Change difficulty of games to easy

>Change difficulty of games to easy
>Actually enjoy video games now

Is there a reason to play games on ultra hard?

It IS just a video game after all, aren't they meant to be fun and relaxing?

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Although it is possible to enjoy a game for its story, atmosphere, characters, etc, the primary function of games comes down to the gameplay. The challenge.
Humans are hardwired to find challenge fun. As long as the challenge closely matches our skill level it will be enjoyable once it has been defeated.
Enjoyment on easy mode means either the gameplay is bad(dull, repetitive, unfun bullet sponges, horrible controls, etc) or the player is bad.

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I work 14 hour days with my pop, sometimes I want to just come home and play video games to relax and unwind, I put all my games on easy so I can just chill and enjoy them, nothing wrong with it.

They're not meant to be anything, curate your own experience dickass

If easy modes are allowed in games, why aren't easy modes allowed in anything else? You can't use an easy mode in sports. You can't use easy mode in art. You can't use easy mode in life or anywhere where an easy mode would actually matter. Out of all the things to get an easy mode, games (which are already easy as is) get one.

If you play on eady you lack the willpower to ever improve in life. Good luck douig it on shit that matters when you cant do it on small ones like a fucking video game lol.

>Is there a reason to play games on ultra hard?
yes, if you enjoy that more
if you don't enjoy that more, don't do it
not sure why this is a complicated issue for some people

difficulty levels are bullshit anyway, a well designed hard difficulty that isn't "you deal less damage, enemies deal more" is rare

games aren't fun unless they are challenging, or you are a casual, which is embarrassing
that sounds like your problem, wageslave

>You can't use an easy mode in sports
This is bait to try and pull the thread off topic, don't take it fellas
MtF competing in women's sports disciplines
PED use

>He thinks beating a game on ultra hard is some kind of achievement that will earn him something in life

Yikes, you guys are sad, it's a video game.

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You're supposed to play on hard and break the game to make it easy.

I think the difficulty just below the hardest is generally the best, making the game challenging without provoking frustration.

there's a place for brain dead retarded baby mode game modes so dumb norms like who want to """"unwind"""" (what the fuck does that mean?) can do so without feeling sad that they're useless

but us adult gamers are just fine with the ultra hard settings

If you're going to play a game on a difficulty designed for children and retards then you should at least embrace being a shitter instead of trying to cope with stupid excuses like muh real life or muh responsibilities like There's no reason to try to save face on the internet.

It's nice when there's an incentive for harder difficulties.

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This is why God invented the Personal Computer. Unlimited modding potential, to tailor a game to your exact desires.
A true connoisseur does not concern himself with the opinions of others. Does he not enjoy a game? It changes to meet his will.

I am only okay with difficulty adding more enemies or twists to currently existing enemies. That is adding gameplay. If it just makes take hits twice as hard and the enemies become sponges for damage. Then why bother putting it in.

>who want to """"unwind"""" (what the fuck does that mean?)
Normal people who have social lives and also work for a living tend to have very long days, so when they eventually get back home they just want to do something relaxing to help them get ready for sleep, people on Yea Forums wouldn't understand.

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>adult gamers
If you were an actual adult you wouldn't word it like that, gotta be 18+ to post here, bud.

I like when hard difficulties encourage you to use every mechanic the game has. I like feeling pressured to use rare consumables in boss fights.

So why play video games? They are inherently about being challenged. It's the shittiest medium you could pick for "relaxing."

user is going on a vacation

Because they're video games, they're meant to be relaxing, think about how many games in today's world come with a "insanely easy" mode that basically makes you a God, it's because video game companies want their games to be more relaxing and more about the story

Hell even God of War came with a "Story mode" setting, you can still enjoy video games without them being insanely hard for little to no reward.

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The problem is that these types of people (, , aka normalfags) exclusively play moviegames, where gameplay sections are just filler between the next cutscene or action setpiece. For people who play good games (me), the game loses all entertainment value on easy mode.

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>it's because video game companies want their games to be more relaxing and more about the story
No, it's because it increases sales.
>you can still enjoy video games without them being insanely hard for little to no reward
Nobody said anything about making them insanely hard. But if you want to relax after a day of work, why in the world would you choose to engage with a medium which is inherently about presenting challenges to the player? Wouldn't you want to read a book or watch TV or something else that is a more passive experience?

