How to beat them, i need tips

How to beat them, i need tips

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Hit them

dodge roll

i can't there's two of them

easy. be higher level with 50 endurance, have +5 or higher mimic. get first down to half so second comes down. spawn your mimic so it distracts the other. now power down the first gargoyle. if you're lucky the mimic will change to the first gargoyle as well while the second is chasing him and you both beast down the first one while the second one is hitting your mimic.


git gud.

Summon your mimic.

I didn't even have enough vig to summon mimic in this fight and I still beat it.

Target them and then hold down L1 with Azur's Comet

i remember staying towards the right side of the entrance and the second one barely attacking at all while i finished up the first one
i'm kind of surprised to see so many having issues with this boss, maybe i just got lucky

Abandon the fight for the moment. Go to the Bestial Sanctuary in Dragonbarrow, Northeast of Caelid. There you'll find a Black Blade Kindred, an extra-hard version of the base Greatsword/Greataxe Valiant Gargoyle. He's the only one here, and he's literally right next to a site of grace, so practice on him, learn his moves, when to dodge, and when to attack. When you beat him then go back to the Valiant Gargoyles fight in Nokron, you will be prepared to bitchslap the first one and can then focus on beating the second one.

i don't have mimic

I honestly found the gargoyles to be the most fair fight. It moves? It's doing an aoe slash attack that you gotta wait for. Then it actually fucking pauses sometimes so you can hit it back. Maybe it's because I fought the one in the capital a fuckload first and that was harder since it was a smaller space.

strike damage does full damage while they resist other types
take off any status infliction infusions on your weapon since you're only losing damage (they are immune)
they don't have much HP so if you budget the stagger well on the first garg you can DPS it down before the second arrives. ashes that deal large stagger damage like square off or flame of the redmanes are extremely useful here
sword garg isn't too horrible, just be sure you don't get too close when he preps his sword for the long combo, and dodge into the halberd unless he does the HUGE windup for the circular swings (dodge out for the 2 swings, then into the slam)
twinblade garg is standard, don't get caught out by the spinny winny move (easiest to sprint away then dodge underneath him). axe garg just be very careful of the exploding floor and his longer combos especially the ones preceded by a roar, but most of his combos are easily punishable
you did get lucky, the 2nd gargoyle often blankets the ground in poison. unlike the poison that just stays around them when they're alone, the poison when there are two on the field forms a HUGE line towards you that is nearly impossible to see properly.

If you can't kill the first one before the other arrives you just gotta be patient and let one come to you.

You make another elden ring thread on Yea Forums despite being multiple ones up currently plus a pseudo general on the board

Kite them
Git Gud
And Git Lucky

Good luck

this fight honestly wouldnt be so bad if it wasn't for the AOE poison that doesn't have the same hitbox as it's visual

sorry for killing a shitpost thread for actual game discussion

don't lock on
i found that whenever i lock onto these guys i end up swinging right between their legs

Elden ring discussion is basically one big shitstain

They actually swing their weapons remarkably close to their feet, which is nice since like every other big boss does it 15 feet away from them. Except the fire giant which does it 20 feet away from him and misses you entirely a lot of the time if you're hitting its foot.

What game is this?

You will see this loser screaming at Zelda threads next year anyway

Mimic tear
Unless you're a minimum STR dexnigger, they do struggle a lot against greatshields. I had no problem with my 80-ish quality build.

Ding ding ding

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Final fantasy

Summon shambling corpse ashes, they spawn on the opposite side of the arena and will distract the second gargoyle way over there while you finish off the first one nearer to the entrance of the zone.

You're right. We could be having a furry thread, a twitter screencap thread, or a Blizzard drama thread RIGHT THIS MOMENT, but OP chooses to make a thread about a video game. What a shame.

Do you seriously think you're in the right here?

club, mace, any type of bonker
get the chest piece that adds jump power, and the talisman, and the flask that increases stance break

Just solo them, bro.

You can quickly get it in Nokron, which is just across the field of ancestral tribesmen. It also summons with HP instead of FP, in case you're not investing much into MND.

You kite the first one close to the waterfall, the one at the right of the entrance. Then, you wait for it to make a stupid move and fall to its death

Do as much damage as you can for one before the other shows up, then finish the weaker one with a crossbow. If you can handle the timing, use a great shield with Barricade.

Just run away until you get an opening. Or summon an NPC to distract them.
Also Bloodhound Step can help a bunch.

Most of their attacks also whiff if you position well against them and they don't have much, if any, tracking. Also all of the attacks that they do that punish you for being under them have big tells or cause them to leap backwards or something. The only attack patterns on them that I find dangerous are the axe moveset because it just randomly explodes the ground sometimes.

Lol I just tricked them both fall down the waterfall

Poise break the first one around 50%, riposte for damage, finish him off before the second one arrives, boom done

>less than 660 hp
Dude, go to rennala and respec.

He is

Occasionally, you are simply aware.

upgrade ur weapon

No he's not, no matter how much cancer this board gets flooded with, ER shit will still be a tumor

Every popular game is a tumor, you melty haha

No, just overrated fromshit garbo kek

What's the difference between Valiant Gargoyle (Twinblade) and Valiant Gargoyle?

the thing in ()

When they get close dodge and run, you should get some space which will cause one to come at you while another belches poison. During these moments hit the one that's weak. Also be intentional with your rolls, don't miss a roll to score an extra hit

Summon two nerds who will trivialise it for you. The game has no good boss fights and cheats on you on a regular basis. So why not fight it with all means.

You didn't beat the game.

Burst the first one

equip your weapon with high damage ash of war
just keep whacking the first gargoyle, when the second one spawns, burst the first one down with ash of war if you cant reliably do enough damage just hitting it before the second one becomes a problem

summon Let me solo her

All you can do is physically hurt him, he's immune to literally everything but physical damage.
So respect to STR or something, use the biggest DPS weapon you have, and use DPS buffs like commander's standard.

moonveil +6 can kill them quickly. you can get the smithing stones from a bell bearing if you have unlocked the snow area

Try a bonky weapon. I can clearly see you dex but I would imagine they are super resistant to slash damage.

If you go to the right side of the arena with the ledge, its easy to get at least one to jump off the cliff like a retard and kill itself

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I tried this. This isn't easy at all. Only the backwards sword beam jump triggers that, all other attacks are protected by the miyazaki god of ledge protection.

>race to 0 health

equip both soreseals and a scorpion charm for MAX DAMAGE!!!!!

imagine being this much of a cuck you go look for a store to buy a dildo for your wife lmao