How much are you willing to bet on wether or not Jim will come back for the 3rd movie?

how much are you willing to bet on wether or not Jim will come back for the 3rd movie?
i'm betting that hes not coming back and the 3rd movie is going to suck so hard it will destroy the franchise and maybe if we are lucky get a reboot of some some sort like what happened to rami spiderman

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Other urls found in this thread:

if he doesnt play as a fatass robotnik then hope he khs

He's coming back without question
The real question is what the fuck is the third movie gonna be about with Shadow?
Is it gonna be Adventure 2? There's genuinely so much to fucking unpack if they do that with characters, plotpoints everything

You can cover all the important materials in one movie. Some of you guys are seriously retarded and expect films to be 1:1 adaptions. This has never ever been the case with any movie adaption.

Yeah I get that user but seriously
Adventure 2 has so much to unpack
>Death Egg
>Chaos Control

Shadow is the gateway into deep sonic autism and I don't know how they're gonna work any of it into something that isn't semi-serious

He wants to but the higher ups wont let him

tfw no archie sonic cinematic universe

He seems to really enjoy the role, so I'm betting he'll come back.

Gerald, Maria, Ark can all be done in an exposition scene between Stone and Eggman.
Fowler doesn't want to bring in Rouge, and to tell the basic story for SA2, she isn't really needed. She is not that crucial and can have her actions replaced.
Amy is definitely going to be there. They're going to want to expand their market demographic in the next film. Demos were 61% guys, 39% women for Sonic 2. A girl character like Amy will help in that regard especially when they try to push merchandise. Chaos Control and Biolizard can be told in a similar fashion to the Master Emerald flashback in Sonic 2.
This is not that hard. What will be hard is them shoving human characters into the story again.

None because Nintendo won

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You can not convince me they aren't saving Live and Learn for Sonic 3, which will be a loose telling of the Adventures 2 plot.

Alright all that's pretty plausible
I'm just praying they keep the Biolizard and give us a bit of appreciation for SA2's soundtrack with some tasteful renditions

>Shadow without Rouge

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>Fowler doesn't want to bring in Rouge
Tremendously homosexual.

Are you ready for the Shadow the Hedgehog movie after Sonic 3?

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>Fowler doesn't want to bring in Rouge,
I mean that fucking sucks, but I get why. He probably realizes that if he included her corporate would require her to be toned down and basically ruin the character.

So will the third movie be a mix of SA2/Heroes?

It's not that hard if you just subtract all this cool shit that made the story fun.

It be too many characters to throw into a film. You still have to give Knuckles and Tails some screen time and a majority of the film will still be Sonic and Robotnik going back and forth plus whatever stupid human side story they're going to forcibly shove in. Rouge would just get in the way. She doesn't really add anything to the dynamic.

go to bed miyamoto

Heros would be its own movie, too much stuff to introduce to be in the same movie as sonic 2.
The entire Shadow clone plot can be its own movie

If 3 is gonna be an adaptation of Sonic Adventure 2, then they would have to cover the soundtrack.

The only thing I subtracted was Rouge. What the fuck are you babbling about.

Explain to me how they explain the Death Egg
How do you just INTRODUCE something of that size for a third movie without everyone on earth collectively shitting themselves and causing a stir

Damn. I want to see fat bastard Eggman Carrey tho..

excuse me, Ark
they're a little similar

>>Death Egg
>Chaos Control
We already got this in the second movie. Remember Eggman warping after getting the Master Emerald's power? Chaos Control.
He even literally says "Chaos, is, POWER" which is literally Tikal's quote of the Chaos Emerald ritial speech. It's even a green energy warp like when Shadow used it in SA2.

The only thing we need is Maria and Gerald. The Biolizard is going to be replaced by Chaos. We don't need neither Amy or Rouge because they have no mandatory present with shadow that couldn't be replaced by other characters already in the movie series

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I mean Ark was designed by Eggman's grandpa.

Hes gonna be brought back as a fat robot like in the comics, giving him the classic look. His head would have survived and been put in a jar atop the fat robot body

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>The only thing we need is Maria and Gerald. The Biolizard is going to be replaced by Chaos. We don't need neither Amy or Rouge because they have no mandatory present with shadow that couldn't be replaced by other characters already in the movie series
I bet some exec is insisting on giving sonic a love interest. So Amy might not be totally out of the question.

>Biolizard is going to be replaced
But I like the Biolizard
I want a Supporting Me remix

I'm kinda hoping that after the trilogy is over (be honest, it'll be a trilogy) we get a directors cut or a fan edit of this movie. Get rid of all the annoying pop culture references and stupid filler meme garbage and these movies would be perfect kino. Knowing sonic fans it would happen

>Third Movie goes into the Echidna Lore
>Penders has the mother of all 'tism freakouts.

>How do you just INTRODUCE something of that size for a third movie without everyone on earth collectively shitting themselves and causing a stir
Eggman takes over Times Square
He points at the moon
That easy

Ohonestly, if they heed the complains about the humans in the movie, Amy might just replace Raheal as the sassy hedgehog lady since that was literally how old amy was

Which is just going to suck for nostalgiafags because "WAH YOU MADE AMY A NIGNOG!" Even tho her entire character after SA1 was "I'm going to proof Sonic I'm worthy, I'm going to be independent and need no hedgehog to save me, that will show him!"

Jim Carrey isn't a very good actor. Why do people like him?

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All this could have been fixed if they just went with The SA1 plot and Chaos for the third movie.

I would have given Sonic, Knuckles and Tails time to gel. It could have introduced Amy in an obstructiveness way.

