of new creature models, and animations, plus the creation of the separate campaign as costly endeavours. In fact, cost is also the reason given for the lack of Ghorgons/Jabbers/Harpies in the Beastman roster. “The Jabberslythe alone would have been as costly as all the artwork that went into Charlemagne,” they suggest.

>ad hominem
what feeling do you get when you say these buzzwords? you should feel ashamed of yourself

i'm afraid u have autism


obvious datamining by game companies, but "boots on the ground" sends me into the fucking orbit with pure rage

"Bad combat". Retards LOVE to repeat this shit but never say what makes a good combat.

How is "boots on the ground" a vidya related term?

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>Its a good game but a bad X game

>fallout 4 is a bad game but a good fallout game

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>"It's fun with friends"
>"x like"

It would be an "ad hominem" if this were a discussion, but it's not, specifically because you, in your spinelessness, your victim complex and your paranoid delusions, decided you didn't want discussion, ironically leaving only room for exactly the "intellectually dishonest" reply you supposedly wanted to avoid.

>what feeling do you get when you say these buzzwords? you should feel ashamed of yourself
Also quite ironic because that was essentially my question to you.
A sad thread from a sad person.

>"Sendai, Saga, Obama and Tsu are must have faction packs"
I was so confused until I remembered Obama is a place in Japan

>not mobs or minions

Is it suppose to stand for additions? Additional? Why they gotta try and sound like their doing math on a video game?

>hold up I gotta subtract the adds before we divide this 3.14 with our square roots or else the prime will multi us with their equation.

you spend too much time in /twg/

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Nu-resident evil is just themepark faggotry tho.

Probably because they merely add to the difficulty rather than being the main attraction of the fight

Why don't books have bookread or movies have moviewatch?

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>the movie looked great but it had shit cinematography
>the story was great and I enjoyed the writing
what's the problem?

what's wrong with atmosphere?

Monster Hunter exclusive, but I want to slap anyone who calls Rathian and Rathalos Ian and Los. Are three syllables too much for their retarded monkey brains to handle?

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>biblically accurate angels
>herman miller chairs
>nintendo is the only developer making games not movies
>lady dimitrescu
>irl boss battles
>immersive sims
>ludonarrative dissonance
>gameplay loop
>____: a critique
>the rise and fall of ____
>a good ____ but a bad ____
>mature anime
>lost media
>unconventional christmas movies
>uncanny valley
>unreliable narrator
>liminal spaces
>it's not on pc until it comes to steam
>strangely familiar places
>junji ito
>neon evangilion
>serial experiment lain
>so bad its good
>the pope exists in the car universe
>prequel memes
>Yea Forumscore
>trust the science
>just let people enjoy things
>trans rights
>its called being a decent human being
>fact checking
>male manipulator
>a fucking pandemic
>it's almost as if
>language is evolving
>educate yourself
>it's 2021
>creed aventus
>low key
>pirating indie games is immoral
>its fun with friends
>dunning-kruger effect
>japanese movie posters
>historically accurate viking gear
>you don't shout fire in a crowded theater
>play stupid games win stupid prizes
>Yea Forums is a bad board
>racism outside Yea Forums not allowed
>christianity/mormonism/scientology is just like a cult
>lofi hip hop
>plastic love
>pc music
>the caretaker
>yayoi vs jomon
>john lennon was a wife beater
>who hurt you
>femboy hooters
>sea shanties
>I don't really care about politcs, it makes me unhappy
>misinformation spreads quicker than real information
>it's not rocket science
>frankenstein is the scientist not the monster
>reporting soijak spammers isnt reddit
>Ed Edd n Eddy took place in purgatory
>nordic chad
>die mad
>John Wick
>make sure to take care of your mental health, kings!
>trope threads
>toxic masculinity
>reject modernity
>vote with your wallet
>it's ok to cry to movies
>celebrity worship
>Diesel jeans

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>>'unit diversity'
Now I know you're just being an asshole

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wonder why

watch any "realistic" fps dev interview or presentation... RAGEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

If you just drop some greentext without explaining what bothers you about it, you're either a baiting bitch or a spineless coward

I fucking love that though.
Warhammer 2 and 3 is full of copy paste spearmanii

>If you just drop some greentext without explaining what bothers you about it, you're either a baiting bitch or a spineless coward

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>souls-like difficulty

There's no fucking way everyone who says toons played Toontown, instead of just saying chars

>lets go
>gameplay loop
>female portagonist
>sequence breaking
>action adventure
>boring combat
>not engaging
>thematically consistent
>doesnt hold your hand
>ABCDFS tier
>the way developers intended
>not a true roguelike
>makes us human



>describe the gameplay loop of this game
>uhh you do X and then you do Y"
>but what about the million other things in the game
Every time

dodge roll shouldnt make a whole genre
>lets go
damn normies use it to boost heir ego
>gameplay loop
its gameplay you faggots
>female portagonist
its self explanatory, but women should not be protagonnists
>sequence breaking
kinda like the thng that should be gameplay
>action adventure
bad movie games
>not engaging
fucking normies
>thematically consistent
fucking faggots
>doesnt hold your hand
the only way to progress the game is literally forward
speedrunners are mentally ill imo
>ABCDFS tier
meta bullshit
>the way developers intended
>not a true roguelike
self explanatory, but anyway, alot of those games porcedural generation to not have to design levels, there is alot of gambling/rng, le this the run and more, also some elitists get pissed if some games dont completely wipe your progress.
it means casualisation
>makes us human
pseudo intellectual drivel

by progress I meant things you have done while playing.

>Ed Edd n Eddy took place in purgatory
excuse me what

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>people mixing up the meanings of "strategy" and "tactics"
>boss rush
>RTA (real time attack)
>meta as a noun
>using "campaign" outside of RTS games
>emergent gameplay

This. Honestly can we just end gaming? What a cringe medium