As illustrated in , they call easy mode "story mode", because they know the people who """play""" those games don't actually care about the gameplay. Hence the term moviegame

>who want to """"unwind"""" (what the fuck does that mean?)
t. manchild neet

The only games nowadays that have any sort of challenge are NEET indie games that barely anyone plays, the future of gaming is casual as shit and there's nothing you nerds can do about it.

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>Is there a reason to play games on ultra hard?

not unless they add mechanics (which they never do). High difficulties are pointless, just play normal/easy.

pieces of shit like you are the reason us hardcore gamers get laughed at

There are no hardcore gamers anymore, because there are no hardcore games.

>there are no hardcore games
Have you beaten Boshy, Kamilia, or any IWBTG fangame?

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Games are toys. Play with them however you want.

What a retarded response. If you're getting ready to sleep you might as well put Bob Ross. Games are supposed to keep you aware of what's happening. Even in baby mode you have to pay attention which is the last thing you wanna do if you're getting ready to sleep.


This. But on some level, I get it. Film is completely passive, and games are often very active. An easy mode sits in the middle where its not completely passive, but not completely active.

I think where people get annoyed is playing and conquering is part of the experience. If you dampen that, you pervert the experience. You wouldn't read a synopsis of a movie and tell someone you watched it so it seems weird to remove the most defining part of an interactive experience and claim you "beat it".

I can think of a thousand more things to do that are fun and relaxing. I'm not really sure why you would play on easy, I never understood it. Just watch someone else play or watch a movie if you don't want to interact with the game.

Play games the way they're fun and enjoyable to you. Fuck anything anyone says otherwise.

Exactly, they're video games, not exactly the world's biggest achievement even if you beat it on the hardest setting.

>either the gameplay is bad
this one

I have all sorts of other, real problems in life to challenge me, user. I don't need to come home after a long day of work and have my ass handed to me over and over by some combo-spamming anime boss nonsense. I'd rather just enjoy the power fantasy and the atmosphere of the virtual world.
I think people who are more secure with themselves and have more fulfilling lives are probably more likely to not see easy mode as some kind of sin.

Gamers and gamer culture were a mistake.

Autistic literal children. You must be 18 to post here.
If not, you are a very sad excuse for an adult.

Based open minded chad.

play how ever the fuck you want, who gives a shit
literally nobody gives a shit about you
if you play all souls games only with cheats, okay whatever
I don't think it's fun so I don't do it
why do you give a shit

problem is only when easy moders wanna talk about a game with hard moders, two completely different gameplay

easy isnt fun
challenge is fun
pic related, it's you having "fun"

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fun is subjective retard

If you wanna learn something about the game, if you want to improve your skill with the game, or if you enjoy a challenge, those are all viable reasons to play on harder difficulties. But people who put importance in learning, mastering, or 'gaining' something outside of the game itself, that means they have nothing to show for their life so they desperately need to cling to their game achievements for validation, anyone that doesn't take the game as seriously as them is therefor directly denying their existence by not taking it as seriously as them.
It's basic psychology.

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>You can't use an easy mode in sports.
Trans women in women's sports.
>You can't use easy mode in art
Liberal arts.
>You can't use easy mode in life
Be rich, or white, or both.

If it takes a VIDEO GAME to help you grow as a person, your parents have failed you and you should feel bad that you rely on video games to improve yourself as a person.

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Basically. Cheating in PVP is objectively wrong on moral grounds.
But beyond that, playing on easy mode, cheating in single-player games. Cheating in co-op games if people playing with you don't mind. If you get entertainment out of it, you're doing it correctly. But If you're talking down to people for enjoying games differently from you, then you're the one who has failed to learn anything.
Like there's genuinely nothing wrong with taking games seriously. Esports people make money off it, streamers and tubelords make money of it. If it's something that can be used to pave a path to success then by all means take it seriously. But when people demand this same level of attention from those playing casually or for entertainment it's cringy as fuck.
I saw this one dude on youtube posted a video about reporting cheaters in animal crossing, and I was like holy shit what's going on here am I gonna get hacked? Because I was playing AC at the time. This motehrfucker was running a crusade on people that had a star tree fruit on their island which apparently can't be grown without cheating. And it was like a 40 minute video. And he was serious about it too, reporting them and inciting witch hunts. It's only after I went to block his channel so I don't see that garbage ever again that I notice he was a furry. Explains a lot.

