She beat the game.
She beat the game
is this real
>rivers of blood
>rivers of blood
if she didn't beat the game then im not going to worry about using an easy mode mod next time, clearly nothing is beating the game besides STR with no summons
I kneel
>clearly nothing is beating the game besides STR with no summons
>hardest game in the world
how will fromdrones cope now? that shes not sl1 and using some retarded rules that not even they follow?
>tfw no qt ddr gf
from games sure are hard huh
It doesnt matter, she won the game using a fucking DDR pad, niggers.
YOU DO IT, then if it's so goddamn easy.
I say she beat the game.Now if she wins the game again WITHOUT Rivers of Blood, then she is more of a man than most of us.
>rivers of blood
she didn't beat the game
It doesnt matter. The DDR pad difficulty rise would make it that so that she's allowed to use any weapon by default.All that cardio too?Your fat fuck too probably couldnt even breath after ten seconds.
>YOU DO IT, then if it's so goddamn easy.
I'm rich, idgaf.
I don't give two FUCKS if you're second hand pissy and still want to post.
Yeah strfags are the biggest spergs in souls threads, who could have thought.
Ah, I remember the video of her pet rabbit beating the cleric beast
>She beat the game.
>Killing an optional boss that doesn't trigger the credits
you didn't win the argument
>River of blood
Pure simp behavior
>corpse piler
If you ever see someone say they beat Malenia with this shit, just remember a fucking thot was able to on a dance pad. It's literally not even playing the fucking game.
lol wouldnt it be funny if the dancepad was my face haha
Most people beat her first try with this. That's the level you're on with this wep. Try playing the game once before posting.
yeah, she does tons of games, and all the souls, on a dance pad eventually
>Flask +12
>leveled Vigor
>Rivers of Blood
She didn't beat it.
>look this shit up
I hate women but this bitch is impressively autistic. I kneel.
Retards really ARE willing to do literally anything for attention it seems.
Here you go, user
You never beat it
>she beat the game
>rivers of blood
you can only choose one
Reminder that majority of Yea Forums still unironically calls the souls games one of the hardest ever made, while even r*ddit admits they are not.
>You didn't beat it if you used Rivers of blood YOU JUST DIDN'T, OKAY!?
correct opinion
anyone who disagrees hasn't beaten her
From put it in the game.
>overleveled RoB L2 spam
No he sure didn't.
man you sure like to see these miserable fucks sperg
>every little hit causes stagger
lmao didn't beat the game
bare fists or gtfo
This gf... it was made for me!!
fromsoft didnt beat the game
hey, we dont criticize our god Fromsoft, we only criticize players, especially if it's a woman
I wonder how she fares against human opponents
likely trannymages who'd shit themselves in frustration if they ever had to use a ddr pad
If this boss is so unfair how come this woman could beat her with a DDR machine? You faggots couldn't even first try this with rivers of blood on controller.
does she get naked?
Only thing this shows is what a joke Rivers of Blood is
She won.
god I wish I was that DDR pad
>any bleed
>any frost
>any parries
>any shields
>any weapon skills
>any magic
>any powerstancing
Challenge runs have been pretty boring to watch for this one. Think it's just too open and easy to skip too much.
I can't believe nobody beat Elden Ring. Miyazaki, I kneel.
I think the problem is it's really too much of the same shit we've seen before in terms of gameplay. There's only so much challenge you can squeeze out of dodge rolling attacks and poking the enemy to death.
name pls? I'd like to contribute
4D chess- developers make you use dance moves to defeat a boss, is a hidden concept where everyone using regular controllers can't win
>rivers of blood
from didn't finish the game balance
What does that have to do with beating it on a dance pad?
didn't you hear him? he's rich, that means you lose
>Some streamer can beat Elden Ring on a DDR mat
>I got filtered at Capra Demon back when I played Dark Souls and never played a Souls game again
God I'm a shitter