Linux Gaming Thread

what video games have you been playing on your Linux machine recently?

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none, i tried to boot up my linux and blew up my house

Minecraft and Deep Rock mostly, some RoR2, Bloons, and CoQ on and off

Finished Dark Souls 2 after Elden Ring and now I'm switching between Dark Souls 3 and Blur.
But fuck me, I need a new gpu so badly, the 380 is fucking old and is most likely dying.

from what I hear GPU prices are going down a bit, so hopefully you can gather all your poorfag money and get something better
I wish you luck in your search

elden ring, ror2

linux? isnt that for servers?

>Elden Ring
How was it? I have the same GPU and could get 50-60 fps on Dark Souls 3, but that was on Windows.

Windows? Isn't that for spreadsheets?

yes, it is for servers
and for smartwatches
and for helicopter on Mars
and for routers
and for sniper rifles
and for computers on ISS
and for video games
>inb4 list is bullshit
see for yourself
Windows is only for PCs
Microsoft is going to be fucking bankrupt and finished once migration from PCs to next stage of computing happens
well, no, they still have Azure and other projects that will keep them alive, but they will have to do some serious adopting, and most importantly, they will lose the power to hold back whole world

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still playing NMR, its a long game and I'm a completionist

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switched from windows to pop_os
i usually play co-op lan games like Cuphead or Broforce with a couple of friends

>when having more than 1 ps4 controller connected it starts to fuck up the signals of the controllers and they need to be connected directly to the computer via USB
>every time i boot up i fuck around with the controllers about 5-10 minutes to get all of them to work even if i use the ds4 windows program
>when i torrent i might get a virus

>turn on 4 controllers
>they all connect without any issue
>never installed any additional programs to make them work
>dont need to keep them connected with usb
>when i get the exact same torrent meant for windows just run it trough Lutris and it just werks without risk of viruses affecting me

>mfw when i save so much headaches just because ps4 controllers work flawlessly on linux

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user, I love Linux but don't be delusional. I have yet to see a Linux computer sold in-store and I doubt that will ever happen.

>>when i get the exact same torrent meant for windows just run it trough Lutris and it just werks without risk of viruses affecting me

Many viruses work through Wine.

You are absolutely not immune to Windows malware through Wine/Lutris

I was not aware of this. I figured they can't run as well trough Wine.
Can they run tho when I've closed the game or restarted my pc?
I figure they need Wine running to work?

If it's a Windows virus or something then it won't work unless Wine is running. You can use firejail or something similar to restrict the applications further

>Can they run tho when I've closed the game or restarted my pc?

The way most viruses would try to run at startup probably wouldn't work.

But for example there would be nothing stopping a ransomware from encrypting all your personal files.

>Windows is only for PCs
lmao why are freetards so delusional
Have you never heard of Windows Server or Windows IoT? Both are widely used, whether you like it or not.

>and for computers on ISS
They only switched to Linux like a few years ago. Before that they used Windows.

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Thanks. Will look into firejail.

What's a disk smart test utility for Linux?

>switched to Linux
doesn't that support his point though?
>viruses don't work in WINE
still will really not recommend trying virus ridden stuff on your PC,especially make sure to not give WINE sudo.

Can you use proton with non steam games?



GNOME disks has that feature.
>doesn't that support his point though?
No, because it shows that Windows also is a viable choice for that.
You can run it from the terminal.
Proton is just a Python script. Open it in a text editor and figure it out.

Just run your games trough Lutris.
Works better in some cases.

pic related is the last game I have played, am playing now Layers of Fear.
Still don't know what to play after I'm done with LoF, have played the 2nd already and it was great.

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>Ask how to do something
>First reply says figure it out for myself
>Second says to use Lutris

This is precisely why Linux will never go mainstream or even close. Can't even answer a basic fucking question.

