Why is this guy getting pushed so hard by mainstream media outlets?

Why is this guy getting pushed so hard by mainstream media outlets?

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Marketing, you dingus.

idk considering i was doing this like 3 weeks ago with a character called "please dont die" I was just using bleed spam though so I guess I'm SCUM and he's a HERO
fuckin double standards

>is actually using rivers of blood
why does the news have to lie about everything?

how is this different from sl1 runners?

I genuinely hate this fanbase and its the sole reason I play offline. Ever since the PC version of DaS came out I've had to be reminded of the complete faggotry thats overtaken what used to be a niche, well thought out franchise.

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It's not. It's just GRRM/name recognition helped Elden Ring and blew it up with normies.

Literally who is this even referring to? There's already people who beat this boss at level 1 all over Youtube.

Isn't he also using bleed? I'm pretty sure he is.
and everyone already knows this but bleed katanas vs malenia is easy as shit once you've internalized her moveset. Once I learned her phase 1 I was no-hitting phase 1 every time while I tried to learn phase 2.

>PCfags kill community
Such as it is. Happened to Dragons Dogma too and as someone who now has a good PC I wish I could go back to the 30FPS 720p days on 360. Those were the times.

>I'm SCUM and he's a HERO
yea plus your name is gayer

Why wouldn't it be. It's very easy for outsiders to understand
>guy with name/label "let me solo her" beats (what many perceive as) the hardest boss in the game for other players

That's a fun little news story, is it not

Fromshitters have always been cringe basement dwellers.

Legit surprised no one summoned him with the sole intention of altering his file to get him banned

>reee stop having fun

Don't worry, in a couple weeks "Let me solo her" will be an alt right cat call for raping women

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So are we finally going to agree that post-DS3 the series became normie trash?

Because shit's currently viral/talk of the town. Better write about it so people will come to your site instead of social media posts when looking about it on the 'net.

I wished someone would

Because they saw the reddit clicks and got jealous.

Don't worry user, you'll grow out of this phase after high school.


That's what you get with a fanbase that consists to 40% of people who only play the games to show off how good they are at video games.

>media and news outlets are literally fucking dying
>grasping at straws for clicks and ad revenue
>some millennial thought it was a good idea to run stories based off of Reddit front page news
>other media outlets begin stealing this idea
>literally acting like starving animals being thrown bones

corporate news is a dying medium because everyone knows it's just fake bullshit being pushed 90% of the time and the only people fooled are boomers

i am too old and totally agree with the other user.
Gatekeeping the soulds games shold be the norm

Elden Ring is CAPESHIT

Not trash, but it's been normie tier since Dark Souls and its "prepare to die" marketing campaign
It was only cool to like Demons Souls

>hardest boss

No it's anime.

Because it got big on reddit, fags leech off of other fags.

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>Nothing but a pot*
*dual wield katana with frost and bleed

fyi, its redditard that were 'impressed' by this shit and went absolute hooha about it.

He's ukrainian, it's suppose to be allegory for poor Ukraine fighting in place of NATO with powerful Russia.

>powerful Russia

I believe you.

holy cringe

>what used to be a niche, well thought out franchise.
Do people actually believe this?

Because he fucks your wife for free, so you can get your epic cheevorino!

Kek, I'll trust the plan

What else is there to say about Elden Ring? Its lore is nothing special, its characters and NPC quests are the most nothing they've ever been. Beyond the gameplay, the game is incredibly shallow. There's nothing interesting to discuss.

Everyone knows it's actually weebshit.

We need to allow the fromdrones to have their few months of celebration depsire. They haven't a game to talk about in a while. This is the only genre they play.

More like 10 fps.

Do you have ADHD or autism? You do realize that shouting sexually deviant comments to strangers in the middle of a conversation about video games and journalism is not normal behavior, right?

Where do you think you are?

>N E W S

I play offline because I pirated the game

easy clicks. nothing more, nothing less. ignore it.


>Rivers of blood abuser
>Gets famous for cheesing boss alone
Surely Fromsoft will look at the game balance now.... right?

silence, cuck. journalists are celebrating their fucking bull doing their work such as impregnating their wife to get a child.


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I copied his build and name and I've just been getting summoned and then getting 1 shot for teh lulz



Bless you

This guy is just like when Iron man beat up Thanos!

Shouuldn't have played on PS3.

If only I had a 3090 to play eldenring with it would have been me doing this shit but my name would be "Let me solo rape her"

what? works fine on my 2060

Gods work

Whats news about it?

>"Journalists" are desperate for anything to fill the daily grind
>Elden Ring is currently high on the SEO
>Funny little story about some guy solo fighting a hard boss with silly pot in head
>Instant clicks
We've already seen this before with the likes of GiantDad.

He fucks your wife and gives you a child

and he does it for free

Yes, normies should go back to fifa and cod.

I think the same way and I graduated high school 15 years ago...

Itt 55 faggots get mad at 1 meme lad doing the community a service and video game news actually reporting news on a video game and not just social justice shit.

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I give it roughly one more week before people here manage to link him to jews somehow.