you will only make it worse if you complain
it's the new meme, we have to run it into the ground by posting it repeatedly
You didn't browse Yea Forums
k3 filter newfig
>using filters
You didn't browse the catalog
Fromdrones got absolutely mindbroken and are in full damage control.
It's hilarious.
You didn't fix the issue
Noooo all our Elden Ring threads bros, now we can only post in 3 instead of 13...............
you didnt make the thread.
>summonfags are so insecure that they literally ruin the board for weeks with their cope meme
Filename filter to remove iphone posters
You did not stop them.
old... what is this in reference to? Elden ring?
nice fag css femboi
eh just put on filters for few days. the kids will get bored and latch on to new meme thing in like few days
>it fucking works
It must be your first day here because thats not how anything on Yea Forums or Yea Forums period works especially the post Hiro incarnation. Once something is introduced and latches on, its here to stay like a tumor inside a terminally ill patient. Frogs, wojaks, gigachad, buzzwords, Captain Marvel drinking a fountain drink, reddit or twitter screencaps, unless banned outright like ponies will NEVER lose traction because this place is full of detestable faggots.
That only removes those that post images
>using filters
Sorry, I'm not as easily triggered as you are, snowlfake.
>gets ran into the ground here
>makes it to twitter
>then reddit
>then instagram
>then when it gets posted here schizos attack it and call it a reddit meme
like everything else
op:only /you didn't/i; boards:v
>That only removes those that post images
Yes, it's... a filename filter
>Sorry, I'm not as easily triggered as you are, snowlfake.
Then why the malding response?
Are Fromtards one of the most insecure group of people out there? Can't imagine what it's like to live a life where your only accomplishment is beating some "hard" games.
>no u
Typical cope from an assblasted shitter.
I bet you cry about censorship too.
Stop using adblock then.
I feel similarly about this forced meme, but I think the Chernobyl thread is at least okay because it's more of a spin on what happened in the show.
Nope, I just laugh at fat virgins on here. I'm doing it right now
>he can't tell apart shitposters
People claim they didn't beat it, which is why they are in full meltdown now.
There only reason for existence is denied to them.
>n-no n-not r-really
Keep coping. Also stop projecting yourself
Will do mate. Careful not to post any images :^)
>literally ends his post with no u
You only make it funnier by getting mad at it.
>literally ends his post with no u
Arguably this is the best phase of the meme, where it branches out from its original subject and gets applied to more abstract things - before the phase where it effectively becomes meaningless, or gets co-opted by larger internet culture as a whole.
We're way past that phase. We are now at the stage where it applied to things that absolutely make no sense prioritizing quantity over quality.
The stage you speak of was 2 weeks ago.
>where it applied to things that absolutely make no sense
that's the best part.
all the elden ring spam has reduced my time on this board by a longshot. so I guess it's pretty good actually.
>run meme into ground quickly and and be a big circlejerk
>then bitch about reddit running memes into ground quickly and being a big circlejerk
welcome to Yea Forums
You didn't browse Yea Forums
No, that's Yea Forums in general actually.
what the hell does OPs pic have to do with FROM? those topics are not even about ER you fucking retard
Where the fuck do you think the meme originated from?
What I dont understand is how people find stale memes funny. That shit becomes unfunny after like 2 days.
threads in the pic have nothing to do with ER anymore, it doesnt matter where it originated
speaking of "fromdrones", looks like they are the ones who are living rent free in your minds, not the other way around
if you filter posts, you did not experience Yea Forums as it was originally intended. you are experiencing a diluted, censored mockery of it and you turned it into a safe space hugbox to protect your feelings
Truly the Dark Souls of bad memes. Or maybe the Dark Souls of Dark Souls memes.
if you used bait, you didn't get a (you)
Why is the typical Yea Forums poster so insecure?
>male condom
things that make you go hmm
Sounds based to me
Filters are based I even have stubs hidden so I'm completely unaware of you faggot post when you make it
It's a good meme honestly, it's just not up there with legendary stuff like Amogus
Yeah, that's the fucking point.
actual phoneposter spotted which proves that its working
Phone posters should have a little pink triangle attached to their posts like the nazis gave faggots
bold of you to assume the people shitposting about elden ring actually played the game
>Yea Forums
when does it say Yea Forums