Exposing events through dialogue isn't the same as including events. You can't just gloss over major events like that. Also, why do you think Amy is important to the movie but Rouge isn't? Rouge has a connection to Gun. She helps find the shards of the master emerald. She helps find actual chaos emeralds. And she unearth's Shadow's identity and reveals it to him. So by removing her, you have to rewrite a lot of stuff to make up for her absence.

Meanwhile, Amy adds next to nothing during the SA2 plot. Save for that time she rescued Sonic. But truly, anyone could have done that. Hell, Rouge could have saved Sonic to just make her more of a mystery. Since she is a double agent and all. No body really knows which side she's on. She might find it advantageous to assist Sonic.

>Jim Carrey jumps on screen with a big fat suit

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Don't you get tired of being a jaded cunt all the time?

Rouge would be an addition to a solo Shadow movie to give him a support cast but that shit is too much for what can realistically be expected.

He gets a TV show like Knuckles


He already did with this movie. He's planning to sue paramount.
They won't drop the donut lord and co.
Because his retardation and autism is entertaining and makes bad movies tolerable. See batman forever

Remember when the first trailer came out and everyone rightfully demolished the sonic movie and then the studio put a bunch of money into changing things and made something really good?
That's so fucking rare, especially for video game movies.

Sonic 3 will be the ultimate deciding point of whether they indulge the full extent of the sonic autism or play it incredibly safe and water everything down

damn i never would've thought that paramount would be the ones to send penders into bankruptcy theres no way he's winning shit


>Chris Chan will never get to see Sonic 2 or 3.


>So by removing her, you have to rewrite a lot of stuff to make up for her absence.
They're already going to "rewrite" stuff. They've been doing it since movie 1. You morons keep acting as if they're doing straight 1:1 game adaptions and there is absolutely no room for modifications. This is not the game canon. Movie Sonic is taking key story beats from various sources to craft their own film.
I told you why Amy would be included. It would be down to a business and marketing decision. Amy is a far easier character to market to girls of all ages. They've been using the hell out of her classic design for merchandise. They cna capture the little girl market through future movie tie in merch and expand their movie demographic to get a bigger box office draw next film. You beef up her role as a one way love interest. Rouge would have to go through a butchering process to match Amy's marketability which you would all seethe so why ask for it? She's better off rounding out the cast in a Shadow spin-off. If Sonic 3 is a success, Shadow WILL get a spin-off.

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the echidna lore is definitely gonna be saved for Knuckles series

Only Sonic autism has that capability.

>Not Adapting the most story focused Sonic game.

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I'm honestly very curious of how the first Mario movie will fare with audience reactions. I don't think Illumination is thay special when it comes to their character renders or animation so it's gonna be stale as hell.

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>if we are lucky get a reboot
>reboots good and should be hoped for
it's ok for a series to just stop man. im tired of seeing the same old thing just with a new coat of paint. aren't you ?
can't we just let something lie and be happy it came out at all instead? please ?

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I legit think Shade will show up in the Knuckles show.

And Penders will burst a blood vessel

>I'm just praying they keep the Biolizard and give us a bit of appreciation for SA2's soundtrack with some tasteful renditions
Sorry user but we live in a universe that is far too gay to allow us to walk into the cinema and get to hear TO THE PRESSURE, EVERYTHING'S JUST LIIIIKKEE

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If this doesn't play as Shadow is introduced while he kicks a group of enemies asses in Sonic 3 I will be unhappy


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You have all the corporate shill answers, and none of the artistic ones.

Amy is going to be butchered too. Because in today's feminist landscape, you can't have a female character's entire identity be that she's obsessed with the main male character. So they're either going to make her more mature and sassy/sarcastic. Or they're going to make her more wacky and random.

So enjoy your corporate cuck version of Amy who don't need no man.

>You have all the corporate shill answers, and none of the artistic ones.
This entire movie franchise was created to suck money. You're incredibly fucking stupid, it's amazing you have the capability to post.

>You will never hear Supporting Me set to a slow motion action setpiece in the movieverse

>So they're either going to make her more mature and sassy/sarcastic.
Sonic Boom already did that.

Fuck the Archie universe and Penders in general.

>Amy is going to be butchered too

Dumb bitch I grew up hating Amy and her kind, fuck her, absolute trash.

They better re-write her.

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What if they bring in Blaze instead of Amy or Rouge.

I can imagine an instrumental of it being the panicky-background theme to the movie approaching Final Hazard until it kicks into Live and Learn later
just kidding there's no way they'd make shit that hype

I'd be fully on board if Amy was like a copypaste of Lola Bunny from this show.

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How about this machine

how much do you want to beg the third movie will be sonic cd's plot but using shadow instead of metal

This show had no right to be as funny as it was. I caught some episodes on Boomerang not long ago when I didn't have anything better to do and was shocked that a modern cartoon had some quality and humor in it.

Then I looked it up and saw the initial air date was 2011 or something so it was just before the world went fucking insane and fun became banned

If Live & Learn doesn't play during the next movie, I'm going to burn Hollywood to the ground.

>If Live & Learn doesn't play during the next movie, I'm going to burn Hollywood to the ground.

Only if they're fighting Final Hazard while Space Station arc is burning in the atmosphere

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I agree
You can't play Live and Learn over another Robotnik fight or over shit like Chaos
It has to be Final Hazard or it loses all points

the movie was so watered down compared to the first one

PEAK KINO: when eggman steals the compass
Runner up: The ruskis

and every other questionable thing tails did
i mean i know bromances are supposed to be kinda gay by nature but goddamn


like easy tails

and dont get me started on tails eyelashes