

Attached: 1632030233505.jpg (705x518, 62.91K)

left = based
right = cringe


right = based
left = okay

Hex is better with big tits. Get over it.


Attached: 1497030417106.png (800x626, 67.66K)

So like why don't they just design characters like fan artists to begin with?

usually purist accuracy is it's not the point of fan art

Have you considered drawing your own art instead of bitching about what someone else made?

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i like how my pic become a meme

The pedo woke alliance basically destroyed everything

yes i am doing pretty well

"I don't like that!" isn't criticism. Stop looking for art you hate and create art you enjoy. Pissing and moaning online and then taking zero action is something faggots do. Are you a faggot?

Why do artists completely disregard the anatomy and proportions of the character they're depicting? It gets so out of hand that you'll get stuff like Tracer from Overwatch with the biggest tits and ass on earth even though she's quite slender. Honestly, if you're going to draw a character and then completely ignore what makes that character the character they are, why even bother drawing that character at that point? If it's so arbitrary that you can literally just swap out that character for literally anybody else.

Attached: 1628854323900.jpg (1065x859, 83.82K)

>your pic
>from somethingawful's anime board decades ago

because I want to see what tracer would look like with the biggest tits and ass on earth

Now post the Yea Forums comics that explain this phenomenon as aliens with sexy bodies enveloping all but the heads of cartoon characters.

>modder makes tweaks to a game to add things they enjoy
>artist makes tweaks to a character to add things they enjoy

But at that point it's not even Tracer, it's just a fatter character cosplaying as Tracer.

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Still better than making the character completely fat for the sake of fetishism

Despite what you might be thinking, there's nothing fundamentally illegitimate about wanting to explore what Tracer might look like with bigger tits, or fat as fuck, or anthropomorphic.

Yeah it's not complicated.

I do give actual criticism. It just doesnt matter because i am dealing people who dont care either way which sucks. And I don't go out of my way to find art I don't like, it's not that hard to accidentally come across


idk i have a lot of autism about making sure everything is exactly on model but it's never as popular as lizard brain coommaxxed proportions that you see blasted everywhere

degenerates aren't known for using their brains user

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cry about it

Iroha is the only one who breaks this rule


Find a different community then. Why surround yourself with people who enjoy things you hate?

God dang the right is built for BBC

I'm white fem if that matters

..but i really like art/fanart. I just stick to small groups of people who do actually like the thing I like. doesnt mean i cant say somethings garbage when i see it.

Post characters that usually get depicted in reverse.

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So we're back to "I don't like this so its garbage!". You don't get to dictate what an artist wants to draw. Ignore it, block them, or make your own content that you want to see. Nobody here knows you or cares what your specific interests are.


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Holy bbc!


that fupa

I like it.

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As long as it looks like them in the head and face it's not terrible, I hate when people draw ugly characters pretty.

>fanart matches the canon rendition
>pic rel

Attached: Dragon Milf strip by SunnyQ.jpg (2417x3295, 508.03K)

This but performing le jojo pose

all women should look like this
yes i know i won't get them, but they should

all women should look like this
yes i know i won't get them, but they should

Attached: 1622685183035.jpg (600x622, 23.19K)

>Didn't understand on-modelfags until I fell in love with a fictional character and off-model porn of them just looks wrong.

Off-model is for people who only care about the fetish, not the character.

Attached: 1616894573477.gif (220x220, 327.04K)

They have shit taste, simple as

>singular body type
>Singular face expression
What a fucking hack.

Attached: 1648813594550.jpg (2000x1038, 456.35K)

>forgot pic

Attached: 20220416_100735.jpg (1071x1545, 1.41M)

Depends on the character. If sex appeal is not inherently part of a character then oversexed fan art will seem OOC. If it is then it just feels like a natural extension of who they are.

I wish my waifu would get fanart in the first place.

Attached: booty.png (1443x604, 1.2M)

a deal's a deal!

And who is this?

I have mixed feelings on this. On the one hand, sometimes having it on model can make it feel more authentic (obviously), but on the other, sometimes allowing the artist to inject personal style can lead to something better. I've seen examples of both. I think all that matters ultimately is how appealing the art is, whether it's on model or not.

Zeron from Pandora's Tower. A superkinky antagonist who keeps showing off her curvy body in the various cutscenes.

Attached: Zeron in all her glory.png (666x502, 481.33K)

Only nigger would put their dick into Leopard.