Bottles or Lutris or add the game to Steam, enable Proton in the Properties menu, and add --proton to the launch options

also this

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Use Microsoft(TM) Windows(C) NT Version 11.0

Add the .exe as a non-steam game, right click it in Steam and force to run through proton

>This is precisely why Linux will never go mainstream or even close
nobody cares

add them to steam or use something like lutris,bottles or heroic (for GOG and EGS).
you wouldn't switch to it if it wasn't better.
desktop is the only space where linux is not the majority/dominant,this push valve is doing could contest windows dominance,with the largest group of people still buying desktops being gamers.

>This is precisely why Linux will never go mainstream
Excellent, NIGGERS like you should not be allowed to install anything but macOS or windows

If it's such a basic question go ask Google instead of wasting people's time.

Oh God not the mainstream, please no!!

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>tries to defend Windows
>posts a picture of it bluescreening
Uh pajeet bros...?

I wasn't defending it. That's just your diseased brain imagining shit.

Still Elden Ring and Skullgirls. Also tried a tiny bit the GTA SA DE (pirated) and it's indeed kinda shitty.
I use Proton-Caller by default with ProtonGE for every exe files, including games. But I guess if you installed ProtonGE, it can launch stuff manually too.

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Reminder to use ProtonGE with FSR to get better performance and add noatime to your fstab entries to save on SSD writes and boost file access speeds

Chromebooks are popular with poorfags in the west, right?

Been trying to decide on a distro since mid august. My options are down to opensuse, mint and fedora.

The people who want to play videogames on it and use actual gpus do.

OpenSUse it is.

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They can already do that. Not my problem that they want to play a game with retarded devs.

more-so for school than being poor.
still big.

>I have yet to see a Linux computer sold in-store
You almost certainly have, you just didn't think about it. If you're unaware Google's Chromebooks run a Gentoo based GNU/Linux distribution.
Google and Valve are now rolling out Steam on Chromebooks with AMD64 CPUs and Vulkan capable hardware with open source drivers.

This has actually been possible for years, but it required a enabling some beta features and being willing to use the command line.

Android phones are also computers running linux, and any server systems you see sold in stores are almost certainly running linux

The Talos Principle.

Anybody here played the new lego star wars? Seems to work fine for everyone on protondb but it fails to launch for me, tried proton GE and experimental but all the same, got it working once somehow and performance/controllers/co-op worked great but now it wont launch again.

Distro+specs? What generally did you do to get it working the first time?

This is true, but Windows users often insist on a hard separation between Android/Linux and GNU/Linux even as they lump every NT OS together whether it was intended for use on desktop computers or touchscreen devices.

that thing did unspeakable things to my brain
and I liked it

Yeah, I think it's more than fair to group anything using the kernel into its own distinct group. It's pretty telling that it's almost ubiquitous in being the choice for light weight systems while also providing a very powerful set of base utilities, whereas the NT kernel is extremely bloated and is nearly unusable without the patchwork that people consider the front end

ryzen 3600
amd 6900xt
mint 20.3

No idea, I restarded steam a bunch and swapped between GE and experimental proton trying to get it to launch then it just worked one time. Reinstalled it and verified a bunch but nothing, I thought it might be failing to install the directx packages and stuff that it usually does before first launch but not sure if there's a way to force it to. Most likely missing some pre-requisite but I verified and reinstalled and still nothing.

Do you know what kernel you're on? You can run "uname -r" or "neofetch" in the terminal to see, or check in the graphical updater tool. My suspicion is you may not be on the latest Mesa driver and your card isn't having a good time with it, but it could be the game's prefix is messed up too

Yes, but you shouldn't, Proton is for Steam games by definition. Use Wine-GE.

On latest kernel 5.13.0-39, using the kisak-mesa ppa all updated to the latest.

I dont want Intel users to get performance boosts with the new kernel. They dont deserve it.

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go to your steam folder on your system, go into the steamapps/compatdata folder, and delete the folder with the number 920210. That's the appid for the new star wars game and corresponds to its wine prefix, deleting it should force it to be recreated, which reinstalling doesn't do. Make sure you use the latest GE version on startup this time, and note back here what happens so others might see

>kernel 5.13
Damn that's almost a year old. We're at 5.17 currently.