If you think it's fun putting pieces where they fit, no matter how easy, it is fun.

>challenge is fun
Oh is that why you retards are always smiling?

>is there a reason to play games on ultra hard?
Yeah, games where the gameplay is a significant factor benefit greatly from a high difficulty level, because it FEELS fun to play them.
You can bet your ass I wouldn't play Guitar Hero even now in 2022 if it didn't get harder than Easy. Easy is not fun to play. Expert is fun to play.

The game isn’t fun if I’m not challenged. If a story game is too easy it breaks my immersion as well

>Easy Mode
How lame!

easy makes me sleepy

Why would I want to play an easy game that requires me to shut-off my brain and mindlessly spam a single button and achieve victory with my eyes closed?
My man, if you do this for every game please consider a different hobby.
Big part of the fun comes with the immersion of a videogame, making you feel take part of the world. This is something NPCs are not capable of understanding. And while you may disagree on wanting to play a game with a moderate level of challenge, at least you could understand where am I going with this.
If you desire to "play" a game on the easiest difficulty, then consider watching a muted let's play on youtube, unless you are playing a game like STALKER where making it easier makes it harder, or zomboid, a game whose difficulty can easily snowball into an overwhelming mess.

some people enjoy being challenged and some people just are challenged

>past the age of 20
>bitching about difficulty
UNIRONICALLY do something else or play different games aimed towards brainlets, easy difficulty makes my head hurt from all the pandering that there it is to make nobrainers feel smart
My raid team got 4 old ass people ranging from 42 to 64 and we get to first-week clears on the hardest difficulty.

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I spent way too much time on this

T1 (Guru)
T2 (King)
T3 (Lord)
T4 (Elder Lord)
T5 (Failed Chosen One)
T6 (Ancient Being)
T7(Chosen One)
T8 (Demi-God)
T9 (Lesser God)
T10 (God)
T11 (Old God)
T12 (Elder God)
T13 (Cosmic Diety)
T14 (Eternal Being)
T15 (Meta-Reality Construct)
T16 (The One)

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Most games have shit difficulty settings. Usually you are not making game more difficult but more tedious and often because of different enemy properities muscle memory doesn't translate well between different difficulties.

>elden lord

but the retard appears to be challaged so he is having fun

I don't know why you'd even want a hobby like video games if you just wanna hold a controller and watch a cool game (see: movie) play out in front of you. Also nearly every games normal and hard mode are usually extremely easy as well.

You only watch Marvel movies too, right?

I don't get fun playing piss easy games, simple as

this was a shit implementation of it though. all there was to do was push these rifts and then if you got stuck grind the highest one you can until you got better gear.

it was stupid as fuck because it just encouraged you to use a guide so you could get better gear quicker.

You are the same kind of person who complains when a company doesnt promote you over someone else who put in the hard effort, and then bitches to all their friends about how life isnt fair
>B-b-buh im just talking about video games!
Its the mentality, and I garuntee you it shows in your real life performance as well

agreed, but I also lose enjoyment if I'm grinding something hard as fuck but know I could just lower the difficulty at any point.

truly no difficulty selection is the kino choice. That way you know each and every challenge is being played at the intended difficulty

Easy, normal, hard whatever makes the game more fun for you. Not surprised you're getting shit for saying this on Yea Forums. This board is filled with fucking try hards.

most games who have difficulty option are usually just hp/dmg slider so you can't go wrong with normal, rarely where you would see a developer making the extra work for difficulties.
the way i see it is most game should have the same difficulty in the first playthrough (having the game start with one difficulty will make the game more balanced and fair) and keep making it harder with every ng+.
at this point just grab a popcorn and a drink, sit back and watch a playthrough, that's a better way to relax.

easy mode is fine if thats how you make your game. What isn't okay is this reddit fucking dev message.