Shitty f2p Korean MMOs...home.
Shitty f2p Korean MMOs...home
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this game is fucking me, f2p btw. my alt just hit t3.
ragnarok was pure kino
you arent fooling anyone with that 66 roster level
Alexina server merge just happened in Mabinogi
Logged in for the first time in 5 years
They fucked my name
Computer was too shit to run flyff so I played maplestory instead. Good times.
i have like 12 islands done nigga
Is L2 still alive in NA?
ALso what are the goto Korean games right now other than Lost Ark?
BDO in terms of popularity. modern Korean MMOs aren't very good.
I will never play a game made in mainland asia
>still playing RO
>and getting excited for new content
Koreans got me really fucking hard.
umaru is so cute
>Shitty korean mmos with shitty premium cash shops had soulful soundtracks
you fucking underaged fags don't know SHIT about Korean f2p MMOs
I had a bunch of fun with that WoW knockoff (like a complete ripoff) and that one that had the same aesthetic as jade empire. I forget both of their names. Oh and dungeon fighter(?)
Runes of Magic? I don't think that one was Korean.
Yep runes of magic, thank you. I'm sure the ones I posted aren't technically Korean but I wanted to share anyway.
seige tank was kino I don't care
>E10 RA Hawkies with Lightning Trails
yep it's gaming time
this game was the shit!
I remember every fucking I-Gear users went crazy for Ace Arrows, and that card that's used to unlock the ultimate skill costs 40M. good times
Does anyone remember one of these f2p mmos around 2005 ish where you controlled a group of like 12+ characters at once and fought other people with their own group of characters.
Based as fuck. I flew an M-gear as Baron Baron Baron von Baron.
A gears were cool as fuck
For me it was Fiesta.
Oh they merged? Thank Christ no longer stuck on a dead server
Is Lost Ark really as grindy as people say? I heard the same shit about Path of Exiles too but the grind only happens late/post-game.
Everything is timegated and once you reach tier 3(endgame) your progress slows to a crawl unless you play 3+ characters and funnel all materials towards your main while also buying out the pay2win cash shop, dailies take about an hour per character. Its a massive pay2win timesink but not really any grindier than other Korean MMOs are.
>what could've been
still breaks my heart
Fuck that sounds horrid. Anything positive that makes it worth playing? or is this one of those "stay well the fuck away" type of experiences?
yea the grind is pretty aids. At one point i played 6 hours a day but now i just play like 2 hours.
The combat is good and it has some fun knockoff D3 rifts and Monster Hunter-style raids, that's about it. It gets old real fast though.
Back when I played Tree of Savior, dailies on just 3 of my characters took about 6 hours to complete. Every. Single. Day.
I wasn't even doing all of them.
i wanted to like this shit more than new world but i haven't played in like 3 weeks. the gameplay is just like tree of savior but with different artstyle.
I did not care for Maplestory 1 at all back in the day but I tried Maplestory 2 on a larp and actually had a lot of fun
I was surprised when it died
Should've included MU and thst one with animal girls.
L2 wasn't shitty, the fuck are you on about?
New world is dead as shit lol
I had a lot of fun in new world but one day I just stopped playing. Got way too repetitive because they only have like 5 quests they just reskin
aren't they reviving flyff or something
What do you mean?
The only reason why i remember latale was because the huge amount of clothes that existed.
Any new grindy mmorpgs coming out this year?
>just started playing a base rate classic RO server with an extremely cozy population
Oh God this feels good. This is a game that never gets old.
I stopped playing 2 weeks ago I can't handle not having freedom. Maplestory is more my style.
Still waiting for Lineage 3
which server?
Ragnarok was originally subscription.
Fiesta, Uruga....home
Anyway where my Bijou bros at?
I would give everything to play release ToS again, I don't care if it's bugged it was pure kino actually running main quest dungeons and farming mats.
>More than 10 monsters appear on screen
>FPS plummets to single digits
true it was shitty but current ToS is beyong saving, they should just start again with the direct x update
>the comfy grinding
>meeting people
>oldschool party recruiting
>lore speculation
>the open world PvP/PK
You just....had to be there. It was such an exciting time. Are you ready?
>memories of clashing with other guilds in Kalima to seize control of the Kundun spawn to get the ancient drops
I want to go baaaaaaaackkkkkkk
Missing ROSE online
What do I even play now bros?
What are the MMOs that you can completely solo with probably some edits or gm commands or better yet, play with bots like what WoW has, in your own local server?
>I will never get to play action 6 DK square in Dekaron again
It hurts bros
so many memories....
I want to go back, SEAbros....
Any idiot can make a Ragnarok server and play with friends and turn it into a sandbox.
Imagine making a game
And the only good thing about it is the login screen