Elden Ring is among their worst (Soulslike) games. Not saying it's completely awful, but it's a clear step backwards after Bloodborne and Sekiro. If you disagree you are simply in denial or didn't play those games.
>inb4 what about Dark Souls 2 and 3
Those were also steps backwards and among their worst.
Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro remain their best works. Any other opinion is pure copium.
Elden Ring is among their worst (Soulslike) games. Not saying it's completely awful...
what did he mean by this?
dont pretend its completely removed from souls like armored core, its clearly a game that was meant for their souls fanbase
tenchulike is too long
Best souls game is King's Field.
It's way better than Sekiro but Bloodborne has better combat and OST
>Any other opinion is pure copium.
This post is pure cope.
Where’s Metal Wolf Chaos 2
Bloodborne is like if you took all the elements about Elden Ring people hate and then made an entire game with them.
There are no retarded delayed attacks in Bloodborne.
saying things that make no sense doesnt make you look smart
Everyone is in denial because it's the new shiny thing.
>Take FIVE steps forward with Bloodborne, combat flows great because the dash actually moves you around better than the retard roll, trick weapons are two weapons in one and they have vastly expanded movesets, bosses slowly increase in difficulty, culminating with Gehrman and Orphan of Kos
>Sekiro is completely different, awesome combat that rewards you for learning attack patterns and perfect parries, plenty of fun tools to assist you, plenty of enemy variety and excellent supernatural elements thrown in
And then
>Elden meme takes TEN STEPS BACK and reverts all of that, combat is straight up copy/paste of dark souls 3
>weapons are extremely fucking boring, same as dark souls
>Bosses are all hyper aggressive and have follow-ups to their follow-up attacks because they took that from Orphan of Kos and just put it on normal enemies, elite enemies and basically all bosses
>Every boss has a second phase somehow, a solid 80% of them do and it stops being cool
>End of the game is a boss rush, one of them is a guy with wonky, jank-ass AoE hitboxes
>The guy previous to that has a full screen AoE as if this was nier or some shit trying to mix in bullet hell with trashy souls gameplay
>Fire Giant. All of that fight.
I can go on. Elden Ring shares the exact same feelings of cheapness (recycled bosses, foreskin duo anyone) and jankness that dark souls 2 had. In fact, Elden Ring has like 70% of dark souls 2 DNA in it but right now people are gonna be in denial about it.
If their next game is more of this same exact shit, I'm not buying it. I've had enough rolling for several lifetimes.
it's a fucking souls game with an OPTIONAL rhythm minigame tacked on holy shit nigger fighting demon of hatred is LITERALLY dark souls god i hate you faggots
>Cheeto dust encrusted PC hands typed this post
Unironically DS1 and Bloodborne are the only good Souls games.
and then made every move parryable from 20 feet away
unironically das1 is shit and you're a secondary
Agreed, for once OP is not a faggot
You can constantly stagger bosses in ER with ashes of war
>Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro remain their best works. Any other opinion is pure copium.
you were based until you said this, das1 is dogshit
Which ashes of war?
Flame of the Redmanes
One hit staggers regular enemies
Two hits stagger big enemies and some bosses
Three hits stagger a lot of bosses
>Fire Giant. All of that fight.
What was wrong with Fire Giant? Torrent made that entire fight a complete joke.
yes, the game was filtered from being good
seethe and dilate, preferably in that order
how is it bad
>fighting demon of hatred is LITERALLY dark souls
it's a normal sekiro enemy but you parry with the umbrella instead of the normal parry
shit areas
shit movement
bad enemy ai
too easy
personally didnt feel anything too stronly about the plot or npcs
ugly as sin
insane quality drop after the lordvessel
blatant unfinished second half
mediocre dlc couldn't salvage it
Another retard filtered.
let's not kid ourselves, the second bloodborne hits PC, either through official means or emulators (which is already in progress btw) people WILL inevitably stop hailing it as the second coming of christ, with many suddenly claiming that it was never good
such is the fate of all exclusives
holy filtered
>shit areas
yep say no more, another 3baby filtered by levels that aren't just hallways leading to arena bosses
I accept your concession.
idk, i think bloodborne is put on such a pedestal because the aesthetic appeals to the edge lord mall ninja demographic here. there's more than you might think.
>insane quality drop after the lordvessel
>blatant unfinished second half
way to out yourself with this complete meme opinion
It's true though, not to mention that one of the saving graces that the early game had( non-warping and interconnectivity) is gone and the majority of the areas are dead-ends with no connection to the rest of the map.
Why are snoys so insecure about Elden Ring?
>kino of the giants
>the kino archives
only like 20% of the levels are shit fuck ofd
The dark gimmick was cool but the enemy variety was nonexistent for both. It also contained one of the worst enemies in the game being the giant skeleton dogs.
the forced death/prison segment is a shit gimmick and the ice zombies are annoying as fuck
Some people just want to be unhappy. It's a good game but has its flaws as all games do.
One small QoL I wish they kept is leaving kick as a default control players can do like rolling/jump attacking/etc. Right now shields are super annoying to fight because of it.
you do know if you swap your right hand to empty you can kick right?
Elden Ring > Sekiro > Dark Souls 3 > Bloodborne > POWER GAP > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 1 > Dark Souls 2
demons is poop and just a betatest for real gem that is ds1
BB / Sekiro > DaS1 > DeS > DaS3 > ER >>>>>DaS2
Sekiro is a tenchu game you ignorant slave
Here's the things that were lost from Demon's Souls to Dark Souls
>Moving NPCs that react to enemies
>Vast locations and maps
>World tendency changing questlines and level progression
>Intricate level design
>provides no argument
>any other opinion is copium
These troons are something else
>goo goo ga ga im a retard
the post
you forgot
>being a good game
Sekiro was a great game but it was narrow as fuck. And it didn't help that the most efficient strategy was just to play DDR, because all the shinobi tools were totally superfluous and basically only existed for style points. Not to mention the awful exploration where all you found were sugars.
So what opinion about Elden Ring am I meant to hold?
ER = BB = Sekiro > DaS 1 > DaS3 > DaS2 = DeS
This ranking is AB SO LU TE therefore correct
I don't even like Sekiro and I can agree this is a correct ranking.
Elden Ring is seriously not that good what are you guys smoking? The boss fights in particular were so disappointing and near DS2 tier.
Yep that's about rght, Sekiro and BB are better than Elden Ring but other than that perfect
There absolutely are.
I found no disappointment in them. They were overall better than anything presented within DS1 to 3, which is all the scale is measuring.
you didn't beat Sekiro